Student Spotlight: Dara Rubio, #TXMS Marketing

photo of Dara RubioUndergraduate University: Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey

Undergraduate Major: Industrial Design

About Dara: I am an industrial designer from Mexico, with experience working on marketing, UX/UI design, brand and product development and graphic design areas. I am passionate about creating solutions, jewelry design, dance, sharing significant moments with the ones I love and work for causes with social impact. Also, being with my gorgeous Blue Heeler dog and being involved in outdoor activities are things that I really enjoy to do.

Proudest Accomplishment: My proudest accomplishment is being where I am now. A woman whom through her personal and professional perspectives has learned that one of the most important things in life is to keep moving forward and learning from experiences no matter what. Nevertheless, there are a few things that I would never change in my life such as my participation in different social projects since I was young and my accomplishments within my dancing career.

Why did you choose the MSM program? Being a UT Austin MSM student is one of the most significant steps I have made in my professional career. From the beginning of my path towards my acceptance in the University of Texas at Austin I knew that the MSM program would help me build my professional career towards working within an NGO, Non Profit Organization, or Social Project within a business company. I was convinced that along with the creative background I would also be developing a skillset based on best practices supported by analytical work-frame within the Marketing field.

What have you enjoyed during your time in the program? Being an MSM program graduate student at the University of Texas at Austin and during a global pandemic is not easy; as students, we must be mentalized that is an intensive program but also that we have a handful of learning tools, mentors, and connection opportunities to make everything smoother. To mention only one thing that I have enjoyed during my tenure in this program is hard because there are too many.

I still have the privilege of being part of a unique and talented group of people, professors and coaches that are willing to share their expertise, and through teamwork that helps achieving individual and collective goals. Personally, I have been guided and supported by our MSM program Coordinator Andrea Gonzalez, our MS Career Coach Gina Chen, professors such as Karen Starns, Shannon Provost, Chris Kroeger, Sandy Leeds, and all the professors who have been there available to mentor me.
I am surrounded by wonderful students who have become friends. We are working in multicultural and multidisciplinary teams, that make us learn from each other, we are building good moments together, but also good memories.
Finally, but not less important, I am also privileged of witnessing how this program helps us understand a whole new perspective of what marketing is, a whole area across quantitative, qualitative, and human aspects.

Student Spotlight: Cole Trevor-Wilson, #TXMS IT & Management

headshot of Cole Trevor-WilsonUndergraduate University: University of Texas at Austin

Undergraduate Major: Management Information Systems

About Cole: I am from San Antonio, Texas. I interned as a technology consultant for Protiviti, was a technology product intern for Camp Gladiator, and worked for the MS Programs Office as a technician-analyst. I am playing in my final season for the UT men’s soccer team this year. For fun, I like to explore restaurants around Austin, paddleboard, and play disc golf with friends.

Proudest Accomplishment: My proudest accomplishment was playing college soccer at UT Dallas before I transferred to UT Austin. My family sacrificed a lot of me to be able to travel and play across the US, so it was an accomplishment that was a long time in the making and I am glad I had the opportunity to experience it.

Why did you choose the MSITM program? I felt like there was more for me to learn after I completed my undergrad coursework, and the MSITM program at UT was the most logical option for me since I could apply as a Bridge student. I also wanted the opportunity to increase my value to companies as I came out of college.

What are you most looking forward to this year? I am looking forward to creating lasting relationships with my MSITM peers, learning more about emerging technologies, and gaining experience in a applying these technologies to real-world business applications. I am also looking forward to expanding my knowledge in cybersecurity.

Student Spotlight: Marielle Pecson, #TXMS Marketing

headshot of MarielleUndergraduate Institution: University of Central Florida

Undergraduate Major: BSBA in Marketing with a minor in International Business

About Marielle: Photography has always been a passion of mine ever since I was a young child, and I decided to take the jump to start my own freelance photography business during my undergraduate degree. Three years later, and I still get that spark of excitement every time I capture the perfect moment for my clients. I caught the travel bug when I was very young, and I have had the opportunity to travel to over 27 countries, with my next stop hopefully being Japan one day. Born in Hawaii and raised in Florida, I’m usually found near the water and exploring the different springs and beaches the area has to offer. But now that Austin is my new home, I’m on the search for the perfect spot for birria tacos!

Proudest Accomplishment: Honestly, my proudest academic accomplishment was actually getting accepted into the MSM program here at McCombs. UT Austin has been a dream school of mine ever since I was a Freshman in high school, and getting to that point of opening the acceptance letter was truly a full circle moment for me. My undergraduate experience had not been easy, and the application process most definitely pushed me to my limits. Yet when I realized I got accepted into one of the top MSM programs in the entire country, it was the wake up call I needed to realize that hard work really does pay off. If there is one thing that this process has taught me yet, it’s that you should never underestimate the power you have as long as you try your best!

Why did you choose the MSM Program? The MSM program is one that has been crafted by some of the most knowledgeable and experienced figures in the marketing industry, and it shows. I knew that the MSM program at UT Austin was the perfect fit for me with its world renowned faculty and staff, exceptional networking opportunities, and a city that has continued to be a leader in both growth and innovation. Not only does this program provide you the tools and resources to succeed, but you are surrounded by likeminded individuals who are willing to put in the real work. This community will push you out of your comfort zone so that you are able to take advantage of the opportunities in front of you. Even though it is just the first semester, I am so excited to see how my cohort and I will grow and learn together through this journey.

What are you most looking forward to this year? I am very excited to dive deeper into the marketing curriculum this upcoming Fall and Spring as the MSM program offers courses that I would have never had the opportunity to take in my undergraduate degree. Classes like Data Analytics and Design Thinking are very intriguing to me and I’m looking forward to becoming more articulate in the language of digital marketing.


Student Spotlight: Mahika Bansal, #TXMS Business Analytics

Headshot of Mahika Bansal, MSBA studentUndergraduate Institution: IIT Roorkee

Undergraduate Major: BTech

About Mahika: I had been working as a business analyst and have come to UT Austin to pursue MSBA. I’m from India and a complete foodie! Love to dance and discuss Marvel theories. I’ve been dreaming to get my pic clicked in front of UT Tower for the past 2 years.

Proudest Accomplishment: Getting into two of the most esteemed colleges: IIT Roorkee in India and UT Austin and playing basketball at state level.

Why did you choose the MSBA Program? Having 3 years of prior experience in business analytics, I felt it was the right time to go for a Masters in the field to update myself. The program offers in-depth learning in such a well structured manner, along with practical applications to real world use cases. Meeting new people in such a diverse class, learning about new cultures and traditions is another factor that motivated me.

What are you most looking forward to this year? 1. Learning new things every day. 2. Meeting new people and learning about their culture. 3. Making friends. 4. Austin, food, and live music!


Application Tips: Letters of Recommendation

Things to consider when working on your recommendation letters
One of the first things you’ll want to think about when starting your application to the McCombs Master of Science Programs is who you’d like to write your letters of recommendation. The most effective letters will describe an applicant’s quantitative skills and intellectual ability. For MSITM, letters should also emphasize the applicant’s programming ability. We’ve provided some helpful hints below to get you started:

How many letters of recommendation are required?

You are required to have 2 letters as part of your application.

Should my letters come from academic or professional sources?

The admissions committees of each program highly recommend that at least one letter (or two for MSITM) come from an academic reference. You are welcome to have all of your letters come from academic references, or professional references will also be considered. When thinking about your letters, consider the amount of time you’ve been out of school. For those with significant work experience, it may be more appropriate to have your letters come from professional references. Applicants who are recent graduates may fine that their professors are best suited to discuss their qualifications.

When should I complete the recommendation section in my application?

Complete this part of your application first. Recommendation letters should be received by the application deadline, so you want to give your recommenders plenty of time to complete these requests. Letters of recommendation are received directly from the recommender via a secure portal. While completing your application, you will be able to send your recommender an invitation to access this secure portal to submit their recommendation. Contact your recommenders as soon as possible to let them know they’ll receive an email once you save the section. Sometimes these emails end up in a junk folder. Once your letter of recommendation is received, you will receive an automated email. You can monitor the status of your recommendations on your McCombs application status page and resent notifications and reminders from within the application as needed.

What else should I think about when considering my recommenders?

The admissions committees of each program want to hear from academic and professional references who know you well and can speak to your abilities. These are typically professors and supervisors that you have engaged with throughout your academic and professional careers. We recommend meeting with the person you’d like to write a letter for you and discuss your interests in the program and why you think they would be a good person to speak to your qualifications. Be mindful of the time commitment and give them as much of advance notice as possible.

Questions about recommendation letters or any other application components? We are here to help! Send us an email at

Student Spotlight: Ella Akl, #TXMS IT & Management

Photo of Ella

Undergraduate University: George Mason University

Undergraduate Major: Information Technology

About Ella: I am a DC-native with a passion for technology and a love for helping others. I pride myself on being driven and adaptable, which are two qualities I strongly believe attributed to my being where I am today. I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in IT and now I am here, in the MSITM program, where I get the chance to learn all of the latest technologies hands-on and how those can be leveraged in business operations! Having witnessed the rapid growth and widespread adoption of technology, I became intrigued by the endless possibilities on how it could change the world and knew I wanted to be a part of that exciting movement. One day I envision myself helping businesses achieve their goals by being client-focused and technically apt in designing necessary solutions to their business challenges. In my free time, you can find me doing water activities, hiking, photography, or spending time with friends and family. I love new experiences, meeting new people, and always looking for ways to maximize my social circle. I have a very optimistic viewpoint and thrive on laughter and finding life’s joys, no matter how small.

Proudest Accomplishment: My proudest accomplishment has been my move to Austin, TX to start my journey in the MSITM program. Prior to my move, I had never lived away from my parents and the comfort of “home,” so I thought this change was a great way to push myself out of my comfort zone. While I was excited for something new, there were many hurdles along the way, such as moving amidst the pandemic, never having been to Texas before, and not knowing a soul in Austin. Knowing that getting my Master’s degree from the McCombs School of Business was something I undoubtedly wanted and worked hard for, I was willing to take that leap of faith and tackle those uncertainties and fears. After living in Austin for the last few months, I have surprised myself every step of the way with my adaptability and I can proudly say that my journey here so far has been the best time of my life!

Why did you choose the MSITM Program? Coming from a technical background, I knew I wanted to find a graduate program that would provide exposure to the business side of technology. I searched long and hard for a school that offered such a curriculum which eventually led me to find MSITM. This program is a perfect blend of technical coursework combined with a strong business core, both of which are needed to successfully solve pain points. The tech-nerd in me is exhilarated by the program’s cutting-edge curriculum which focuses on emerging technologies taught by some of the most brilliant professors in the industry. Simply put, the quality of education that you receive at McCombs is unmatched. My decision to choose the MSITM program was the easiest decision I have ever made!

What are you most looking forward to this year? Being in the MSITM program is like being a kid in a candy store – there is so much to be excited about every day. I am looking forward to learning from amazing professors, building my network through career events, and developing unforgettable bonds with my cohort. Most importantly, I am excited for the personal and professional growth that comes from being in a rigorous program, such as MSITM.

Student Spotlight: Leo Liu, MS Marketing

Photo of Leo Liu, MS Marketing Class of 2021Program: MS Marketing

Undergraduate University and Major: UT Austin ’20, Radio-Television-Film, Economics, & Mathematics

About Leo: I’m a creative, passionate, and motivated film enthusiast, combined with a data aficionado. I’m currently mixing up my passion for creative production with my love of data analytics, and applying them to practice. In my free time, you can find me at the movies, running, hiking, or traveling.

Proudest Accomplishment: I’d love to talk about this in numbers! 1, 2, & 3 are magic numbers for me. I’ve earned 3 Bachelor’s degrees and 2 certificates at 1 university with 2 internships in 3 years! UT’s been really teaching me how to push myself out of my comfort zone and to be a master of time management.

Why did you choose the MSM program? MSM is a perfect fusion of developing creative skills and quantitative reasoning abilities. Here I can find brilliant peers and world class professors to enrich my perspectives. It also offers an unmatched opportunity to build a solid foundation for my future career plans.

What are you most looking forward to this year? The first semester was incredible! I’ve enjoyed new friendships with my amazing peers and the wonderful learning experience provided by MSM faculty. A special shout-out to MS staff who did a fantastic job during this special time. They’ve always been there for me! As for the spring, I’m excited about the capstone project the most, and can’t wait to see what I can accomplish together with my teammates!

Application Tips: Essays

piecing together essaysYou’re well on your way to finishing your graduate school application. You’ve studied for the GRE or GMAT, polished your resume, submitted your transcripts, and wowed your recommenders. While all of these components will speak to your accomplishments and qualifications, now you have a chance to tell the admissions committee in your own words why you want to study at McCombs. How? Through your essays!

Each Master of Science program requires two written essays (with an optional 3rd written essay). If you’re not sure what the essay prompts are for your program, you can learn more on the MSBA, MSF, MSITM, and MSM admissions pages.

The essays are great opportunities to take everything listed in your application and connect it with your personality and goals. The admissions committee can look at your transcript and resume to see what you’ve done so far, but these documents won’t tell them where you’d like to go.

Make sure that your essays are well written and address the prompts. If there’s anything in your application that you’d like to explain further, the optional third essay is a great space to do that. You may have had a lower than expected grade in a tricky class one semester and want to give the admissions committee some extra context, or maybe you’re working on a really interesting project at work that’s gotten you even more excited about the program. Anything that can help the admissions committee in their review is great to include! However, if you can’t think of anything else you want to say, feel free to opt out. Applicants aren’t penalized for not completing the optional essay.

More questions? We’re here to help! Email us at We can’t wait to review your application!