Tag: MBA Women (page 1 of 2)

Student Spotlight: Veronica Mabry, Weekend MBA ’23

Written by Elain Yao.

veronica mabry headshotVeronica Mabry is a first-generation college student in the Texas McCombs Weekend MBA at Dallas/Fort Worth program who is balancing the demands of school, work, and family life. Despite the many challenges of juggling a full-time job, parenting, and pursuing a graduate degree, Veronica has always had a strong desire to pursue an MBA. With a lifelong passion for academics and an undergraduate degree in communications, Veronica saw an MBA as a way to broaden her understanding of business.

“I really saw the value of being able to evaluate how business decisions are made. Every job function I have sat in, I can look at through a different lens, like, is this commercial viable? Is this going to maximize value? Now I can justify any decision I make because I have such a strong foundation under me with this MBA.”

Veronica did not follow the traditional path of completing her undergraduate degree, working professionally for two to three years, and then pursuing an MBA. Instead, she decided to continue her education after a decade of working and starting a family. Veronica was drawn to the Weekend MBA in Dallas for its convenience, reputation, and opportunities it would provide for her future career. As a full-time working parent, she appreciated the program’s flexibility, which allowed her to balance her studies with her other responsibilities.

“I started looking at working professional, evening, and part-time programs. I still wanted the respectability of a ranked MBA program and a name like McCombs because of the recruiting, network, and alumni that are so valuable.”

Veronica smiles with her son and partner.  

Veronica spends her busy weekdays helping her son get ready for school, working 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, going to the gym, dedicating time to her husband and son after work, and studying late in the evenings. She attends classes on Friday evenings and Saturdays, while her husband takes on solo parenting duties, and devotes Sundays to spending quality time with her family. Despite the long hours and packed schedule, Veronica sees the Dallas/Fort Worth weekend program as a way to further her education and advance her career without sacrificing her other commitments.

“I knew I wanted to attend grad school, but the clarity of it being an MBA came recently and I am so glad that I chose McCombs because I can’t imagine going through a different program.”

In pursuit of an MBA, Veronica has faced her fair share of internal and external challenges. Internally, she has struggled with the unknowns of day-to-day life as a working parent, including the potential for illness or unexpected family needs. Externally, she has encountered challenges with how she is perceived by her classmates, particularly as one of the few women in the program with children. She has sometimes felt isolated as “the mom of the group”. 

Veronica and her son take a selfie

“We have great parents in this program, but I do think it’s harder for mothers because we are the primary caretakers. It’s hard to engage and socialize in the same way as everyone else and that’s a hard reality.”

Nonetheless, Veronica has made great friends in the program and found support through Texas McCombs’ Graduate Women in Business organization, claiming that clubs and organizations were the softer components “that really made me feel like at the end of the day, when I had multiple offers in front of me, that Texas McCombs was the right decision.”

Veronica and other MBA students take a photo outside of the colosseum in Rome, Italy.

Veronica and other Texas McCombs MBA students outside of the colosseum in Rome, Italy on a McCombs+ Global Connections Trip.

Ultimately, Veronica has learned that pursuing her dreams and ambitions while also being a parent is possible. She encourages other women considering an MBA program to go in with clear expectations, understand their resources and support system, and not let the guilt of pursuing their own goals hold them back. As she puts it, “investing in yourself is never the wrong choice.”

Texas McCombs MBA students take a photo in rome, italy.

Texas McCombs MBA students in Italy on their McCombs+ Global Connections trip.

“I think as women it takes an extra level of care to get rid of the self-doubt or guilt about our decisions. Identifying your people is so important. And I’m not just talking about the people who are going to help with your children. I’m talking about mentors and friends who are going to remind you of the long-term vision, the ones who are able to say, ‘I see that you are stressed, and yes this is really chaotic right now, but here’s the bigger picture.’ It’s so important to have those people who can help you zoom out a little bit.

At the end of the day, it’s less about what path you choose or when, it’s what you make out of those life experiences that matters.”

Learn more about the MBA at Dallas/Fort Worth and stay up to date with all things McCombs by subscribing to our newsletter. Follow us on Instagram to see more about student life. If you have any questions, please reach out to MBA Admissions. Hook ’em!

Student Spotlight: Kelsey Charles, MBA at DFW ’22

Meet Kelsey Charles, MBA at Dallas/Fort Worth Class of 2022. At McCombs, Kelsey is a part of the McCombs Ambassador Committee as a MAC Chair. She is currently a Strategic Sports and Entertainment Sponsorship Director at MVP. Kelsey tells us about her experience juggling life and work, while in school, and shares advice for students looking to apply to McCombs.

What were you looking forward to most when you started your MBA journey?

“When starting my MBA journey, one of the things I was most excited about was the opportunity to connect with like-minded people. Undergraduate programs are awesome and set a great baseline in terms of general knowledge, but deciding to go back to school for an advanced degree, especially while working full-time, is a different level of commitment and drive. I think it’s important to surround yourself with people who push you and the McCombs MBA program does just that.”

Why did you choose the Texas McCombs MBA at Dallas program for your MBA?

“McCombs is iconic and well-respected internationally. There is simply no other way to put it and it’s for good reason. Texas picks the best and brightest but also places an emphasis on culture which I think is important. By coming to UT, you are joining one of the most well-rounded, well-known, and respected groups in the world. It’s the opportunity of a lifetime.”

What was the application/interview process like for you? 

The application process was great. I really appreciated McCombs asking what my goals were in the short and long term because it ensured that I had intention when entering the program. I also really enjoyed the conversations I had with alumni and the admissions staff- it was very clear what type of people go to McCombs and I immediately knew I found my home when I realized that culture was just as important as intelligence and experience.”

What were some of the challenges, if any, that you and your peers faced in the first semester?

“Juggling a full-time job in addition to school is always difficult at first. On top of that, many people have spouses, families, or even additional commitments and side hustles. I personally have several other commitments and jobs on top of my 9-5, so working out a schedule to balance it all was imperative for me in the beginning.”

What were you surprised by in the first semester?

“I was surprised by the diversity of the curriculum, in the best way. I feel like a lot of schools are focused solely on tactical types of programming, whereas McCombs truly builds future leaders through career coaching, leadership classes, and of course, a core business foundation.”

Kelsey also took part in the Austin Intensive Seminars.  The Austin Intensive Seminar is a week-long signature program that kicks-off your first and second year in the MBA at Dallas/Fort Worth and MBA at Houston programs.  They are an opportunity for you to get to know your classmates, start learning from McCombs faculty, and launch your first and second year of MBA studies on The University of Texas at Austin campus. The Austin Intensive Seminars bring together first and second year students from our two weekend programs in Dallas/Fort Worth and Houston.

What were Austin Intensives like? 

INTENSE. But SO FUN. It truly was the epitome of ‘work hard, play hard’ and was the perfect combination of drinking from a fire hose and learning so many incredible things, but doing it alongside your friends in the program. It was a true bonding experience.”

MBA at Dallas/Fort Worth Class of 2022 in Austin.

Bonding with your classmates is an invaluable part of the MBA experience. The MBA at Dallas/Fort Worth program also includes a Residency component, in which you’ll stay in Dallas at the Marriot Dallas Uptown, the official program hotel, on class weekends during the first semester. The Residency cuts down on commute time, fosters a more immersive environment, and creates additional networking opportunities for students and faculty.

How did the first-semester residency impact your part-time MBA experience?

“Residency is great because it gives you a chance to truly get to know your peers. This program FLIES by. You will be done before you know it and residency is just another way to get to know your fellow classmates and make friends and connections that will last a lifetime.”

What is the work/life/school balance like for you? 

Work/life/school balance has been great. I think identifying days upfront that you will be studying is key and really leaning into your study groups is helpful too. Teamwork makes the dream work, right? You’re not alone in this so asking others what works for them is always a great idea and then fine-tuning it to fit your personal schedule has been my strategy.”

What is your study group like? Did you find it helpful to have those selected for you?

“My study group was one of the most impactful and valuable aspects of McCombs for me. It was just another element of the program that showed me how customized the school made the program. Our study groups were so well-rounded in terms of background that it made learning that much more collaborative and insightful. One person might run point as the subject matter expertise and could help the others by providing real-world examples, etc. It truly helped bring the material to life and make it that much more impactful.”

Kelsey Charles with Emily Le, Senior MBA at Dallas/Fort Worth Admissions Officer.

What has been the biggest lesson you have learned?

“That being a successful leader in the business world isn’t all about the work you produce, but also the qualitative values you bring to the table too. Being a good leader, pushing the envelope, not being afraid to roll up your sleeves, asking the tough questions, and diving in.. the secret sauce is in being more than one-dimensional and I know I have been equipped with the proper tools to be successful as a leader in my field moving forward.”

Do you have any advice for future students starting the program in the fall? 

DO THE ACCOUNTING BOOTCAMP! And if you do not have a business background, don’t worry. You will be successful. This is truly a program of well-rounded individuals. Don’t be afraid to ask for help where you may have blind spots- you will truly get what you put into the program.”

Learn more about the MBA at Dallas/Fort Worth and stay up to date with all things McCombs by subscribing to our newsletter. Follow us on Instagram to see more about student life. If you have any questions, please reach out to MBA Admissions. Hook ’em!

Celebrating Pride with eQual MBAs at McCombs

Happy Pride Month! This June we are celebrating members of our LGBTQIA+ MBA community and talking to Full-Time MBA student Lindsey Scheinthal, co-president of eQual MBAs, about pronouns, allyship, and living authentically.

eQual MBAs at McCombs is a social and career networking student organization made up of members, friends, and supporters of the LGBTQ+ community. They are dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion within the Texas McCombs community.

Members of eQUAL on a zoom meeting

Members of eQUAL pose for a picture during a Zoom meeting.

Representation and Allyship 

eQual focuses a lot on educating people on pronoun usage and allyship by hosting workshops throughout the year to create a more inclusive environment. Since moving into the virtual space, members of eQual have advocated for adding pronouns to Zoom names. Even if you are cisgender (meaning you identify as the gender assigned at birth), adding pronouns to your bios, zoom names, or email signatures signifies that you are an ally and makes others feel included.

“For me, representation is everything. I believe it saves lives and makes people know that they are not alone.” says Lindsey. “I think that’s really important for all of us because when you have more representation you’re able to implement everything else a little bit easier.”

Inclusion and acceptance from others means a lot to Lindsey. She says she sometimes wonders if people know she’s gay and would accept her if they knew.

“My favorite thing is seeing people wear the eQual t-shirt with the rainbow longhorn,” says Lindsey. “You know, we just make assumptions about people…[you think] that person might not like me because I’m gay, and I’m nervous to say something. But then I go to class the next day and they’re rocking the eQual t-shirt, and how great of a feeling that is to see them wearing it.”

There is no way to be a perfect ally, Lindsay says. To her, it’s someone who is asking questions and is pushing themselves to continuously learn and be better.

“Everyone has a different idea of what an ally looks like, and I think it’s difficult to be the perfect ally. But I think as long as you’re trying to be better and listen and change and really hear the person next to you and where they’re coming from, that’s all we can ask for,” says Lindsey.

“I try to do my best to educate people. I really believe in representation. I try to continue to educate myself, because everything is constantly evolving.”

Living Authentically

While the LGBTQIA+ community at McCombs is a small group, Lindsey likes to think of eQual as small but mighty and hopes to encourage more LGBTQIA+ members to apply to business school.

Members of eQUAL pose in a rooftop swimming pool in downtown Austin.

Members of eQUAL pose in a rooftop swimming pool in downtown Austin.

black and white photo of Lindsey holding a rainbow pride flag that is in color.

Lindsey has been out since she was 17 and says it hasn’t always been easy. She has dealt with micro-aggressions, stereotypes, and mistreatment from others. To overcome this she lives by Michelle Obama’s famous words: “When they go low, we go high.”

“It hasn’t been easy but it’s their loss. I know I’m a great friend, I’m a great employee, and if [someone] is choosing not to be nice to me because of this one little aspect of my life, then it’s their loss,” she says.

“Life is too short, I’m just trying to enjoy every moment and like just being myself,” says Lindsey. “I don’t want to hide who I am ever.”

Pride Celebrations in Austin

At Texas McCombs, we strive to create a supportive community by partnering with Reaching Out MBA (ROMBA), a nonprofit organization that focuses on empowering LGBTQIA+ business students. In 2014 McCombs became one of the inaugural school partners of the ROMBA fellowship, which grants LGBTQ+ MBA Fellows with a minimum $20,000 scholarship and access to leadership programming. ROMBA also hosts events and an annual conference to educate and connect LGBTQIA+ business students through C-suite panels, workshops, competitions, receptions, and career fairs. This year the conference, which is the world’s largest gathering of LBGTQIA+ business students and alumni, will take place in Austin in October.  

Austin has many Pride Month celebrations around town in June but its official Pride festival and parade is held in August– this also gives the UT Austin student population, a very active part of the LGBTQIA+ community, the opportunity to volunteer and participate.

To connect with eQual MBAs, you can follow them on Instagram @equalmbs or email Sally and Lindsey at equalmbas@mccombs.utexas.edu.

Student Spotlight: Elsa Wright, MBA at Houston Class of 2021

When Texas McCombs MBA at Houston student, Elsa Wright, has a goal, she meets it. While working in the waste management and sustainability industry in Houston, Texas, her goal was senior leadership at her company. Like many professional women, Elsa wondered if she would be able to achieve all her career goals alongside her personal goal of having a family. Below, Elsa shares how she navigated these goals & priorities, overcame her struggle with imposter syndrome, and eventually enrolled in the MBA program. Juggling graduate degree work, motherhood, and marriage in the midst of a pandemic has definitely been a challenge, but Elsa has shown that determination and belief in oneself will ultimately lead you to success.

PHOTO: Elsa's Headshot. She has short brown hair and is wearing a red dress shirt with a black blazer.

Elsa Wright, Texas McCombs MBA ’21

Getting Her MBA

Elsa was eager to gain the foundational knowledge and skills needed to move into a leadership role in her career and knew an MBA from Texas McCombs could get her there. As a minority woman and mother, Elsa faced the realities of the world head-on.

“With recent events in the news, a lot of people have become more aware of the struggles that minorities face every day — struggles that stem into career growth,” she says. “I struggled with the idea that I had to achieve a master’s degree to be on the same playing field as many of my white male counterparts who hadn’t. Intelligence could be equally distributed among our society, but opportunities are not always.”

Elsa says she has struggled with imposter syndrome her entire life and her biggest piece of advice to anyone, especially women and mothers, considering an MBA is: “Just do it!”

“I have personally spent more time considering the idea and deciding to make the leap than I have spent actually getting my MBA,” Elsa says. “I felt that maybe I wasn’t ready, that I should wait for my son to get older, or that an MBA is just too competitive and I might not get in.”

Impostor syndrome— the false belief that others have overestimated your capabilities or that you’re not good enough— disproportionately affects women more than men — especially women of color. One of the direct factors contributing to impostor syndrome is the lack of women in organizational leadership, according to a 2019 Lean In study. The business world, including the realm of business education, has made strides in recent years, but there is still much work to be done toward equity and gender parity.

When narrowing down her prospective MBA schools, Texas McCombs appealed to her because of the prestige, atmosphere, and flexibility it offered.

PHOTO: Elsa standing in front of the University of Texas tower.

Elsa Wright standing in front of the UT tower at sunset.

“As I researched MBA programs, I found that Texas McCombs was the highest ranked in Texas. I attended the info sessions, and instantly felt what I like to call ‘the warm and fuzzy feeling.’ I felt welcomed with open arms, and could feel such a forward-thinking attitude that I could not resist being a part of.”

“The Working Professional program understands and respects that, as a working professional, we’re undergoing a journey,” she says. “The program didn’t require a specialization, but instead teaches you how to speak all languages of business, which allows me to explore where my career may take me instead of fixating on a specific career path.”

The moment she stepped on campus, Elsa knew that Texas McCombs would be her home for the next two years.

“I’ll never forget, it was our very first day of Austin Intensives and Assistant Dean, Joe Stephens, spoke in front of the entire Working Professional class of ’21: He said:

‘For those of you that may suffer from imposter syndrome and feel like you don’t belong here or deserve to be here, I am here to tell you that you do belong, and you do deserve it. We chose you because you have something to offer this program.’

To this day, those words resonate inside me and push me forward to make a difference.”

Pivoting to Online Learning

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Women at Texas McCombs

Today, Texas McCombs celebrates Women’s Equality Day, which commemorates the 19th amendment to the U.S. Constitution, granting some women the right to vote 100 years ago in 1920. The Texas McCombs MBA program is proud to have made strides to increase the number of women in our programs, but in both business and business education, we acknowledge there is still much progress to made toward gender parity.  Meet some of our Texas McCombs women who are already leading the way below.

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First Look: Full-Time MBA Class of 2021

After receiving over 1,900 applications for our Full-Time MBA program, Texas McCombs is happy to welcome our incoming MBA class of 2021! Our admissions team prides itself in fostering a diverse range of students with individual talents and backgrounds that will positively impact their peers, their networks, and the world around them for years to come.

Each MBA class is the result of relationships built between MBA candidates and the Texas McCombs community through connecting with MBA admissions, attending MBA events, completing our application and visiting our campus at UT Austin, one of the most prestigious public universities in the world, deep in the heart of welcoming, vibrant Austin, Texas.

We are looking forward to getting to know the next class of Texas McCombs MBA students this fall! Get a sneak peak at our Full-Time Class of 2021 below:

Class of 2021 Full-Time MBA stats; 260 students, average age 29; average GMAT 704; 40% women; Average GPA 3.42pre mba industries include finance, energy, government, technology and consultingOur commitment to creating a well-rounded and engaging education starts with our diverse student body. In the last three years, the number of women enrolled at Texas McCombs has continued to increase, with 2019 being the highest percentage of women in the Full-Time MBA program ever.

Students also have the opportunity to go beyond the classroom to develop global perspectives of the business world through our Exchange, Double Degree and McCombs Adventure programs.  These give students the opportunity to immerse themselves in other cultures while studying in countries around the world. Our Global Connections program takes students on an eight to ten-day tour to learn about business powerhouses in countries like China, South Africa, Thailand, Cuba, and Argentina.

This year, Texas McCombs was ranked as one of the top 20 business schools in the country by U.S. News and is consistently cited as a top value due to the strong return on investment for our graduates after working with our dedicated Career Management team within one of the largest business school networks in the world. 

Students also have the opportunity to join one of our 40+ student organizations ranging from leadership and professional orgs to affinity and social and sports orgs.

The next deadline for the 2019-2020 Full-Time MBA application is our Round 2 deadline on January 7, 2020. We encourage you to prepare to submit your best application and recommend the below resources to help:

Questions? Feel free to reach out to us: TEXASMBA@mccombs.utexas.edu, (512) 471-7698 or follow us on all our social media platforms @UTexasMBA.

We look forward to getting to know you and reading your application. Hook ’em!


Community Spotlight: Texas McCombs MBA Women

Texas McCombs has had the privilege of partnering with the non-profit organization  The Forté Foundation to provide access to education, opportunities, and a supportive network to empower women in business education and management leadership since 2001.

Forté is committed to “changing the balance of power in the workplace” and strives to provide women with the resources they need to become leaders in business. The foundation has awarded $180 million in fellowships and has helped nearly 8,000 women earn and pursue their MBA.

Forté also provides advice and resources on their Business 360° Blog, hosts women-lead webinars and connects students and working-professional women all year around.

McCombs continues to be an active partner by participating in Forté events across the country and hosts women-focused conferences and events every year. We also attend their annual conference every year. This event brings together women from across the nation for a weekend of professional development and networking with top industry leaders, employers, and peers. This year’s conference was held in Chicago in July.

Firsthand Experience: Being a Forté MBA

Elpidia Gamez, MBA Class of 2021

Elpidia Ellie Gamez, new MBA and Forté Fellow, said she chose to attend McCombs for the collaborative community and plans to pursue a healthcare concentration. She appreciated that McCombs gives her the opportunity to work with the globally-recognized Dell Medical School and the College of Pharmacy on pharmaceutical innovation and commercialization.

“I can continue to develop and improve my leadership skills through McCombs’ unique MBA+ Leadership Program and participating in student-led organizations, such as GWiB and MBA Healthcare Association,” says Elpidia. “Also, Austin is not only a cool city with great eats and a fun social scene, but also a center for innovation and budding technology.”

McCombs hosted a pre-conference dinner for our Forté fellows at Giordano’s for a taste of famous Chicago deep dish pizza. This gave our fellows the chance to meet and talk about their post-MBA ambitions and goals. The conference kicked off with keynotes and discussions from business leaders. The fellows then had breakout sessions and panels based on their career and industry interests.  Forté also held a Career Expo and Networking Reception where the fellows met with representatives from Forté corporate sponsors who were ready to provide opportunities, advice, and insight.

“It was really great to see so many companies demonstrating their commitment to diversity and inclusion and advancing women in leadership with their participation throughout the day and then at the career expo. The room was abuzz with excitement to meet and speak with potential employers so I’m very grateful to our Career Services team who helped us prepare our pitches and for the engagements we had throughout the conference,” says Elpidia.

A panel of women leaders at The 2019 Forté MBA Leadership Conference in Chicago.

The second day of the conference kicked off with discussions from industry-leading women from Chevron, Google, Liberty Mutual, and Walmart. Forté then hosted career development breakout sessions like, “Leveraging Men as Mentors & Sponsors,” “Classroom Communication Strategies,” and “Set Yourself Apart with Personal Branding.” The fellows also got the chance to vote on Power Pitch Presentations where women-led teams pitch a business plan to panel of judges for feedback and chance to win seed money to continue their business idea during or after business school.

“I thought it was incredibly brave and empowering to see these ladies present their business plan with so much passion and polish to a room full of strangers who were all there to support with cheers and applause,” says Elpidia. The day wrapped up with the Edi Hunt Award and a conversation featuring Jessica Bennett, author of the Feminist Fight Club.

In conclusion, Elpidia expresses one of the best takeaways from the conference:

“I left Chicago inspired and better prepared to further the progress driven by the women who came before me who are now industry leaders both on-campus and in my future workplace.”

Elpidia with her power word “victorious” at the 2019 Forté MBA Leadership Conference in Chicago.

McCombs Graduate Women in Business (GWiB)

The McCombs chapter of the National Graduate Women in Business organization (GWiB) hosts an annual Women in Business Leadership Conference which brings together students, alumni, faculty, and influential businesswomen to address issues and challenges that affect women in today’s business environment.

GWiB also sponsors a professional development series, meets with prospective students, offers a mentoring program, hosts social outings, and organizes an annual boat cruise across Lake Austin. The org also spotlights it’s members on their Instagram page to highlight goals and achievements.

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Every week, we feature a woman from our community. Our #wcw this week is second-year Manasa Murthy! #whymccombs Name: Manasa Murthy Hometown: Diamond Bar, CA Past Work Experience: Critical Care Clinical Pharmacist (Ascension Health) Future Career Goals: After graduation I will be working at HEB as their Director of Health & Wellness. Our goal is to improve the health of Texans through food and innovative services. McCombs organizations and leadership positions: Past Co-President: Health Innovation Fellows, Past Co- VP Events: GWIB, Past VP: Indian Graduate Business Association, Past Board Fellow: Half Helen Foundation, Past Co-Women’s Weekend Chair, MAC Member Who is YOUR #wcw and why? I have many #wcw at McCombs but if I had to pick one it would be Lily Trieu. Lily  is always the first in a group to make others feel welcome and included. She is passionate about education and diversity and goes above and beyond to make meaningful change. I respect Lily for always standing up for what she believes in and know she will do amazing things in the future.

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Discover McCombs: Women’s Weekend

In addition to conferences and meetups, Texas McCombs encourages all women MBAs interested in the program to attend our annual Discover McCombs: Women’s Weekend held each fall. Students get the opportunity to tour the beautiful UT Austin campus and Rowling Hall, plus engage with our community through panels, events, and sessions on program resources.

Last year’s Women’s Weekend welcomed 56 MBAs and kicked off at the Kendra Scott Home Office! The attendees also helped FloCode put together 315 Flo Packs for women in need and participated in Google’s #IAmRemarkable workshop. It was truly an amazing event.

McCombs also hosts diversity and inclusion conferences and workshops such as Elevate and Diversity Weekend.

If you’d like to connect with Elpidia about her experience with Forté, the MBA application process, or her background, reach out to her.

We will be highlighting more students and events throughout the year so be sure to subscribe to our blog. If you would like more information about the Texas McCombs MBA program, we encourage you to attend an MBA event—class visits, campus tours, or info sessions on-campus.

Contact our MBA admissions committee with any questions you have. Hook ’em!

Student Spotlight: Dara Chike-Obi, MBA Class of 2019

Dara Chike-Obi, Evening MBA Class of 2019

Dara Chike-Obi,
Evening MBA ’19

Dara Chike-Obi is an Evening MBA student from Houston and a new mom who recently shared her experience of being a new parent while in the MBA program. “Unthinkable exhaustion” is the very honest first response that comes to mind when she is asked about her experience, which was also rewarding and very possible with realistic expectations and family support on her side.

On Being A Student and a Mom

“Ignorance truly is bliss. I was naive and had no understanding of the amount of mental, physical, and emotional energy that is required of a new mom. But I wouldn’t trade this experience for the world. As graduation nears, and my child gets older; I feel stronger, smarter, and quicker than I’ve ever felt before. If I can get through this, I can get through almost anything.”

Her Biggest Challenge

My biggest challenge was figuring out how to balance school, new baby, marriage, and a full time job. Many times I had no other option but to put my head down and power through. You soon realize that the toughest parts of your journey are ALWAYS temporary. Take one day at a time, one breath at a time. Eventually, you look up and see how far you’ve actually gone.”

Dara’s Advice

“I have two pieces of advice:

1. Make sure you have help.

This cannot be done alone. Your support system needs to understand that this is an ‘all hands on deck’ situation for the next two years. My wonderful husband rearranged his work schedule so he can be home on class nights to put our son to bed. My mother in-law would drive 4 hours from Dallas with a trunk full of freshly prepared food for my entire family. You must allow people to help you.

2. Accept that there is no balance.

Madeleine Albright said it best:  ‘Women can have it all, just not at the same time.’ You’re going to be pulled in multiple directions by multiple people. Learning to prioritize will get you far.”

We encourage you to review our Parental Accommodation Policy for details on the kind of accommodations it can provide. When you enter a working professional MBA program, we understand that family support is a key element.  Please let us know if you have any questions or need further info.

Elevate: Diversity & Inclusion Conference at McCombs

On February 8th, Texas McCombs hosted its first-ever Elevate: Diversity & Inclusion Conference. This event aimed to identify how companies and business leaders create effective strategies to transform their current culture into one where both diversity and inclusion become embedded into the organization’s core values. Texas McCombs students and staff have been participating in more D&I conversations within the program and with the outside business community in recent years with an understanding that MBA community strength and positive growth is fostered through these efforts.

Elevate Diversity & Inclusion Conference at Rowling Hall on February 8, 2019. Photo by Lauren Gerson DeLeon.

The First Conference of Its Kind

Elevate was first conceived by MBA students Ashley Fox and DeAndrea Staes. They identified the diversity and inclusion space as a big opportunity for growth and community outreach for the MBA program.

Through the conference, Ashley and DeAndrea targeted the recruitment of underrepresented minorities as a potential improvement area for MBA programs and created an Elevate Diversity Scholarship to provide support to underrepresented minority students accepted to the McCombs School of Business.

Ashley Fox and DeAndrea Staes at Elevate Diversity & Inclusion Conference. Photo by Lauren Gerson

“The most impactful part of the conference was seeing what started as a small vision, grow into something phenomenal. Over the course of two days, seeing our sponsors, speakers, students and community come together in a collaborative fashion for a common purpose truly sparked something great for the future of McCombs,” says DeAndrea. “I truly enjoyed seeing participants roll their sleeves up at the design thinking session hosted by IBM to address critical questions like, ‘How do you find acceptance inside a company’s culture?’ and ‘What happens financially when companies are not diverse and inclusive?’ This set the tone for an amazing conference with powerful conversations.”

Elevate Diversity & Inclusion Conference at Rowling Hall on February 8, 2019. Photo by Lauren Gerson DeLeon.

We created this event to evoke change in the McCombs community and create a sustainable, long-term solution that would provide a forum for the University of Texas and greater Austin community to engage and learn about diversity, inclusion, and culture,” says Ashley. “The feeling after the Elevate Conference ended was indescribable. After we gave our closing remarks, we knew that this conference would be a marquee event and change agent for the Texas McCombs and Austin community for years to come.”

Elevate Diversity & Inclusion Conference at Rowling Hall on February 8, 2019. Photo by Lauren Gerson DeLeon.

Elevate Diversity & Inclusion Conference at Rowling Hall on February 8, 2019. Photo by Lauren Gerson DeLeon.

“I am truly proud of what Ashley and I were able to accomplish and know that this is just the beginning,” says DeAndrea. “We are excited to see what the future holds for this dynamic, student-led, electrifying conference!”

The Keynote Speakers 

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Student Spotlight: Srija Dasika, MBA Class of 2019

Srija Dasika, Evening MBA 2019

Srija Dasika, MBA 2019

Srija Dasika, Texas McCombs MBA ’19,  recently shared her experience of becoming a new mom while working and being part of the Evening MBA program.  She is originally from  Portland, Oregon and works as an R&D engineer at Verizon. She says it was, “tough, but very rewarding and not impossible!” to become an MBA parent. Srija had her first baby in April 2017, during her first year as an MBA in Austin.

Being A Student and a Mom

Becoming a new parent is one of the best things in the world, but it’s not easy. Your whole world changes, your responsibilities and priorities shift, you are actively learning to live a new way of life with very little sleep. The moments that make parenthood wonderful are what inspire me to do well and work hard. Having strong support at home, school and work helped me a lot. My MBA cohort is very close and that was a huge motivation for me to work hard and stay with my class without taking a break. My company also had a generous maternity policy that allowed me to recover and bond with my baby before going back to work. Overall, I have learned a lot, it has been a satisfying experience and I am very thankful for my support structure.” 

Juggling School and Parenthood

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