Lily Yap Headshot

Lily Yap, MBA Class of 2020

Our Dallas/Fort Worth Class of 2020 welcomed its largest class ever, with 88 new students. This is also the most international class the DFW program has ever had and the most diverse in terms of companies/organizations represented.

We recently caught up with Lily Yap, a DFW MBA student originally from San Francisco, California. She received her Bachelor’s degree from Louisiana State University in Business Management and works on coordinating life-saving programs and operations for animal welfare services in Dallas.

Lily’s “WhyMcCombs?”

Lily was excited to see how passionate the current MBAs in her field are and looked forward to taking leadership classes. She believes classes that refine “soft” skills are extremely beneficial and looks forward to sharing her unique knowledge with other students and organizations.

By combining passion with the structure of a strong, corporate business, I believe we can make huge strides in supporting the animals and people in our community. I loved how Texas McCombs welcomed my background, despite how different I may be from my classmates. And, of course, the program has an amazing reputation.”

McCombs Impact

Lily notes that her professors and Business Integrity class has had the greatest impact on her. While she is still fairly new to the program, she is excited about refreshing her stats knowledge.

“All the professors have been amazing. I particularly enjoyed Business Integrity with Lecturer, Fran Pedersen. Ethical questions are part of a typical work day in animal welfare so this class meant a lot to me. I am still at the beginning but I am very excited about refreshing my stats knowledge too. I love data and having the knowledge about the best way to gather and use that data is extremely helpful.”

Lily’s Advice to You

Lily says for those of you interested in applying for your MBA at Texas McCombs:

Do it! It never sunk in how much time it really would take doing a professional MBA program. I have no regrets and would still recommend this program 100%, but after you know you’re coming, cherish the free time and be prepared!”

Visit Texas McCombs MBA  to find out more about all our programs, events and community, or join the #WhyMcCombs conversation on Twitter. Hook ’em!