Thursday, February 3
4:30 – 7:00 p.m.

The MPA Virtual Career Night will take place via Zoom. The Zoom link and instructions will be sent out the week of the event to those who have RSVP’d.

4:30 – 5:15 p.m. Employer Introductions
5:20 – 7:00 p.m. Breakout Rooms with Employers

At the MPA Virtual Career Night, you will network with a variety of companies who recruit McCombs students. You will be assigned to breakout rooms with employer representatives and hear from each participating employer.

Prepare to make a great impression. Wear business casual attire and make sure your workspace is presentable. You must have a UT Zoom Account and enable video to participate (UT Zoom Account instructions will be sent at a later date). Please also research participating employers beforehand, and prepare to network with them in breakout rooms. Visit the links below to learn about service offerings or products, company history, career tracks and offices. To research company contacts for informational interviews, consider reaching out to MPA alumni via Texas MPA Network or the McCombs Alumni Directory.

RSVP in RecruitMcCombs