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Meet Your Working Professional and Executive MBA Career Team

This Insider insight comes from our Working Professional and Executive MBA Career Team.

Texas McCombs MBA Career resources are truly unmatched among other top business schools. Our Career Management team‘s vision is focused on the future, adapting and growing to meet the needs of tomorrow’s career landscape. And they understand that the MBA career path for our Working Professional and Executive (WPE) MBA student differs from full-time students, dedicating a team of career support specifically for our WPE students in Houston, Dallas/Fort Worth, and Austin (Evening & Executive).

The McCombs Difference

MBA program administrators realized they needed to rethink their approach to career management for part-time students.

“We developed an entirely new career management framework that emphasized students’ strengths and interests and better prepared them not only for OCR (on-campus recruiting), but also for other channels that led to experienced hires and will allow them to continually progress in their careers.” – Joe Stephens, Assistant Dean, Working Professional and Executive MBA programs.

The framework, which can be applied in any phase of a student’s career and is tied to students’ career management curriculum and one-on-one advising, includes a market assessment (self-assessment, career exploration, and network creation); value proposition (your brand and competitive advantage, and elevator pitch); sales tools and channels (resume, LinkedIn profile, interview prep, and network cultivation); and launch (plan execution and offer negotiation).

“This career management framework has served as our WPE team’s vision and mission,” says Janet Huang, Director of MBA Career Management at McCombs. (source: Medium)

Meet the WPE Team

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Examining Your Healthcare Higher Ed Options

Our MBA at Houston program is top-ranked, led by world-renowned Texas McCombs faculty, and positioned at the center of thriving Houston, Texas– the no. 1 city in the country for healthcare jobs. Over 736,000 people are employed at Houston’s world-famous Texas Medical Center alone. Many healthcare professionals pursuing a graduate degree may wonder what an MBA can do for their careers or if an MHA or MBA is right for their goals.

Angela Van Dyke headshot McCombs Houston Class of 2020

Angela Van Dyke, MBA 2020

We recently caught up with MBA at Houston 2020 student, Angela Van Dyke, a healthcare professional who has earned her MHA and is on her way to an MBA, to explore these options.

Angela holds an undergraduate degree in Biology from St. Mary’s University in San Antonio. She currently works at PersonalMed as their National Sales Manager.

On Getting her MHA

Angela is passionate about the healthcare industry and sees herself working in the field long term.

I pursued an MHA to gain a deep and abiding understanding of the entire healthcare industry. I wanted a fundamental grasp of law and economics specifically in their application to healthcare. I also wanted to learn more about public and population health, hospital management, and clinical services.” 

On Pursuing her MBA

Through the MBA, she is becoming more proficient in technical concepts, such as finance, accounting and analytics. So far, her experience at Texas McCombs has exceeded her expectations.

“Pursuing an MBA is like a journey of transformation that allows you to pick up new tools and sharpen old skills. It’s an incredible time in your life to grow personally and professionally. The MBA is well recognized across all industries and empowers you with the credibility, creativity, and ability to add value for any organization in a variety of settings in virtually any industry at any level. An MBA arms you with the necessary expertise to quickly assess problems and determine the appropriate strategy for success. This is why I found it valuable to return to school and pursue my MBA.” 

Why Both Degrees?

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Student Spotlight: Dara Chike-Obi, MBA Class of 2019

Dara Chike-Obi, Evening MBA Class of 2019

Dara Chike-Obi,
Evening MBA ’19

Dara Chike-Obi is an Evening MBA student from Houston and a new mom who recently shared her experience of being a new parent while in the MBA program. “Unthinkable exhaustion” is the very honest first response that comes to mind when she is asked about her experience, which was also rewarding and very possible with realistic expectations and family support on her side.

On Being A Student and a Mom

“Ignorance truly is bliss. I was naive and had no understanding of the amount of mental, physical, and emotional energy that is required of a new mom. But I wouldn’t trade this experience for the world. As graduation nears, and my child gets older; I feel stronger, smarter, and quicker than I’ve ever felt before. If I can get through this, I can get through almost anything.”

Her Biggest Challenge

My biggest challenge was figuring out how to balance school, new baby, marriage, and a full time job. Many times I had no other option but to put my head down and power through. You soon realize that the toughest parts of your journey are ALWAYS temporary. Take one day at a time, one breath at a time. Eventually, you look up and see how far you’ve actually gone.”

Dara’s Advice

“I have two pieces of advice:

1. Make sure you have help.

This cannot be done alone. Your support system needs to understand that this is an ‘all hands on deck’ situation for the next two years. My wonderful husband rearranged his work schedule so he can be home on class nights to put our son to bed. My mother in-law would drive 4 hours from Dallas with a trunk full of freshly prepared food for my entire family. You must allow people to help you.

2. Accept that there is no balance.

Madeleine Albright said it best:  ‘Women can have it all, just not at the same time.’ You’re going to be pulled in multiple directions by multiple people. Learning to prioritize will get you far.”

We encourage you to review our Parental Accommodation Policy for details on the kind of accommodations it can provide. When you enter a working professional MBA program, we understand that family support is a key element.  Please let us know if you have any questions or need further info.

Working Professional/Executive MBA Final Round Applicants

This MBA Insider content comes from the Working Professional & Executive MBA Admissions team.

See if you can spot the two true statements and one myth about applying to the Texas McCombs Working Professional or Executive (WPE) MBA programs:

  • The MBA is seeking the most qualified candidates for its WPE programs in Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston and Austin.
  • We consider a candidate’s academic performance, work experience and overall motivation in reviewing an application.
  • Candidates must apply early in the process to have a chance at being considered.

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Elevate: Diversity & Inclusion Conference at McCombs

On February 8th, Texas McCombs hosted its first-ever Elevate: Diversity & Inclusion Conference. This event aimed to identify how companies and business leaders create effective strategies to transform their current culture into one where both diversity and inclusion become embedded into the organization’s core values. Texas McCombs students and staff have been participating in more D&I conversations within the program and with the outside business community in recent years with an understanding that MBA community strength and positive growth is fostered through these efforts.

Elevate Diversity & Inclusion Conference at Rowling Hall on February 8, 2019. Photo by Lauren Gerson DeLeon.

The First Conference of Its Kind

Elevate was first conceived by MBA students Ashley Fox and DeAndrea Staes. They identified the diversity and inclusion space as a big opportunity for growth and community outreach for the MBA program.

Through the conference, Ashley and DeAndrea targeted the recruitment of underrepresented minorities as a potential improvement area for MBA programs and created an Elevate Diversity Scholarship to provide support to underrepresented minority students accepted to the McCombs School of Business.

Ashley Fox and DeAndrea Staes at Elevate Diversity & Inclusion Conference. Photo by Lauren Gerson

“The most impactful part of the conference was seeing what started as a small vision, grow into something phenomenal. Over the course of two days, seeing our sponsors, speakers, students and community come together in a collaborative fashion for a common purpose truly sparked something great for the future of McCombs,” says DeAndrea. “I truly enjoyed seeing participants roll their sleeves up at the design thinking session hosted by IBM to address critical questions like, ‘How do you find acceptance inside a company’s culture?’ and ‘What happens financially when companies are not diverse and inclusive?’ This set the tone for an amazing conference with powerful conversations.”

Elevate Diversity & Inclusion Conference at Rowling Hall on February 8, 2019. Photo by Lauren Gerson DeLeon.

We created this event to evoke change in the McCombs community and create a sustainable, long-term solution that would provide a forum for the University of Texas and greater Austin community to engage and learn about diversity, inclusion, and culture,” says Ashley. “The feeling after the Elevate Conference ended was indescribable. After we gave our closing remarks, we knew that this conference would be a marquee event and change agent for the Texas McCombs and Austin community for years to come.”

Elevate Diversity & Inclusion Conference at Rowling Hall on February 8, 2019. Photo by Lauren Gerson DeLeon.

Elevate Diversity & Inclusion Conference at Rowling Hall on February 8, 2019. Photo by Lauren Gerson DeLeon.

“I am truly proud of what Ashley and I were able to accomplish and know that this is just the beginning,” says DeAndrea. “We are excited to see what the future holds for this dynamic, student-led, electrifying conference!”

The Keynote Speakers 

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Meet the Evening MBA Class of 2021!

A new class of Evening MBA students have joined us at Rowling Hall in Austin this spring to kick off their MBA journey! During their January orientation, our first group of ’21s  prepared for their classes, got to know each other, met MBA faculty & staff, and had a great week of networking and fun. Evening MBA students start their program annually every January, with classes held Monday and Tuesday evenings in Austin. With their weekends more flexible and their careers un-interrupted by their class schedule, our Evening MBA students are truly unique.

We had a very strong and enthusiastic pool of applications to pull from when putting together our Working Professional MBA classes this year, and the numbers certainly reflect that. The Evening MBA welcomed a larger class than last year, with 65 new Texas McCombs students. Texas McCombs Evening MBA Class of 2021 has 65 students; 25% women; 9% international; 27-34 middle 80% age; 3-10.5 work exp middle 80%; 3.34 GPA average; 661 GMAT average; are Q:155 & V:156

35% of the Evening MBA Class of 2021 submitted a GRE score either exclusively or with a GMAT score

8 different nationalities and citizenships are represented, including India, Mexico, Costa Rica, Brazil, Spain, Syria, Italy and the U.S.

This is also one of the most diverse classes in terms of job functions and industries, that the MBA program has ever seen.

Industries represented in the Class of 2021-- tech; financial services; consumer products/retail; manufacturing; energy

In addition, over half of the Class of 2021 earned their undergraduate degree outside of Texas. After entering the workforce, these students earned an average of 5.8 years of work experience before applying to the MBA with notable companies like Apple, Tesla, Whole Foods, Facebook, IBM and Yeti.

The class has 25% women, holding steady within the overall growth in the number of women in our Working Professional programs. The number of underrepresented minorities in the class doubled this year, marking another success as we continue to advocate for the inclusion of individual perspectives and diverse backgrounds in our classes.

Our Evening students come from a wide range of companies and some of the most exciting and innovative employers in the U.S.

Where our students work

18 members of C/O 2021 already spent their undergraduate years at UT Austin… Welcome back Longhorns! 🤘

We feel humbled and privileged by the amazing experiences and perspectives making up the Texas McCombs MBA Class  and cannot wait to see what they accomplish during their time in the program. If you’d like to join them as part of Texas McCombs MBA network, our 2019-2020 application is open!

Hook ’em!

Student Spotlight: Srija Dasika, MBA Class of 2019

Srija Dasika, Evening MBA 2019

Srija Dasika, MBA 2019

Srija Dasika, Texas McCombs MBA ’19,  recently shared her experience of becoming a new mom while working and being part of the Evening MBA program.  She is originally from  Portland, Oregon and works as an R&D engineer at Verizon. She says it was, “tough, but very rewarding and not impossible!” to become an MBA parent. Srija had her first baby in April 2017, during her first year as an MBA in Austin.

Being A Student and a Mom

Becoming a new parent is one of the best things in the world, but it’s not easy. Your whole world changes, your responsibilities and priorities shift, you are actively learning to live a new way of life with very little sleep. The moments that make parenthood wonderful are what inspire me to do well and work hard. Having strong support at home, school and work helped me a lot. My MBA cohort is very close and that was a huge motivation for me to work hard and stay with my class without taking a break. My company also had a generous maternity policy that allowed me to recover and bond with my baby before going back to work. Overall, I have learned a lot, it has been a satisfying experience and I am very thankful for my support structure.” 

Juggling School and Parenthood

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Student Spotlight: Lily Yap, DFW MBA Class of 2020

Lily Yap Headshot

Lily Yap, MBA Class of 2020

Our Dallas/Fort Worth Class of 2020 welcomed its largest class ever, with 88 new students. This is also the most international class the DFW program has ever had and the most diverse in terms of companies/organizations represented.

We recently caught up with Lily Yap, a DFW MBA student originally from San Francisco, California. She received her Bachelor’s degree from Louisiana State University in Business Management and works on coordinating life-saving programs and operations for animal welfare services in Dallas.

Lily’s “WhyMcCombs?”

Lily was excited to see how passionate the current MBAs in her field are and looked forward to taking leadership classes. She believes classes that refine “soft” skills are extremely beneficial and looks forward to sharing her unique knowledge with other students and organizations.

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Your MBA Return on Investment


Pursuing an MBA is a significant commitment of time and financial resources. At Texas McCombs, we understand that finding the best return on your MBA investment (ROI) is a priority. We are proud to have been consistently named a “Best Value” among Top 20 MBA programs!

In addition to (McCombs) having the lowest tuition and fees out of the top 20 schools for the last two years, McCombs’ grads had the largest gap between how much students made after graduation and how much they owed." U.S. News, 2017

As you evaluate the ROI for business schools you are considering, remember that the benefits of a top-ranked MBA go way beyond the potential for a higher salary.  Growing your professional network, and the expansion of knowledge and skills should also play a role in evaluating  ROI.


Expand Your Network

Texas McCombs is a globally recognized brand. When you join the program, you gain priceless membership in a lifelong alumni network that will continue to support and accelerate your career. Our alumni take great pride in giving back to this campus by helping mentor, support – and often hire – Texas McCombs students. Being a UT Austin alumni connects you to the most innovative leaders, thinkers, and doers around the world. You are a Longhorn for life.

The Texas McCombs and UT Austin Network

500,000+ UT Alumni
25,000+ MBA Alumni
100,000+ McCombs Alumni
30+ McCombs Alumni Chapters


The Numbers

Of course tuition and living costs are also considered in your ROI. Your individual considerations will vary when it comes to funding your MBA, but it’s always good to note current estimated tuition for the year you plan to start the program, cost of living, and any anticipated scholarships or financial aid.

Texas McCombs MBA Tuition

Current estimated annual tuition rate for the Full-Time MBA is $51,020 for Texas residents and $56,572 for non-Texas residents.

Texas McCombs MBA compares favorably against the national averages of $60,000 & $65,000, respectively, charged by other top 20 MBA programs at public universities. And the average annual tuition rate for private institutions in the top 10 is $72,485.

On average, 40-45% of admitted Texas McCombs Full-time MBA students receive scholarship offers.

Cost of Living in Austin

The cost of living in Austin is less than in many major cities. What costs $1 here is:
$1.56 in New York,
$1.43 in San Francisco,
$1.32 in Boston,
$1.30 in Los Angeles,
$1.29 in Seattle, and
$1.18 in Chicago

Texas consistently ranks as one of the nation’s most favorable business climates. Read more about the cost of living here.


Knowledge & Skills

While most graduate programs narrow your subject matter expertise through extensive research activities on a specific topic, an MBA curriculum allows you to learn about a variety of industries and business functions resulting in increased flexibility in potential career paths.

Texas McCombs is currently ranked in the top 3 for Business Analytics, Marketing and Accounting– we are consistently no. 1 for Accounting.  The MBA also offers a new “Leading for Impact” curriculum component to provide focused individual assessment & leadership coaching within your MBA.

The value of your graduate degree is measured in more than dollars and cents. If you have any questions about the opportunities offered at Texas McCombs or how your goals may fit with our program, please reach out to us.

Discover McCombs: Women’s Weekend 2018

On November 9 & 10, Texas McCombs hosted 56 future women MBAs on campus and around Austin for our Discover McCombs: Women’s Weekend– an unbeatable firsthand experience for anyone considering a Texas McCombs MBA. Attendees networked, explored Rowling Hall, heard an overview of program curriculum & career resources, and learned about the UT Austin community. We always look forward to this weekend of programming committed to the empowerment of women in higher education and business, and this year we were joined by current students, MBA faculty & staff, and recent alumnae to share their #WhyMcCombs.

Exploring Austin: Kendra Scott

The Welcome Reception on Friday evening was held at the Kendra Scott Home Office in central Austin, a beautiful new space indicative of Austin’s vibrant community of unique, innovative entrepreneurs.

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