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Full-Time MBA Program Receives STEM Certification

Top-Ranked Programs Emphasize Quantitative Management and Analytics

We are excited to announce that the Texas McCombs Full-Time MBA Program has received STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) certification for 14 of its 22 concentrations, demonstrating a high level of quantitative rigor across the program. 

“The breadth and depth of our full-time MBA curriculum is a unique complement to our close-knit class of 260 students, and we wanted to focus our STEM certification efforts on areas where we’re seeing strong and active job recruitment post-graduation, such as business analytics. The fact that these 14 concentrations were judged to meet STEM standards after an exacting review by our faculty, university office of graduate studies, UT System, and Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board points to the strength of our offerings in these subject areas.”

Tina Mabley, Assistant Dean for Full-Time MBA

Texas McCombs received the STEM designation after a rigorous review of the MBA curriculum and how the programs are categorized by the National Center for Education Statistics under a Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) code. The approval process went through several levels including the McCombs School of Business faculty, the University of Texas at Austin Office of Graduate Studies and Provost, the University of Texas System, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. As a result, the existing single Full-Time MBA degree program was split into three degree programs, two of which (Management Science & Quantitative Methods and Financial Mathematics) are classified with STEM codes. These degrees are earned by completing specific concentrations within the Full-Time MBA program.  

Beginning with the graduating Class of 2021, the following  concentrations will have the STEM degree designation.

Management Science & Quantitative Methods degree code:

  • Information Management 
  • Supply Chain & Operations Management 
  • Business Analytics 
  • Brand & Product Management
  • High Tech Marketing
  • Marketing Analytics & Consulting 

Financial Mathematics degree code:

  • General Finance 
  • Corporate Accounting 
  • Investment Management 
  • Corporate Finance 
  • Energy Finance 
  • Clean Tech 
  • Private Equity 
  • Real Estate Finance  

Several of McCombs’ one-year, specialized Master of Science programs are also STEM certified, including Business Analytics, Information Technology and Management, Finance, Marketing, and Technology Commercialization.

“Our goal at McCombs is not only to educate students from across the globe but also to make them competitive for business professions that the market is dictating. STEM certification is an indication that our programs and our curriculum are both thorough and rigorous.”

Interim Dean Lillian Mills

The STEM-designated degree program was established by the U.S. government to address a shortage of qualified workers in STEM fields and benefits all students by providing exceptional educational experience and broadening career opportunities. Additionally, the degree designation benefits international students by giving them up to three years to work in the U.S. without an H1-B visa through OPT (Optional Practical Training), instead of just one-year for non-STEM degrees.

MBA Admissions Updates
Related to COVID-19

The University of Texas at Austin is committed to protecting the health and safety of our community, and we are taking university-wide steps to help reduce the public spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). Our mission to educate and send the best and brightest into the world remains, but due to ongoing and serious health concerns, we are implementing new ways to uphold that mission.

We have made some admissions updates in response  and encourage you to review the most current admissions information.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Robert B. Rowling Hall Grand Opening

This post was written by Kimberly Jones, Marketing Coordinator, Texas McCombs MBA Programs.

The next class of Texas McCombs MBAs will start their MBA journey in a brand new business graduate school here at UT Austin: Robert B. Rowling Hall! On February 22, 2018 Rowling Hall held its Grand Opening Celebration. We were so excited to welcome the wider business community to our new home:

We shared the celebration excitement on social media:

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