Category: MBA at Houston (page 4 of 7)

Working Professional and Executive MBA Testing Options

Preparing for and taking an MBA admissions exam is one of the best ways to get your mind back into academic mode as you prepare for business school. Some of the most common questions we receive from MBA candidates are about the standardized tests. Texas McCombs MBA admissions is excited to share that working professional and executive MBA candidates have more options than ever before when considering how to complete the standardized test requirement in their application. All applicants are required to submit a GMAT, GRE, or Executive Assessment (EA).  We will waive the testing requirement if:

  • Expired (taken 5+ years ago) GMAT, GRE, or EA score
  • General Test Waiver (merit-based) is approved
  • COVID-19 Test Exception is approved

Standardized exams like the GRE, GMAT, EA, TOEFL, and IELTS help us to evaluate a candidate’s academic preparedness for the rigor of business school and is one metric used to compare candidates within a large pool of applicants.

In addition, studying for and taking the exam – for some, even taking it multiple times – can show the admissions committee your commitment to the competitive business school application process and how you may approach academic challenges as a student.

This post contains a lot of information, broken down into three sections:

  • Test Options for Working Professional and Executive MBA Candidates
  • Which Exam is Right for You?
  • Impact of Your Test Score.

Test Options for Working Professional and Executive MBA Candidates

All applicants are required to submit a GMAT, GRE, or Executive Assessment (EA).  We will waive the testing requirement if:

  • Expired (taken 5+ years ago) GMAT, GRE, or EA score
  • General Test Waiver (merit-based) is approved
  • COVID-19 Test Exception is approved

Our admissions committee does not have a preference on which test you take and there is no minimum score.

Submitting Current GMAT, GRE, or EA Scores

For current scores, you must self-report your test scores in your application as well as have official score reports sent directly to UT Austin by the testing agency. The date that your official scores are sent to UT Austin by the testing agency should be no later than the application round deadline, as it can take up to 3-4 weeks for new scores to be processed. Note that if you are taking the GMAT, GRE, or EA online, you will want to allow up to two weeks to receive your score from the testing agency. You must have your test score in hand by the application deadline in order to submit your application.

Submitting Expired GRE, GMAT, or EA Scores

For expired scores (5 years or older), you must self-report your score and upload proof of the test score in the application. Examples of proof for expired test scores include a score report you received previously from the testing agency OR documentation from another educational institution that previously received the score (e.g. for another graduate/terminal degree application).

About the Executive Assessment (EA)

In 2016 GMAC (who also administers the GMAT exam) saw the need for a new exam, designed specifically for the needs of MBA applicants who have a significant amount of work experience. Originally conceived for Executive MBA programs, the Executive Assessment (EA) exam was launched. Today, almost 100 MBA programs, Full-Time, Professional, and Executive, accept the EA. Unlike the GMAT or GRE, the EA is a readiness exam and a benchmark for academic preparedness. More details about the EA exam can be found below.

General Test Waiver Petition

A merit-based test waiver is available by request prior to submitting your application. Waivers/Exceptions are not available for applicants who have already sent scores to UT.

For candidates who would like to request a merit-based test waiver:

  • Submit the General Test Waiver petition form prior to submitting your application.
  • The General Test Waiver petition form can be accessed directly (UT EID login required) or via the test scores section of the application.
  • Waiver approval is merit-based and takes into account your work experience and academic history. Your resume and transcripts are required for consideration.
  • A decision on your test waiver request will be shared within 5-10 business days after submission.
  • Waivers/Exceptions are not available for applicants who have already sent scores to UT.

COVID-19 Test Exception Petition

A test exception is available if you have been directly affected by COVID-19 and are unable to take the exam in person or at home. Waivers/Exceptions are not available for applicants who have already sent sores to UT.

For candidates who would like to request a COVID-19 Test Exception:

  • Request the COVID-19 test exception form by emailing
  • Submit the COVID-19 test exception form prior to submitting your application.
  • The COVID-19 test exception is only for those applicants who are unable to take an exam in or at home for reasons directly related to COVID-19.

Which Exam is Right for You? 

The Admissions Committee does not prefer one test over the other in terms of demonstrating your preparedness for business school, but it is important to think about which exam is best for you as an individual. There are different reasons to consider taking the GMAT vs the GRE vs the EA.

​​While the GMAT and GRE tests both have quantitative and verbal sections, they have noticeable differences. We encourage you to do your research and take practice tests to learn each test’s points of emphasis, and how they are scored.

Both The GMAT and GRE are adaptive, which means that your success in answering questions correctly has an impact on the future questions you are given. But the tests deliver adaptive questions in different ways.

  • The GMAT is adaptive by question. When you get an answer correct, the next question is more difficult, and when you get an answer wrong, the next question is less difficult. This also means that once you answer a question, you can’t go back to that question.
  • The GRE is adaptive by section. If you do well on the first verbal section, you get a more difficult version of the next verbal section and vice versa.

We have included some more details about the GMAT, GRE, and EA below, but if you are unsure which exam is best for you, here are our tips:

  • We recommend taking some practice tests! There’s a chance you may be more comfortable with one test format over the other.  At the end of the day, the choice of which exam to take is yours.
  • Build in study time and leave yourself enough room on the calendar to retake an exam if necessary. If you’re not happy with your score, you can retake either test. While many candidates take the test only once thinking it will fulfill the requirement, others recognize that a second effort is likely to yield improvement. It comes at the cost of additional time and another test fee, but the payoff can be significant if it makes you a stronger candidate.
  • Make sure you submit your application as confidently as possible and with a score you feel good about.


For many years, the GMAT was the only standardized test accepted by business schools, but in the last decade, that has changed. Like Texas McCombs, many schools accept the GMAT, GRE, and EA with no preference for one test over another. However, it’s important to be aware that the GMAT is still used by most large consulting and investment banking companies as a baseline qualifier for the recruiting process. If consulting or I-banking are in your sights, this means that the GMAT is the best choice. The Fine Print: Not ALL consulting and investment banking firms look at your GMAT – boutique consulting firms, for example, typically do not ask for your score. So this is not a one-size-fits-all rule but is something to consider if those industries are of interest to you.

Exam Structure:  The GMAT has only one section each of verbal and quantitative questions. Within each section, a handful of questions are experimental, however, you won’t know which questions count towards your score and which are experimental. The verbal section of the GMAT focuses on grammar (sentence correction) and reading comprehension. In the quantitative section, the GMAT questions center on problem-solving and data sufficiency– you will get some questions where you have to understand if you have enough data to reach a conclusive answer. The GMAT also includes an Integrated Reasoning section, which measures how well you use data to solve complex problems, and an Analytical Writing Assessment, which asks you to analyze an argument and communicate your critique of that argument through a written essay.

Scoring: The GMAT overall scoring range is 200-800, with verbal and quant sections scored on a scale of 6 to 51. The verbal and quant sections both count toward your overall score. The Integrated Reasoning and Analytical Writing sections are scored individually.

Preparation: The amount of time you need to study for the GMAT will be unique to your individual circumstances. However, on average, candidates report that they spend 3 – 6 months preparing for the GMAT exam.  You can find more information and resources for GMAT preparation at

Time to Complete:  3.5 hours total (including two optional breaks) with 30 minutes for Analytical Writing, 30 minutes for Integrated Reasoning (12 questions), 62 minutes each for the quantitative section (31 questions), and 65 minutes for the verbal section (36 questions). The GMAT is considered the ultimate test of executive decision-making. Time is short and you only have one section of each format, so you must what questions are worth spending the most time on.

Cost: $250 – $275 USD depending on location

Delivery: The GMAT is delivered in-person at testing centers or online. You can take the GMAT once every 16 days, no more than five times in a rolling 12-month period, and no more than eight times total. Within the overall limit, you can only take the GMAT online exam up to two times.

Learn more about the GMAT at


Sometimes the GRE is the best choice for applicants who have already completed a Master’s degree or those who are pursuing their MBA in conjunction with other Master’s degrees, for example, our dual degree programs. Taking only the GRE allows you to apply to both programs separately with one score, a convenience factor that most dual-degree applicants very much appreciated.

Exam Structure: The GRE has two sections of verbal and two sections of quantitative questions, plus one additional section that could be either verbal or quantitative. This additional section is experimental– your responses won’t count toward your score – but like the GMAT, you don’t know which section is the experimental one. So you have to treat each section on its own as if it will count toward your score. The GRE is also known for having a tough vocabulary portion (antonyms, analogies, and sentence completion) in the verbal sections, along with reading comprehension. Quant questions focus more on geometry and data comparisons. Also, the GRE quant includes questions where more than one answer is correct, and you must select all of the correct answers to get credit for that question. The GRE does give you the use of an on-screen calculator, though this provides only basic arithmetic functions. The GRE also includes an Analytical Writing section, which includes an “Analyze a Task” question and one “Analyze an Argument” question.

Scoring: The GRE gives you one score for verbal and one score for quant, both ranging from 130 to 170. There is no total score for the GRE.

Preparation: Preparation time will vary based on your individual schedule and strengths. ETS offers a variety of free and low-cost tools to help you prepare for the GRE exam.

Time to Complete: The overall testing time for the GRE is about 3 hours and 45 minutes, consisting of 60 minutes for Analytical Writing, 60 minutes for two sections of Verbal Reasoning questions (20 questions per section), 70. minutes for two sections of Quantitative Reasoning (20 questions per section), along with some un-scored and research questions.

Cost: $205 USD

Delivery: The GRE can be taken at testing centers or online. You can take the GRE once every 21 days, up to five times within any continuous 12-month/365 day period.

Learn more about the GRE at

Executive Assessment (EA) 

The Executive Assessment is a readiness exam and a benchmark for academic preparedness. It is designed specifically for busy, experienced professionals. Anyone is eligible to take the EA.

Exam Structure: There are three sections on the exam – quant, verbal, and integrated reasoning with the type of questions for quant and verbal on the EA being very similar to GMAT. The integrated reasoning section has four types of questions: multi-source reasoning, graphics interpretation, two-part analysis, and table analysis.

Scoring: The total score ranges from 100 to 200 with all three sections weighted equally (0-20).

Preparation: The EA was designed to require minimal preparation, but we recommend putting in enough prep to feel comfortable when you take the exam. On average, candidates put in 21-30 hours of prep time before taking the EA. This test is good option for busy working professionals looking for a way to demonstrate their MBA readiness without the rigorous preparation that the GMAT and GRE demands.

Exam Length: The test is shorter in duration compared to the GMAT and GRE. The test takes about 90 minutes to complete for 40 questions – 30 minutes for Integrated Reasoning (12 questions), 30 minutes for Verbal (14 questions), and 30 minutes for Quant (14 questions).

Cost: $350 USD

Delivery: The Executive Assessment is available both online and in-person at test centers worldwide making the assessment available around the clock to ensure you meet your application deadlines. You can take the Executive Assessment up to two times.

Learn more about the EA at

Impact of Your Test Score

Future Employment

Before you make a final decision on your testing options, it’s best to research some of your target companies or industries and determine two things:

  • The extent to which they evaluate a test score in reviewing job candidates.
  • Whether they have a preference for one of the tests. At McCombs, we have found that most consulting and investment banking firms do look at the candidate’s test scores, and both industries historically have favored the GMAT.

Regardless of which test you take, you should consider it as another opportunity to not only impress the Admissions Committee, but also potential employers.

Academic History

Does your undergraduate or graduate transcript accurately reflect your academic ability? If your GPA is low, and you do not submit a strong test score, the admissions committee may have concerns about your ability to succeed in the rigorous MBA curriculum.

One other factor to consider is whether or not your quantitative ability shines elsewhere in your application. While many of our MBA students come to McCombs from non-quantitative majors, these applicants are typically able to prove their quantitative prowess through their test scores. If you come from a non-quantitative background and do not submit a strong test score, you will need to find other areas within your background or experience that can demonstrate your quantitative skills. At the end of the day, we want to make sure that you are set up to succeed academically in the program. If the admissions committee has concerns about your quantitative ability, it may impact your chance of admission, or you may be required to complete pre-MBA coursework prior to admission and/or prior to enrollment.


Scholarship awards are competitive and limited in number. Scholarship decisions are based on a longstanding holistic review process that takes into account your entire application and serves to assess the overall strength of your candidacy, including readiness for academic rigor, career goals, leadership potential, and fit with our program culture. Submitting an application without a strong test score may limit the information available to award a merit-based scholarship.

Please reach out to the MBA Admissions Team with any questions.

Good luck and Hook ’em!

Who Should Write Your MBA Recommendation?

The Texas McCombs MBA application requires one professional letter of recommendation from a person who has supervised your work and/or has assessed your performance during your career.

A recommendation letter is one of the only things you rely on someone else to provide in your application. Circumstances differ for every applicant and deciding who you should ask will vary.  Below are some scenarios to help guide you in choosing the best recommender for your application.

Your Supervisor

Your current direct supervisor is traditionally the best choice. This is likely the person in your network that knows your strengths and weaknesses better than anyone else. However, this may not be a viable option for you.  Perhaps you aren’t able to communicate to your employer that you’re applying to business school or you do not work with your direct boss that closely. It could also be that you attained a new role recently and your current supervisor has not had a chance to work with you very much. Or,  you’re an entrepreneur & don’t have a supervisor.

All of these are valid reasons to look for other recommendation sources, but remember that if you do not ask your current supervisor to write your recommendation letter, we do ask that you explain your choice in the Optional Statement.

Your Former Supervisor

If you cannot ask your current direct supervisor to write your recommendation, maybe you can ask a previous supervisor? Depending on how recently you worked with them, the “old boss” may be the best choice, especially if you had a strong professional relationship with that person. This is also a very common option.

Your Indirect Supervisor

Asking an indirect supervisor can be another option, especially if you’ve worked with this person closely on past assignments or long-term projects.  This is a nice alternative to a supervisor that you may not work with closely.

Your Client or Vendor

This type of recommendation source is especially useful for entrepreneurs or for applicants who work for a family business.

If you work for a family business, it is preferred that you ask an individual outside of your family to write your letter of recommendation.

Your Mentor

Mentors inside or outside of your workplace are great to have in your corner when it comes time to apply to business school. However, be sure that your mentor has a clear understanding of your current professional value, not just your potential or future goals. Select a mentor with whom you have worked with on measurable tasks to ensure that they will provide a recommendation with depth.  Keep in mind that the admissions committee is looking for someone who has worked with you professionally.

Other Options

There are many individuals who may fall in the category of “other recommenders.” For example, a former professor, a colleague, or a coach.

When it comes to these options: use your best judgment. An undergraduate professor may not be the best person to address some of the questions posed on the recommendation form and we’re looking mainly at your post-undergraduate work experience.  Direct reports should never submit a letter of recommendation on behalf of their boss, so steer clear of that scenario. And don’t focus only on title– the CEO of a large company may sound like an impressive recommendation, but unless they work with you closely, the recommendation letter will likely fall short of delivering on the information that the admissions committee is looking for.

You’ve chosen a recommender. What’s next?

First, before asking your recommender to take this on, keep in mind that they are likely a busy individual – be sure to give them plenty of notice prior to an approaching application deadline.

Secondly, give them a heads-up about your request. You don’t want to blindly email someone and ask them to write something for you without having a conversation. Sometimes it’s good to revisit certain projects you worked on with them. Most importantly, explain to your recommender why you’re pursuing an MBA. Giving them some context behind your ask will go a long way and will likely result in a stronger letter.

Finally, make sure you give them all the info on the recommendation before you ask.  Texas McCombs uses the GMAC Common Letter of Recommendation.  Your recommender will be asked to assess specific competencies and traits, as well as answer three explicit questions.  While there will be other programs using this form,  some schools will ask a series of different questions.  If you’re applying to more than one MBA, you may be asking your recommender to fill out and separately submit different forms.

Visit Texas McCombs MBA to learn more about our programs and upcoming events, or take a peek into student life on Instagram. Please reach out to the MBA Admissions Team with any questions.

Good luck and Hook ’em!

How to Highlight Your Work Experience

This MBA Insider content comes from Sharon Barrett, Director of Working Professional & Executive MBA Admissions.

When evaluating your application, our MBA Admissions Committee aims for a complete picture of your qualifications and fit with the program. It’s all about perspective. We look  at your application as if we are holding a scale, balancing all the parts.

When considering the specific experience on your resume, on one side there’s a raw number of years (Quantity), and on the other is your job experience (Quality).


Say that you are the CEO of a mid-size corporation. Wonderful!  Oh, you just started in this position? That’s an amazing accomplishment, but perhaps you’d still admit that your knowledge and expertise in such a new position wouldn’t be as developed as someone who’s been doing it for a few years.

Or maybe you have been in the same job for 10 years.  Wow!  No doubt you are a go-to person when it comes to that role, but could it mean that perhaps you didn’t take as much initiative or demonstrate the leadership qualities required to launch you to the next level? Or perhaps you have only had a project manager role for a year, but in that time you’ve produced measurable results and demonstrated leadership.  In these cases, the quality of your work experience matters more.


A general job title like “Project Manager” may seem lackluster, but could actually be pretty exciting.  Don’t let us make assumptions. Take every opportunity on your application to illustrate just WHAT about your job made your experience rich and rewarding.

On the flip side, a Chief Operating Office title sounds impressive, but what kind of company did you work for and how extensive were your duties?  An impressive title with naught to back it up won’t move the needle in your favor when it comes to work experience.

The take-away on work experience:  Years, titles, and accomplishments are not, by themselves deciding factors. To help you provide us with a clear picture, here are our top tips for highlighting the quality and quantity of your work experience on your resume:

Blue graphic that reads 7 Tips for a Better Resume

  1. Tailor Content – You may have heard the adage that your resume should be tailored to your audience, which is true. But customizing your resume may simply entail reordering or swapping out bullet points. Remember, a resume is a summary of your relevant experience, not necessarily all of it.
  2. Emphasize Results – We don’t just want a summary. We want to know whether you generated results from your work.  If the person replacing you could copy and paste your resume bullet points into their resume, that’s probably a sign your bullet points need to better emphasize your individual contributions in the role.
  3. Avoid Redundancy – Think of each line on your resume as a valuable piece of real estate. Consider the incremental value that each line on your resume provides for you as a candidate. If you have performed the same task in multiple roles, is it necessary to list that same task more than once on your resume? Likely not.
  4. Show Balance – We want to see a “balanced” candidate – someone who has been strong in the classroom and in the workplace while participating in extracurricular activities and having unique interests outside of work. Consider creating an “Additional” section to detail your activities and interests for use as a potential conversation starter.
  5. Utilize White Space – Great resume content can only be great if a reader can easily access it. That’s where resume readability comes into play. Don’t forget to use your white space effectively. A resume is not about cramming as much you can onto the page. Rather, give your content some space to breathe.
  6. Enlist Proofreaders– Perhaps the most important element of a resume is that it is free of errors. A single spelling, grammatical, or formatting error can hurt even the most impressive resume. Have multiple individuals proofread your resume.
  7. Convey Personal Brand – What do you think of when you think of great global brands like Apple, Nike, or Google? What words come to mind? Now, when we read your resume, what words do you want to come to mind about you? Have a peer give your resume a 30-second review and see if the words you want to pop for a reader, actually do.

Remember, your resume is important, but it’s only one data point for you as a candidate. Years of work experience give only one sense of you as a candidate, so use your resume to make the quality of those years really stand out.

Visit Texas McCombs MBA to find out more about all our programs, submitting your application, and upcoming events. Hook ’em!

2021 Working Professional and Executive MBA
Applications are Open

The Texas McCombs  Executive MBAMBA at Dallas/Fort Worth and MBA at Houston programs are accepting applications for Fall 2021 on a space-available basis. If you were unable to submit before the last deadline, this is a great opportunity to start in August as part of the Class of 2023 without waiting another year to begin your MBA.

Your McCombs Application



Note: Spots are not guaranteed. If any classes fill, the application for that program will close.

Applying Now vs. Earlier in the Cycle

In contrast to full-time MBAs, working professional MBA classes fill up later in the cycle. Your chance for admission is the same now as if you had applied in earlier rounds. And there are many reasons to consider starting your MBA this fall:

  • An MBA will provide you with the leadership and business skills to help with post-COVID organizational change.
  • You’ll gain a supportive network of classmates, alumni, faculty, and staff– there are over 100,000 McCombs alumni around the world.
  • Texas McCombs provides unmatched career support for working professional students.
  • All applicants submitting for Fall 2021 before the application closes will receive an application fee waiver worth a $200 USD value.

Testing and Scores

All applicants should note that our testing options have changed for this cycle


General Test Waiver: Although submitting a strong test score is always advised, Dallas/Fort Worth and Houston MBA applicants may submit a petition to waive the test score by using the Optional Essay within the application to share the reasons for considering your application without a score. (i.e. strong undergrad/graduate GPA, certifications, extensive work experience) Waiver petitions are considered along with the rest of your application components and reviewed holistically. The MBA Admissions Committee will view each applicants’ petition in the context of their entire application and render a decision based on the application as a whole, versus a separate decision on just the waiver.

Ready to Apply?

The best time to apply is always when you feel you are ready to start the program and have a strong application. All applicants applying to the program must be prepared to start the program in August 2021.

If you have any questions now about starting the program, please contact us:


Student Spotlight: Shams
Mammadli, MBA at Houston Class of 2021

Shams' Headshot

Shams Mammadli
MBA ’21

Shams Mammadli was born on the coast of Baku, Azerbaijan. She grew up there for most of her childhood and later, her education would take her all over the world.

As MBA graduation approaches, Shams is reflecting on her time at McCombs and how her upbringing shaped the worldview she brings to the MBA program.

An International Perspective

Multiculturalism is embedded into the very roots of Azerbaijan. Its culture is a fusion of two factors: the Soviet Union’s 70-year influence on the country and its Eastern European geography. It’s the combination of these two factors that provided Shams with fluency in four languages.

Shams (left) and her mother (right)

Shams Mammadli (left) and her mother (right) during her childhood.

“Imagine growing up in a family where you speak Azeri to your grandma but Russian to your mom; a childhood where your school classes are held in Russian, but you only watch Turkish cartoons; you grow up in a city with mosques, synagogues, and churches.”

The omnipresent immersion of different cultures molded Shams’ perspective of the world to this day. “It becomes a part of you,” she says. “I feel truly fortunate for having experienced such a level of multiculturalism this early and having seen the benefits it poses to society.”

Shams graduated from Azerbaijan State University of Economics with a bachelor’s degree in International Economic Relations in 2014. Aside from Baku, Shams has lived in Moscow, London, and Kansas in pursuit of her education.

“I learned very early on how to feel at home anywhere in the world.”

If There’s a Will, There’s a Way

Regardless of location, there is one common link that has driven Shams all her life: entrepreneurship. 

“It’s what gets me excited: To hear others build something and turn their ideas into reality.”

Shams with a bouquet from her flower entrepreneurial business

Shams Mammadli holding a bouquet of flowers from her entrepreneurial venture, Precious Flowers Houston.

A few years ago, Shams took a leap of faith and started Precious Flowers Houston, an online boutique specializing in floral arrangements packaged in customized boxes. Here, she became familiar with the startup process from start to finish, namely, “designing the website, marketing, networking and building relationships with vendors, communicating with customers, and creating the arrangements.”

This startup allowed her entrepreneurial drive to blossom, but she attributes her biggest lesson learned as something more personal:

“Following your dreams is always worth it, and if there’s a will, there’s a way.”

Currently, Shams is a financial analyst at Leschaco, a transportation and logistics company based out of Germany. Although corporate finance is different from individual entrepreneurship, Shams says her entrepreneurial experience is a “useful foundation” to set her up for future success.

Shams’ Why McCombs 

In 2015, through the Diversity Immigrant Visa program, Shams and her husband moved to the United States. 

“As someone who has been traveling quite frequently and is always ready for a new challenge, I didn’t think twice before leaving everything behind and moving to the other side of the world.”

Shams in front of a University of Texas crest mounted on the wall

Shams at The University of Texas at Austin

However, Shams’ #WhyMcCombs moment almost happened back in 2014, when she was still living in Baku, Azerbaijan. She had started an application for her MBA degree at Texas McCombs, but never got around to submitting it because the prospect of it seemed, “so far and unattainable.” Nevertheless, be it a coincidence or destiny, Shams finally submitted and got admitted to the Texas McCombs MBA at Houston program in 2019, after she moved to the city.

Some of the key factors that played a role in Shams’ decision to apply to Texas McCombs were the university’s prestige and the Longhorn network:

“Apart from being a top-ranked program, it’s really the people that make it an amazing place to be — the admissions office, professors, classmates, and the great alumni network that is always willing to help and support.”

Shams attended information sessions held by other universities, but says that she quickly knew McCombs stood out and would be her home. 

“Right from the start, I could tell Texas McCombs is a community of people that genuinely value diversity and are passionate about doing incredible things for the world.”

The Road Ahead

While at McCombs, Shams has worked on multiple projects that have accelerated her knowledge of the type of work she’d like to do after graduation. 

Shams (middle) with her McCombs classmates

Shams (middle) along with her Texas McCombs at Houston classmates.

Shams says that MBA+ projects have allowed her to, “try on different hats,” and decide whether a specific venture would be something she’d want to pursue full-time. This past summer, she completed a mergers & acquisitions MBA+ Project in the healthcare industry, and currently she is working on a  sustainability project for United Airlines — an experience that’s completely new to her. 

“I believe McCombs provides all the resources for those who want to make most out of their experience.”

With graduation just around the corner, Shams is planning to pursue a corporate finance opportunity with a tech company focusing on product development and strategy. However, true to her first true passion, she’s hoping to pursue another entrepreneurial venture sometime down the road.


Visit Texas McCombs MBA to find out more about all our programs, events, and community, or take a peek into student life on Instagram.

Hook ’em!

Student Spotlight: Daniel
Hinkson, MBA at Houston Class of 2021

For Daniel Hinkson, a veteran MBA at Houston student, a degree from Texas McCombs is a way to transform his military experience into a successful career in business.

From the Army to the Business World

Photo of Daniel Hinkson

“Following my transition out of the Army, I realized my peers in the corporate sector had significant business experiences and knowledge I lacked. Conversely, the knowledge and experiences I had in the Army were vast and invaluable, but I felt a needed to close the business knowledge gap.”

After graduating from the United States Military Academy in 2012 Daniel commissioned as a Field Artillery Officer in the Army. He got married and then moved six times in six years, including two tours in Afghanistan. His career is most notably highlighted by his time serving as an Army Ranger in the 75th Ranger Regiment. Now, Daniel has transitioned out of the Army and works as a Project Engineer for Enerflex Ltd. 

“The military exposes leaders to a vast number of different personalities and backgrounds. It is the ultimate melting pot of societies coming together to be greater than themselves. The McCombs School of Business strives for this same type of diverse unification in support of greater purpose, even to change the world.”

Balancing Work, Life and Family

The biggest advantage of the Working Professional MBA program for Daniel has been the alternating weekend class format that allows him to prioritize family time with his wife and two young children.

Daniel with his wife and kids outside of the McCombs School of Business building in Austin Texas.

Daniel with his wife and children on campus at UT Austin .

“Like many looking to advance their careers through an MBA, I was not ready to pursue a full-time education. The MBA at Houston program offered me the greatest flexibility while still providing an interesting and challenging curriculum. The every-other-weekend format also allowed for decompression time that I could dedicate to my family.”

Daniel’s “Why McCombs?”

Continue reading

How to Have a Successful MBA Interview

We understand that if you are planning to apply this application cycle , you may be affected by challenges posed by COVID-19. The University of Texas continues to prioritize your safety and you can stay updated on safety measures and announcements via Protect Texas Together.

After you submit your MBA application, you may receive an invitation to interview.  The weeks after submitting create a new set of questions, especially because of the current restrictions for on-campus visits and virtual interviews. Common questions include:  What interview format options are there? What sort of questions will I be asked? Who conducts the interview? How should I prepare?

Different schools have different interview processes. It’s important to be familiar with how the Texas McCombs MBA runs the virtual interview experience. Be sure to read all confirmation emails and instructions very carefully.

Interviews Are Invitation Only 

Currently, all interviews are being conducted virtually.

Full-Time MBA Program Interviewers
For our Full-Time MBA program, interviews will be conducted by a current MBA student, MBA Alumnus, or MBA Admissions staff.

Working Professional MBA Program Interviewers
For our working , interviews will be conducted by the dedicated Admissions Officer for your program.

If you receive an interview invitation, an email will point you to our online platform and allow you to select an interview time slot that works with your schedule. There is a deadline to complete your interview, so be sure to schedule it as early as you can.

Interview invitations can come at any time during the application round. You will want to check your email (and  your Spam Folder) regularly after you submit your application  so you can  respond to our invitation and secure your preferred time slot.

An Un-Biased Approach  

Going into each interview, our interviewers do not have access to anything about you or your application, except for your resume. (Even so, it’s always a good idea to have a copy of your resume on-hand during the conversation.)

All of our interviewers are fully trained on conducting an interview that is professional, fair, impartial and helpful. Interviews typically last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.

Most interviews follow the general framework of introductions, questions from the interviewer for you to answer, then leave time  at the end for you to ask questions about the program and/or application process.

Top Tips

  1. Be On Time: Arriving on time is “Interviewing 101,” yet it still manages to trip up even the most prepared of candidates. Please follow all the instructions in your confirmation email about how to connect with your interviewer.
  2. Test Technology: Virtual interviews are being conducted through Zoom. If you don’t have one already, create a Zoom account. You’ll want to find a good space to conduct your interview, ideally with good lighting, stable internet, and access to a plug. We recommend connecting directly to your internet for the most reliable internet connection.
  3. Pace Yourself: You’d be surprised how many times, at the end of an applicant’s long answer, we are asked to repeat the original question. Most often this happens to people who try to put too much into the first answer for fear of not being given an opportunity later on to address their prepared examples.  Don’t worry, you will have time to get to it.  Plus, there is often an opportunity at the end of an interview to mention anything you didn’t address in the formal line of questioning.
  4. Be Professional But Loosen Up: Given our program’s famously friendly culture, our interviews are relatively informal.  If you still find yourself nervous, practice your answers in front of a mirror or with a friend or colleague and ask them how you did. Did you answer the question? Did you rush through it? Take a moment to outline your answer in your mind first, and then address it calmly and confidently.  Don’t get too comfortable, though. While we’re an easy-going group, maintaining an appropriate level of professionalism is always a good idea. This includes professional language and attire, as if you were interviewing for a job.
  5. Know What We’re Looking For: We listen for confidence, clear and concise communication of career goals, concrete examples of teamwork and leadership, in-depth knowledge of our MBA program, and overall genuine enthusiasm.  Also, the interview can be a place to showcase secondary skills that are difficult for us to determine solely based on your application: interview skills, self-awareness, communication style, and “hire-ability.” Keep these in mind so we can get a feel for the application intangibles.
  6. Come with questions: A good list of questions for your interviewer can illustrate a few key things about you as a candidate: You’ve done your research, you care about our program, you have envisioned yourself as an MBA, and you can formulate coherent thoughts under pressure. We usually leave anywhere from 10-15 minutes for questions, so limit your list to 2-3 good ones and have a few backups.

Some applicants anticipate an interview and feel nervous, which is natural. If you are nervous, here is some key advice: The interview is your official opportunity to share your story, provide examples, and tell us why you chose McCombs like no one else can. Take advantage of this opportunity; It can be just the thing the Admissions Committee needs to understand the rest of your application elements and gives us the chance to get to know you better!

If you have any questions during the application process, we’re here to help. Please visit our website for details on applying to each program and follow us on Instagram for an inside look into the the Texas McCombs MBA.

Student Spotlight: Elsa Wright, MBA at Houston Class of 2021

When Texas McCombs MBA at Houston student, Elsa Wright, has a goal, she meets it. While working in the waste management and sustainability industry in Houston, Texas, her goal was senior leadership at her company. Like many professional women, Elsa wondered if she would be able to achieve all her career goals alongside her personal goal of having a family. Below, Elsa shares how she navigated these goals & priorities, overcame her struggle with imposter syndrome, and eventually enrolled in the MBA program. Juggling graduate degree work, motherhood, and marriage in the midst of a pandemic has definitely been a challenge, but Elsa has shown that determination and belief in oneself will ultimately lead you to success.

PHOTO: Elsa's Headshot. She has short brown hair and is wearing a red dress shirt with a black blazer.

Elsa Wright, Texas McCombs MBA ’21

Getting Her MBA

Elsa was eager to gain the foundational knowledge and skills needed to move into a leadership role in her career and knew an MBA from Texas McCombs could get her there. As a minority woman and mother, Elsa faced the realities of the world head-on.

“With recent events in the news, a lot of people have become more aware of the struggles that minorities face every day — struggles that stem into career growth,” she says. “I struggled with the idea that I had to achieve a master’s degree to be on the same playing field as many of my white male counterparts who hadn’t. Intelligence could be equally distributed among our society, but opportunities are not always.”

Elsa says she has struggled with imposter syndrome her entire life and her biggest piece of advice to anyone, especially women and mothers, considering an MBA is: “Just do it!”

“I have personally spent more time considering the idea and deciding to make the leap than I have spent actually getting my MBA,” Elsa says. “I felt that maybe I wasn’t ready, that I should wait for my son to get older, or that an MBA is just too competitive and I might not get in.”

Impostor syndrome— the false belief that others have overestimated your capabilities or that you’re not good enough— disproportionately affects women more than men — especially women of color. One of the direct factors contributing to impostor syndrome is the lack of women in organizational leadership, according to a 2019 Lean In study. The business world, including the realm of business education, has made strides in recent years, but there is still much work to be done toward equity and gender parity.

When narrowing down her prospective MBA schools, Texas McCombs appealed to her because of the prestige, atmosphere, and flexibility it offered.

PHOTO: Elsa standing in front of the University of Texas tower.

Elsa Wright standing in front of the UT tower at sunset.

“As I researched MBA programs, I found that Texas McCombs was the highest ranked in Texas. I attended the info sessions, and instantly felt what I like to call ‘the warm and fuzzy feeling.’ I felt welcomed with open arms, and could feel such a forward-thinking attitude that I could not resist being a part of.”

“The Working Professional program understands and respects that, as a working professional, we’re undergoing a journey,” she says. “The program didn’t require a specialization, but instead teaches you how to speak all languages of business, which allows me to explore where my career may take me instead of fixating on a specific career path.”

The moment she stepped on campus, Elsa knew that Texas McCombs would be her home for the next two years.

“I’ll never forget, it was our very first day of Austin Intensives and Assistant Dean, Joe Stephens, spoke in front of the entire Working Professional class of ’21: He said:

‘For those of you that may suffer from imposter syndrome and feel like you don’t belong here or deserve to be here, I am here to tell you that you do belong, and you do deserve it. We chose you because you have something to offer this program.’

To this day, those words resonate inside me and push me forward to make a difference.”

Pivoting to Online Learning

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Everything You Need to Know About the Texas McCombs MBA COVID-19 Test Waiver


Standardized exams like the GRE, GMAT, EA, TOEFL & IELTS help us to evaluate a candidate’s academic preparedness for the rigor of business school and is one metric used to compare candidates within a large pool of applicants.

In addition, studying for and taking the exam – for some, even taking it multiple times can show the admissions committee your commitment to the competitive business school application process and how you may approach academic challenges as a student. 

However, we understand that many are experiencing hardships due to the COVID-19 pandemic and that these challenges may be affecting your applications plans and ability to take an exam. Due to the unprecedented circumstances, we are providing applicants who are unable to take an exam in person or online the opportunity to petition for a test score waiver.

Here, our Admissions Team answers some questions you might have about the Texas McCombs MBA COVID-19 test waiver, including who the waiver is for and how it might impact your application. 

Who is eligible for a COVID-19 test waiver? 

Applicants who meet both of the criteria below have the opportunity to petition for a special test waiver:

  • You are unable to take an exam in-person at a designated testing center due to lack of availability in your region, or because you or someone in your household is immunocompromised, AND  
  • You are unable to take an exam online due to lack of availability in your region, technology or other test-taking requirements (e.g. device availability or compatibility, slow internet connection, testing environment) 

If you do not meet both of these criteria, we require that you complete the standardized tests prior to submitting your application.Both GMAC and ETS have introduced remote testing options for the  GMAT, GRE, EA, and TOEFL exams for candidates impacted by coronavirus, and the majority of testing centers have re-opened globally with stringent health and safety precautions.   

How do I request a COVID-19 test waiver? 

If you meet both requirements above and would like to request a COVID-19 test waiver, please email to receive a link to the petition and to learn more about the test exception process 

Is there a deadline to request a COVID-19 test waiver? 

The test waiver petition must be approved by the admissions committee before you submit your application to McCombs. The admissions committee may take up to five business days to review your petition, so please complete the petition 10-15 days prior to your planned application submission date.

How does a test waiver impact my application? 

If you are approved for the COVID-19 test waiver, you may be asking yourself, “What are my chances for admission?” 

The truth is that by removing one component from your application, your other components will carry more weight in the committee’s final decision. Below are some items to consider as you craft your application. 

Academic History 

Does your undergraduate or graduate transcript accurately reflect your academic ability? If your GPA is low, and you do not submit a GMAT or GRE score, the admissions committee may have concerns about your ability to succeed in the rigorous MBA curriculum.  

One other factor to consider is whether or not your quantitative ability shines elsewhere in your application. While many of our MBA students come to McCombs from non-quantitative majors, these applicants are typically able to prove their quant prowess through the GMAT or GRE. If you come from a non-quantitative background and qualify for a test waiver, you will need to find other areas within your background or experience that can demonstrate your quantitative skills. At the end of the day, we want to make sure that you are set up to succeed academically in the program. If the admissions committee has concerns about your quantitative ability, it may impact your chance of admission, or you may be required to complete pre-MBA coursework prior to admission and/or prior to enrollment.  

Work Experience 

Your work experience will be reviewed thoroughly by the committee for leadership potential, progression and/or increasing responsibilities, and achievements. Generally, the level of responsibility someone has within a company correlates positively to how they will perform in a rigorous graduate educational program.  For those with less than the average work experience, a standardized test score may make your application more competitive. 

If you have any professional certifications, such as the CPA, CFA, Series 7, or others – be sure to highlight these on your resume and within your application, as attaining these types of certifications helps show the committee your academic readiness.  Advanced or terminal degrees should also be highlighted.  

Career Goals 

If your post-MBA career goal is to work in management consulting or investment banking, employers in these industries may ask that you provide your GMAT score when applying for internships or full-time positions. If you qualify for a test waiver and are considering pursuing post-MBA jobs in these industries, it is important that you are aware of this before enrolling because you may end up having to take the exam to apply for these roles. 


Scholarship awards are competitive and limited in number. Scholarship decisions are based on a longstanding holistic review process that takes into account your entire application and serves to assess the overall strength of your candidacy, including readiness for academic rigor, career goals, leadership potential, and fit with our program culture. Submitting an application without a test score may limit the information available to award a merit-based scholarship  

One other note: Admission deferral requests for the Full-Time MBA program will not be considered if you gain admission to Texas McCombs and have a test exception. 

What if I’m an international student and am not able to take the TOEFL or IELTS? 

If you are an international student who does not qualify for our standard TOEFL/IELTS waiver based on work experience and/or education history, but you meet the criteria for a COVID-19 test waiver, you may be asked to prove your mastery of English via other avenues, such as a meeting with an admissions committee member or an additional essay request. In addition, if admitted you may be required to enroll in and pay for the pre-MBA Business English Program, which occurs in June 2021.  

Final Thoughts on the COVID-19 Test Waiver

The COVID-19 test waiver is intended only for those who cannot take the exams in person or virtually due to circumstances beyond their control.  If you qualify for a test waiver and believe that your application will not be negatively impacted by the lack of a test score, we encourage you to submit the petition and apply when you are ready. However, it is important to remember that we have multiple application rounds for a reason! For some, it may be best to wait to apply until you can submit with test score in-hand.  The decision will be different for every applicant, and we encourage you to approach this thoughtfully.   

We wish you well during these difficult times. Please contact us if you have any questions, and best of luck on your application! 

The Working Professional and Executive MBA Admissions Team

Every year, our Working Professional and Executive (WPE) MBA Admissions Team hosts hundreds of events, answers your questions, and reviews applications with the goal of putting together an incoming class that showcases the strengths and values of Texas McCombs.

Our WPE Admissions Team team is dedicated to supporting you throughout your application process, really getting to know you and your goals, and helping you find your perfect fit within our programs. Get to know more about them below.

Dave Jackson
Senior MBA Admissions Officer, Texas McCombs MBA at Dallas/Fort Worth

Dave Jackson Headshot

Dave Jackson is the Senior Admissions Officer for our MBA at Dallas/Fort Worth program and is a proud McCombs MBA alumnus. He has 20 years of experience in journalism, public relations, and communication.

Dave graduated from the MBA program in 2010, amidst the Great Recession. He was inspired by a fellow alum to look at the economic situation with a fresh perspective. He recently shared his experience and insights: Considering an MBA in Uncertain Times

“An MBA is an investment that will pay off over a long time horizon, in ways both easy to measure and less tangible but still significant. So if you’re thinking about whether these turbulent times are right for making the MBA investment, it’s worth considering that this might be the best time of all to go for it.”

When considering making an investment in your MBA, Dave says you should look closely at the value an MBA program has to offer and consider whether waiting is worth the opportunity cost of missing out on the benefits you could start receiving sooner.

“A big part of that value comes from the network you build with your classmates and alumni. As a McCombs student, you instantly join a powerful and passionate network of 500,000+ University of Texas at Austin and 100,000+ McCombs alumni who are eager to help their fellow Longhorns.”

Connect with Dave to learn more about the MBA at Dallas/Fort Worth and the application process.

Christie Jenkins
Senior MBA Admissions Officer, Texas McCombs Evening MBA

Christie Jenkins HeadshotChristie Jenkins is our Senior Admissions Officer for the Evening MBA. She joined the team in April 2020 and is originally from Vernon, Texas. She studied Public Relations at The University of Oklahoma, and received her MBA from the University of Illinois.

Christie has worked in higher education for nearly a decade and plans to spend the rest of her career in the field. While it is non-traditional that she earned her MBA, given her career goals, she believes education in America is evolving significantly, and looks for candidates that are humble and eager to learn.

“Many of our candidates have impressive careers and academic accomplishments, but I am looking for candidates who recognize there is plenty they have left to learn and are open to being taught. The classroom is safe space to make mistakes and work on your areas of improvement. I like students who are willing to embrace this opportunity and make the most out of their MBA experience.”

Christie was attracted to Texas McCombs for its renowned reputation as the best MBA program in Texas. She joined the admissions team with the goal of increasing the number of women in our working professional programs and diversifying our classes.

I like working with the best and the brightest. Texas McCombs is the best MBA program in Texas, and the Evening MBA program is ranked #7 in the country (U.S. News, 2020). Rankings aren’t everything, but they do encompass many important factors like the quality of our curriculum, faculty, outside-the-classroom opportunities, career services, facilities, and more. I like being around people who are the best at what they do and students who are going to make a positive impact on society.”

“Like all business schools, we have more men than women. Texas McCombs is better than many top programs, but we still need to improve in this area. Diversity in the classroom is so important. It leads to more comprehensive discussions, better outcomes, and creates the next generation of business leaders that the following generation will look up to.”

Christie has advice for those pursuing their MBA degree.

“Go for it. A common refrain I hear from prospective students, and was true for me before I started my MBA, is that they have been considering getting an MBA for a long time. There is never a perfect time to go back to school; life will always be busy. Don’t wait for the ideal conditions or you will never act. Just take the first step. Come to an info session or start the application. You will be surprised at how energized you get by finally acting on your dream.”

Connect with Christie to learn more about the  Evening MBA and the application process.

Elizabeth (Beth) Martinez
Senior MBA Admissions Officer, Texas McCombs MBA at Houston

Headshot for Elizabeth MartinezBeth Martinez is our Senior Admissions Officer for the MBA at Houston. She is originally from Chatham, Illinois, and earned her BA in History at the University of Cincinnati and her MBA at Rice University in Houston. Beth wanted to work in corporate finance in oil and gas, so she decided to pursue her MBA to change her career. She now has industry experience in banking, the start-up world, publishing, and oil and gas.

“I have been fortunate enough to be involved in hiring and recruiting for many of the companies for which I have worked and the best people hands down are grads from McCombs. McCombs is clearly doing something right.”

Beth looks for candidates that are enthusiastic, open, and have a track record that highlights focus. She believes candidates should pay close attention to what is happening in the world of business, be curious, authentic, and clear about what they want.

“I want to help grow the Texas McCombs Houston program such that we are full to the max capacity every year, as I believe we have a fantastic opportunity here. Houston is the energy capital of the world and the Texas Medical Center is the largest medical center in the world. What’s not to like?”

Connect with Beth to learn more about the MBA at Houston and the application process.

Sharon Barrett
Director, Working Professional and Executive MBA Programs

Sharon Barrett Headshot

Sharon Barrett is the Director for Working Professional and Executive MBA Programs. She is a UT Alumna and double longhorn with both her BBA  in Marketing and MBA from Texas McCombs.

Sharon has a passion for education and has worked at Texas McCombs for over 10 years. She helps MBA candidates find the program that best fits their needs.

“If you are still deciding between leaving your job to attend an MBA full-time, or continuing to work while you earn your degree part-time, rest assured you’re not alone.”

Sharon also shares her insight and expertise on MBA planning, resume building, and decision-making with WPE MBA prospects. Her piece of advice when applying to McCombs is to highlight the quality of your work experience in your resume.

“Remember, your resume is important, but it’s only one data point for you as a candidate. Years of work experience give only one sense of you as a candidate, so use your resume to make the quality of those years really stand out.”

Connect with Sharon to learn more about the Executive MBA and the application process.

Rodrigo Malta
Managing Director, MBA Recruiting and Admissions
Rodrigo Malta Headshot

Rodrigo Malta, also known as Digo, grew up in Brazil and moved to the United States when he was in high school. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Management from Missouri State University and his MBA from Texas McCombs in 2007. Hook ’em!

During his time in the program, he was involved in the McCombs Ambassador Committee (MAC) and later used his MBA experience to transition from an internal audit career in the telecommunications industry to a marketing role in the technology industry with Dell. His passion for admissions and recruiting led him back to McCombs where he is the Managing Director of MBA Recruiting and Admissions, which he refers to as his “dream job.”

The diversity of students is “hands-down” his favorite thing about McCombs.

“We bring together students from all corners of the world with unique personal stories and varied professional backgrounds. Add in our award-winning faculty members and this is the perfect recipe for lively class discussions and an amazing learning environment.”

Visit Texas McCombs MBA to find out more about all our programs, events, and community, or take a peek into student life on Instagram. We encourage you to meet one of our team members at an event soon.

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