Up this week in our continuing series on getting to know the MPA Staff is front desk student worker Elah Shalev. Elah is a sophomore in McCombs majoring in Marketing. She joined the MPA Office as a student worker in Summer 2016. Working at the front desk, Elah schedules appointments, answers questions, and helps out with office projects.

We asked Elah a few questions to get to know her better…

  • If someone made a film about your life who would you want to play you?
    Emma Watson or Lily Collins
  • If you would have superpower what would it be?
  • If you could be an Olympic athlete what sport would you compete in?
  • Are you a dog or cat person?
  • If you could only watch one TV show for the rest of your life what would it be?
    The Office or Friends
  • Why are you excited to work with MPA students?
    It’s fun to interact with older students outside of my major!