Undergraduate University and Major: University of Texas – College of Liberal Arts – Economics
Graduating Class: Class of 2020
About Dan: I grew up in Houston, Texas and always dreamed of going to UT. My dad went to Texas and my older sister, twin brother, and I followed in his footsteps. I love playing sports, snowboarding, and hosting friends at my house. I plan on pursuing a career in commercial real estate following my graduation from the MSF program.
Proudest accomplishment:
My proudest accomplishment is rebuilding a pier with three friends. There was an old and falling apart pier at my friend’s ranch and we decided to spend a whole day chopping up and removing the old pier and constructing a new one. It was a long day of hard work and I almost lost a toe in the process, but it was very rewarding to work with our hands on something and have a beautiful finished product at the end of the day.
Why did you choose the MSF Program?
I saw it as the perfect way to advance my technical skills and specialize in my field of study. Pairing the MSF program with the breadth of knowledge I gained from my economics degree seemed like an incredible opportunity to set myself up for long term success in a career in commercial real estate.
What are you most looking forward to this year?
I am most looking forward to sharpening my technical skills throughout the various courses offered through the program. I have gotten a lot of advice from older friends to master my excel skills while still in school and the MSF program does a great job of providing resources for us to do so.