UT and MPA Program Office Closed for Thanksgiving
UT and the MPA Program Office will be closed on Thursday November 24 and Friday November 25 for the Thanksgiving holiday. Have a safe and happy holiday! Submitted by...
MBA International Night
The International MBA Student Association (IMBASA) and the MBA+ Leadership Program, with generous support and sponsorship from Chevron, cordially invite you, family, friends and alumni to attend the capstone...
MPA Merchandise Sale
Gear up to show your support for the #1 accounting program! MPA Council will be selling McCombs hoodies, polos, t-shirts, and mugs. When: November 1 Where: McCombs School of...
MPA Student Planner Feedback Survey
MPAs, At the beginning of the semester, the MPA Program Office provided you with an MPA Planner to help you with your academic and career planning. We would like...
Please do NOT leave your valuables unattended in the interview suites
We encourage students to not leave valuable items unattended at the storage area of the interview suites. On Oct 6, a student found her laptop missing from the interview...
Training Team Blog: Filtering for Data in Excel
One great way to find information within a large block of data is to use the filter in Excel. It allows you to see only certain entries in a...
Training Team Blog Post
Move Contacts from Excel to Outlook Imagine a colleague gives you a giant spreadsheet of contacts and tells you that you’ll be emailing these people frequently for a new...
Training Team Blog Post
Easy Access to Your Favorite Programs in Windows 7 Most people have a few programs that they use frequently and a lot of other programs they don’t use very...
The Force Quit for Mac
Last week we talked about how to deal with a frozen programs on your PC. But what if we are working on applications on a Mac and they freeze and crash...
2011-2012 MPA Council Officers
The MPA Council had its election for 2011-2012 officers last Wednesday. And, the results were: President: Paul Nabhan Vice President: Aaron Parsow Chief Financial Officer: Helen Fu Chief Membership...