UHS Flu Shot Campaign
The UHS Flu Shot Campaign begins Tuesday 9/25/12. UHS will provide flu shot clinics at sites across campus through 10/18/12, while vaccine supplies last. For a complete schedule and...
UT Emergency Text Messages
If you are interested in receiving emergency text messages from UT, you can sign up very easily! Go to this page http://www.utexas.edu/emergency/ and click on “campus text alerts” on...
Found Keys
A set of keys were found at the I-MPA Orientation in UTC (they were just discovered now). If they’re yours, they are in the McCombs Lost and Found in...
MPA Council’s 2012-2013 Executive Board
The MPA Council had elections Wednesday night for it’s 2012-2013 Executive Board. The new officers are: President: Claire Williams Vice President: Ally Newman Chief Development Officer: Chris Casey Chief...
Research Study
Win a $50 gift card to www.Amazon.com 6 randomly chosen people will get a gift card Take this survey about motivation and learning at www.surveymonkey.com/s/learning_in_college (Takes about 10 minutes)...
Orientation Surveys
Traditional MPAs, if you did not have a chance to fill out an Orientation Survey, please stop by the MPA Program Office to complete one. It only takes a...
Summer Faculty Lunch Series
Several accounting professors will be hosting lunches with students this semester. These lunches are a casual way for students and faculty to get to know each other, and for professors...
Training Team: Line Numbering in Microsoft Word
When you’re editing a document or having a document edited by someone else, it’s often useful to know the number of the line of text on the page. For...
Found Computer Power Cord
Did anyone leave a computer power cord in the MPA Mailroom? If so, it may be picked up at the MPA Program Office, GSB 4.112C anywhere between the hours of 8am-5pm...
Accounting Turns 100 – Let the Celebration Begin
This fall, McCombs celebrates a century of educating accountants. For McCombs accounting trivia and notable alumni, check out this fun new page. You can also read about details on...