MPA Peer Career Consultant Position Available for Summer/Fall 2013
Dear MPA Students, Are you interested in becoming an MPA Peer Career Consultant (PCC)? MPA Career Services is looking for a bright and motivated student to join the team...
Entrepreneurship Live! Featuring Susan Strausberg
Who: Susan Strausberg, Co-founded 9W Search When: Tuesday April 9, 2013 (5:30 p.m. registration, 6:00 p.m. program, & 7:00 p.m. reception) Where: AT&T Conference Center Room 201 RSVP:
Career and Internship Fair
The Liberal Arts Council and Liberal Arts Career Services are co-sponsoring a career fair open to students of all majors. Professional attire is required of all attendees. When: April...
Volunteer as an Expert Witness in Mock Trials
The Texas Access to Justice Commission is gearing up to host a Pre-Trial Academy open to staff attorneys of non-profit organizations who provide legal services to low-income Texans. The...
Money Talks Featuring the Angel Network
Tuesday, March 26, 2013 Jeff Harbach, Bart Dillashaw, and Joel Wiggins, Angel Investors AT&T Conference Center, Room #201 5:30 Registration, 6:00 Program and 7:00 Reception RSVP: Jeff Harbach...
ASWA Chapter Meeting
What: American Society of Women Accountants (ASWA) Austin Chapter meeting for networking, dinner, and CPE When: Tuesday, March 19, 6:00-8:00 p.m. Where: Brick Oven – 10710 Research Blvd (Braker &...
Money Talks Featuring Rudy Garza
Wednesday, March 6, 2013 Rudy Garza, G-51 Capital Management AT&T Conference Center, Room #203 5:30 p.m. Registration, 6:00 p.m. Program and 7:00 p.m. Reception RSVP: UTEWeek2013 Keynote: Rudy Garza...
State Department Career Workshop and a speech by Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield
Career advisors and faculty members are invited to a workshop lead by Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield. The objective of the workshop is to update career advisors and faculty members on...
MPA Interview Question Database
Have you ever wanted advice on what types of questions you will be asked during certain interviews? Have you ever wanted to give advice to others about an interview...
Summer 2013 Internships Abroad Info Session
What: Summer 2013 Internships Abroad Info Session Where: Mabee Ballrooms A & B, Ragsdale When: Wednesday, January 30 Time: 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. Learn about paid internships in...