Accounting Faculty Honored at AAA Annual Meeting
Our faculty shined at this year’s American Accounting Association’s (AAA) annual Meeting, held in Atlanta, Ga. Bill Kinney, Lisa Koonce and Lillian Mills were all honored for their achievements...
Professor Granof Reappointed to Second Term on FASAB
The Chairman of the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB), Tom Allen, announced today that Michael H. Granof hasbeen reappointed to the Board. Michael’s second five-year term began on...
Terri L. Holbrook Scholarship in Accounting
The MPA Program Office is now accepting applications for the Terri L. Holbrook Scholarship in Accounting in the amount of $20,000. All incoming traditional MPA students with U.S. citizenship...
Academic Walk-in Hours Cancelled This Week
Jason’s walk-in hours are cancelled this week as he will be out of the office. His regular summer walk-in hours will resume on Tuesday, June 24. Please see the MPA...
LSAT Prep Material Available
If you are thinking about the June and/or September LSAT, there are a lot of fantastic and free resources available for prep. Check out LSAC’s official prep materials to...
Academic Advisor Extended Walk-ins [Spring 2014]
Just in time for registration, the academic advisors have opened up extended walk-in hours. Mon., 4/14, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. (Kathy) Mon., 4/14, 1-3 p.m. (Jason) Tue., 4/15, 10:30 a.m.-12:30...
Scholarship for Students Accepted into to Law School
The Broden & Mickelsen Scholarship Award was established to support students enrolled in Texas law schools who desire to pursue employment or are currently employed at a Federal or...
Etiquette for Business and Social Occasions Class
The “Etiquette for Business and Social Occasions” class will be held in as a UT Informal Class. This course will teach the basics of business and social etiquette attendees can use...
Still need your GOV 310L credit?
Still need to take the Texas Government test to claim GOV 310L credit? UT’s Student Testing Services is administrating the Texas Government exam for the last time for spring...
Applying for a Summer Internship
Are you planning to do a summer internship? Don’t forget to get approval before you start! The deadline to apply is Friday May 2 at 5:00 p.m. If you do not submit...