Business Language Tutoring
The Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER), offers Business Language Tutoring in a variety of languages for MPA students who would like to improve their foreign &...
MPA Summer Internship Opportunity with Cardinal Health
Company: Cardinal Health Position: MPAI-2011 Accounting/Finance Summer Intern (RCO) and MPAF-Finance Emerging Talent Program (RCO) Location(s): Waukegan, IL and Nationwide, respectively Drop Deadline: 1/28/11 Description: Headquartered in Dublin, OH,...
PwC’s Leadership Adventure Programs
PwC’s summer leadership programs provide students with an opportunity to experience the challenges, the excitement, and the camaraderie of PwC life. It is an opportunity for students to continue to...
Extended Walk-in Hours for Resume Book
Videllia Davis, MPA Peer Career Consultant, will host extended walk-in hours this week in preparation for the upcoming deadline for the third-year MPA resume book. Monday: Noon – 2 p.m....
Training Team Blog: Distribute Objects Evenly
If you’ve ever needed to spread objects (shapes, pictures, graphs) evenly across a slide or page, you’ll love the Distribute tools on the Align button. They’re available in PowerPoint,...
Spring 2011 Internship Paperwork
Spring interns: Everyone who filled out the internship application should check online to make sure that their internship was approved, and, if not, make the necessary corrections and resubmit...
Deloitte-Sponsored National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition
Deloitte will be sponsoring the 2011 National Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition. Full-time students who are not currently employed in the IT industry (security operations, network administrator, programmer, help desk,...
Teachers Retirement System of Texas Info Session
The Teachers Retirement System of Texas (TRS) is responsible for investing funds under its stewardship and for delivering benefits. System net assets total approximately $92 billion. Come to the...
MPA Peer Career Consultant Position Available
Dear MPA Students, Are you interested in becoming an MPA Peer Career Consultant (PCC)? MPA Career Services is looking for a bright and motivated student to join the team!...
Internships With Federal Agencies for Summer 2011
The Washington Center’s Competitive Government Program offers generously funded internship opportunities with selected federal agencies this summer. Students should apply by February 4th in order to be given primary...