Is Law School Right for Me?
Is Law School Right for Me? – A Law & Life Series presented by Peek & Toland Law Firm and Liberal Arts Career Services
So, you want to be a lawyer? Will you enjoy a career as an attorney? Is a career as an attorney lucrative? Before embarking on the expensive and wonderful world of law school, take a moment to meet with some practicing and non-practicing attorneys. What it’s truly like to work as an attorney? What might be in store for you after law school?
Is Law School Right for Me?
Tuesday, September 17, 2013 at 6:00 P.M.
CLA 1.302B
Peek & Toland Law Firm & Liberal Arts Career Services invite you to attend Peek & Toland’s Law & Life Series on the legal profession. Meet five attorneys, some practicing and some non-practicing, some who went straight to big firms others, others who built small firms, and those who chose to work in government or work outside the legal field. Listen to their experience, craft your questions and make connections! To learn more about this event, please visit
Submitted by Jessica Wong