Integrated MPAs,

If you will be coded as a graduate student in Fall 2012 and/or Spring 2013, now is the time to apply for a Department of Accounting Scholarship!

The Department of Accounting is accepting applications for departmental scholarships for the 2012-2013 academic year from April 30 through Friday, July 6, 2012 at 11:00 p.m.  All scholarship decisions will be made after the application deadline. These privately funded scholarships range in value from $500 to $5,000 per academic year and are weighted on academic performance at The University of Texas and financial need.  Departmental scholarships are directed primarily towards graduate students: you must be registered as a graduate student during the Fall and/or Spring semesters in order to be eligible for these awards.  If you are not sure when you will officially enter graduate school, please contact your academic advisor for clarification.  More information about departmental scholarships can be found at:

Please note that even if you have previously completed an online scholarship application through the McCombs School of Business, you must re-submit a complete application through the MPA link in order to be considered for departmental scholarships. 

In order for the Department of Accounting to consider the level of your financial need, you must provide complete information regarding your estimated financial resources and academic debt on the scholarship application. In addition, some scholarship donors stipulate that the awards be made only to students with specific interests or qualifications. Certain application questions are designed to identify these students, and while you are not required to answer all of the questions, the Department may not be able to consider your application for all awards without this information.

To go directly to the online application, click the link below and then choose Apply for MPA Scholarships administered through the Department of Accounting”

If you have questions about the application process, please contact Keri Ledezma at:

Submitted by Lauren Nicholas