Texas Enterprise Speaker Series: Dare to Ask. Negotiating When it Matters

Dr. Emily Amanatullah, McCombs School of Business

Wednesday, March 28, 2012
11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.


Dr. Emily Amanatullah, assistant professor of management, explores research showing women tend to be less effective negotiators than men. According to Amanatullah’s recent research on the role of gender in the workplace, when women are in a negotiating role, they are concerned about social “backlash” if they don’t act in accordance with the traditional feminine gender characteristics. In this talk, Amanatullah will explore the situational moderators that free women to effectively leverage assertive bargaining tactics without fear of social backlash for violating gender norms.  More information.

Location: AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center 203

URL: http://bit.ly/DareToAsk

Contact: Gayle J Hight | 512-475-6423

Sponsor: McCombs School of Business

Admission: $20, includes box lunch

Posted by Alesi Gerthe