The Business Information Center is your virtual Business Library. As your business librarian, I am here to help you with your research. My office is located at the Perry-Castaneda Library (just across the street from McCombs). I am for email, chat, or in person consultations – all my contact information is below.

You have access to over 40 business subscription databases that focus on news and scholarly articles, company and industry profiles, market data, financials, and more. These resources can help you with your assignments and even your career search. To see a list of all the resources go to the Business Databases A-Z and By Subject links from the Business Information Center. As a current student you have access to these resources anywhere, anytime with your UT EID and password.

If you have questions about research, please contact me. I am here to help you find the resources to help make your research more effective and efficient. I look forward to working with you.

April Kessler
Business Librarian, MBA, MSIS
University of Texas Libraries
The University of Texas at Austin

PCL 2.430E | Mail Code S5466 | PO Box P
Austin, TX 78713-8916
Phone: 512-495-4271 | Fax: 512-495-4296 |


Submitted by Leslie Ethridge