Welcome to your weekly subscription of All Things MPAC
“The most iMPACtful newsletter you’ll get all week!”
Get your MPA Gear!
Aside from feeling great about yourself after your generous contribution and changing the world, buying this exclusive gear also impacts your life by:
1.) allowing you to more easily show off your MPA pride
2.) celebrating your academic achievements
3.) enabling you to wait one more day before doing laundry
So many perks!
Wellness Tips from MPAC
Zoom fatigue can be a thing if you are not prepared!
Use the tips below to help avoid it and get the most out of your classes this semester:
Take Breaks- Leave your work space or walk around the living room; take a random trip to the kitchen 🙂
Drink Water- Staying hydrated helps you stay on point physically and mentally
Stretch/Exercise- Try standing for at least one minute each hour of the day; try to be aware of your posture while on your computer
Challenge: Try connecting with an old friend or classmate for about 10 mins.each week!
MPAs support each other (virtually)!
During iMPA and tMPA orientation, we introduced the Teams Initiative!
It’s now open to MPAs of all years!
We have put together this initiative to help you guys get to know other MPA students throughout the semester. There will be groups of 5 to 7 people who you can reach out to within the program.
You can decide the level of interaction you want with your team, so that it works well with your schedule.