ACC 356 Bootcamp 2018
Incoming MPA students: Welcome to the MPA program! It’s your springboard to a terrific future. A good start is important and the accounting faculty wants to support you in every way. The following accounting workshop is one such way.
You will be taking ACC 356 this fall. It is a demanding class and assumes that you have full command of ACC 311 material.
For example, can you . . .
- Easily complete an accounting cycle problem?
- Readily do adjusting entries, including accrued interest calculations?
- Whip out an indirect statement of cash flow?
- Effortlessly record bonds payable, including time value of money calculations?
If not, the ACC 356 faculty strongly encourage you to attend a pre-ACC 356 financial accounting workshop on Monday, August 28.
Don’t fizzle–use these resources for your professional program blast off. It’s your future! (And free lunch will be served!)
What: ACC 356 Bootcamp
When: Monday, August 27, 2018 from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Where: UTC
Who: Incoming iMPA students
If you are attending, please RSVP by Wednesday, August 22 at 5:00 p.m.
Please bring a financial calculator (one capable of doing present value calculations).
Examples include HP 10b-II, TI BA II, TI BA II Plus or other brands and models you might have. If you do not have a financial calculator available for Monday, then you may attend without one with the understanding that some examples will use a financial calculator.
We hope to see you there!