MPA Strengths Workshops – Fall 2021
Knowing what your strengths are is key to successful recruiting. Your strengths will help drive your career search and articulating your strengths is an essential interviewing skill. This workshop will cover how to identify your skills – how to align them with the position you are recruiting for – and how to explain this alignment to employers.
There is a pre-workshop assignment: take this free 20-minute personality test and bring a screenshot of your top 5 personality traits to the workshop. You should find it really enlightening! We will help you tailor some interview answers around your strengths. (You do not need to pay for the test, just if you want in-depth results. For this workshop, use the free version, which just gives you your top 5 results).
Dates and Times:
Friday, September 24; 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. CT. RSVP in RecruitMcCombs
Tuesday, November 9; 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. CT. RSVP in RecruitMcCombs
Workshops will take place via Zoom. Zoom links will be emailed to students the day before the workshop.
All MPA students are invited. Students taking the ACE class may earn experiential credit for participating, if they e-mail a screenshot of their top 5 personality traits to before the workshop.