On-Campus Student Employment Spotlights
Graduate Student Campus Jobs Listserv
What: An opt-in listserv for graduate students to find campus employment . Are you or will you be seeking on-campus employment? Graduate level positions, including Graduate Assistant, Graduate Research Assistant, Teaching Assistant, and Assistant Instructor positions will be included in this listserv. Opt-in to UT Lists and search for graduatestudentcampusjobs@utlists.utexas.edu to subscribe.
If you have not used the UT Lists mailing list system before or are re-registering with a new email address, click here to get started.
On-Campus Student Employment Spotlights. No U.S. work authorization required (on-campus employment)
Work-Study Student Assistant for Counseling & Mental Health Center
Work closely with the CMHC Administrative Office, the successful candidate will contribute to high-quality service and support to staff, students and the campus community.
Deadline: September 10
MBA Education Abroad Program Student Assistant
Support MBA Education Abroad coordinator with various tasks such as the preparation of marketing materials and PPTX for study abroad information sessions.
Deadline: September 10
LBJ School CBO and Dean’s Office Senior Student Associate (Work-Study or Non-Work-Study)
Provide responsible support to the Dean’s Office and Chief Business Officer portfolio and assist with a variety of duties important to day-to-day school operations.
Deadline: September 30