Welcome to your weekly subscription of All Things MPAC
The most iMPACtful newsletter you’ll get all week!
Missed the meeting? We missed you!
You can view a recording of the Zoom meeting here.
Got any questions for Kristen? Feel free to email her here!
If you have any questions about MPAC and what we do, feel free to email us.
Texas MPA Council presents…committee member spotlight!
To be featured for the committee member spotlight, the Executive Board member in charge of the committee will submit a nomination to recognize a committee member’s hard work. Keep up the hard work!
Members can personalize their spotlight- show the world who they are! Bask in the spotlight!
This week’s committee member spotlight features Benjamin Sevening!
Name: Benjamin Sevening
Committee: Social
Year: Traditional MPA
“I was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas and I am actually here now taking all of my classes online. I attended undergrad at East Texas Baptist University where I got my bachelor’s in business administration with a focus in Accounting. During my time at ETBU, I was a pitcher on the baseball team and I actually was able to graduate in three years. I am now here at UT for this year and will be an Audit Associate at grant Thornton starting in the Fall of 2021.”
“Digging into my motivational side, I would say to pursue what makes you happy. I will be honest, when I was graduating high school, I never would have thought that I would go from playing baseball at a small D3 school to having the opportunity to get a master’s degree from the top accounting program in the nation. It may sound cliché, but I can stand by the idea that if you do what makes you happy, stuff will kind of just fall into place.”
MPAs support each other (virtually)!
During iMPA and tMPA orientation, we introduced the Teams Initiative!
It’s now open to MPAs of all years!
We have put together this initiative to help you guys get to know other MPA students throughout the semester. There will be groups of 5 to 7 people who you can reach out to within the program.
You can decide the level of interaction you want with your team, so that it works well with your schedule.