Graduate Student Career Event Spotlights – October 2020
To All the Asians We Haven’t Heard who are Navigating the Professional World
Thursday, October 1
3:00 – 4:00pm
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The Asian community is one of the fastest growing minority groups, yet they are often left out of the diversity and inclusion practices conversation. Being known as the “model minority” race isn’t as fun as it sounds. In this session, we will discuss the negative implications of the model minority myth and how it affects social and identity development in academics, mental health, leadership, and career decision making. Additionally, we will talk about possible strategies to navigate and advocate for your identities as you explore your career path.
Speaker Quỳnh-Hương Nguyễn’s (She, They) academic focus is on Asian identity, queer identities, and mental health. Their professional passion is to provide educational opportunities for everyone to make spaces more welcoming affirming for people of color, womxn, femme folx, LGBTQIA+ people, and people with more than one of these identities. Additionally, they use intersectional research, personal experience, compassion, and storytelling to foster and develop allyship practices that center the voices of marginalized communities. Finally, they love using dry humor and food to connect with others
Alumni@Work Career Conversations
Friday, October 2nd 12:30- 1pm, 1:05-1:30 and 1:30-2pm
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Meet individually and in small groups with advanced degree alumni who are working in industry, government, nonprofit, business and academia to learn more about your career options, build your network and learn how you can make similar career transitions
This Week’s Alumni: Thi Nguyen, PHD Neuroscience and virtual learning consultant (entrepreneur). Former Associate Dean, program director, visiting scientist and grant writer.
Registration is limited and on a first-come, first served basis. We anticipate having a lot of opportunities over the course of the semester and recommend you visit HookedIn to reach out to alumni you might be interested in connecting with on your own.
How to Find and Succeed in Your STEM Postdoc
Tuesday, October 6
Are you considering whether a postdoc is the right path for you or are unsure of how to find and apply for postdocs? In this virtual workshop you will learn what a postdoc entails, and how to evaluate whether it is a good fit based on your career interests and the factors to consider when you choosing a postdoc. You will also learn how to find postdocs through job boards or by networking with faculty advisors, how to apply and what the interview process entails. Finally, you will identify how to set yourself up for success in your future postdoc.
Po-Tsan Ku, Ph.D. | Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Career Development Specialist, College of Natural Sciences
Tina Solvik, Ph.D. | Program Manager for Graduate Career Education, Texas Career Engagement
Master’s & PhD Quant Networking Nights
A campus-wide networking and recruiting event specifically for quantitatively skilled graduate students.
Tuesday, October 13 | Thursday, October 22 | Wednesday, October 28
Virtual Event
Meet with advanced degree alumni and recruiters working in quantitatively focused jobs in a relaxed environment. Breakout networking will include small group, virtual discussions with alumni and/or recruiters in a Zoom meeting room. Ask alumni about their career journey, from academia into industry, their current role, advice on entering the job market and ways to be a competitive candidate. Some alumni will be accompanied by a recruiter from their organization who can answer questions about hiring and navigating the HR process. Represented organizations may be hiring for immediate openings and others will be looking to connect with future candidates. Recommended dress code for this virtual event series is business casual.
Participating companies: Quantlab, Procter & Gamble, Nike, Apple General Motors, Dell Technologies, Indeed, Boston Consulting Group, Deutsche Bank, and Uber Technologies, Inc.
Sustainability on Tap (Careers Edition!)
Thursday, October 8
5:00 – 6:30pm
Submit your presentation idea >
Have a passion for environmental and social sustainability? Interested in what UT grad students are working on? Wondering how to take your sustainability values with you after you graduate?
Join us for a remix of Sustainability on Tap (Careers Edition!) where grad students will showcase their sustainability or environmental research, project, or passion and six UT advanced-degree alumni as they share their career journeys in sustainability in just 3 minutes! After the presentations, you’ll have a chance to network with the alumni, ask questions, and learn more about their work, past and present.
This event is part of Campus Sustainability Month and is co-hosted by the Office of Sustainability, Texas Career Engagement, and The Graduate School. Check out the event webpage here.