MPA Strengths Workshops
What are your strengths, and how do you leverage them in an interview? How do you find positions that may fit you and your personality best? Come to this workshop to learn more!
There is a pre-workshop assignment: take this free 20-minute personality test ( and bring a screenshot of your top 5 personality traits to the workshop. You should find it really enlightening! We will help you tailor some interview answers around your strengths. (You do not need to pay for the test, just if you want in-depth results. For this workshop, use the free version, which just gives you your top 5 results).
Friday September 25; 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. CT.
Tuesday November 10; 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. CT. RSVP in RecruitMcCombs
Students in the ACE (ACC 151) class will earn experiential credit (if they bring a screenshot of their top 5 personality traits) for participating in this workshop. All MPAs are welcome.