Law Fair
UT Austin’s Law Fair
Attending informational law fairs provide aspiring law students with the opportunity to connect directly with admissions professionals from a wide-range of law schools from all over the US. The Law Fair provides a convenient opportunity for applicants to speak with many admissions professionals in a centralized location. For current applicants, it can be beneficial to speak directly with the law schools you’re interested in attending or learning more about, whether you have a question about their specific application, a program or curriculum offered at their law school, or even to inquire about their efforts in assisting graduates secure jobs in a desired practice or geographic area. This is information that only admissions professionals can provide as these representatives know their law schools best. For future applicants, attending the Law Fair offers the ideal, low-stakes opportunity to learn more about what a law school values in the application while learning about programs at the various law schools.
Law fairs are informational fairs open to all prospective students regardless of major and year in school.
Date: October 3, 2019
Time: 11:00- 2:00 p.m.
Location: Texas Union Ballroom
Attire and Supplies: Bring a pen, notepad and your questions about law schools and their specific programs. Business casual dress is recommended.
No RSVP or resumes are necessary. Admission is free.
For a list of which law schools will be in attendance, please visit our website. These law schools visit once a year during the fall semester only, so don’t miss your opportunity to meet with these admissions professionals.
In addition to the Law Fair, there are a number of other law schools visiting campus in the next month. Students may register for those events here.