October is UT Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month
October is Texas Persons with Disabilities History and Awareness Month and National Disabilities Employment Awareness Month. SSD works with campus partners throughout the month of October to host events to educate and promote advocacy about disability and inclusion at UT.
See our full calendar of events with RSVP information on our website: https://diversity.utexas.edu/disability/2019/09/daim19/ . Please help spread the word to your networks!
- disABILITY Advocate 101 for Student Employees: October 2nd from 5-6pm and October 15th from 3-4pm
- disABILITY Advocate Foundation Training: Tuesday October 8th from 1:30-3:30.
- disABILITY Advocate Instructor Training: Wednesday October 9th from 9:30-11am
- Neurodiversity Training: Wednesday October 16th from 1:30-3pm
Interactive Events:
- Disability Fest, sponsored by the disABILITY Advocacy Student Coalition: October 17th 6pm-9:30
- Disability as Diversity Panel Discussion October 24th 12:30-1:30
- Adapted Sports Night, October 24th 6:30-9pm
Please join us in attending and spreading the word about these events that will be taking place throughout the month of October! All events and fliers are posted on our website: https://diversity.utexas.edu/disability/2019/09/daim19/ . Thanks for your support of Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month!