Monday thru Thursday – Change Wars
9:00am – 4:00pm each day
MPA Program Office
Vote for the best MPA program with your change!
Earn points for all pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. Lose points for all bills. Students should put change in their buckets and bills in the opposing team’s buckets.
All proceeds will be donated to Mealshare, a non-profit that works with local restaurants to provide meals for hungry children both in Austin and internationally.
Additionally, if you put in $5 or more, we will give you free MPA Council membership for the rest of the semester and an additional 100 points for your program team! |
Monday – Spirit Day
9AM – 4PM
MPA Program Office |
Stop by our table in front of the MPA Program Office to get points for your team!
10 points if you check-in wearing UT Austin gear
30 points if you check-in wearing MPA gear
50 points if you’re wearing one of both.
Check in is fast, easy and we even have FREE breakfast tacos for the first 75 students! MPA Tshirts will be available for sale at the booth.
Tuesday- Volunteer Night
5 – 7PM
MPA Lounge |
Join us as we help out our sponsored charity, Mealshare! Bring your computers as we reach out to our favorite restaurants to hop on the Mealshare train. We’ll have plenty of non-computer things you can do as well. FREE pizza and snacks for participants. Additionally, we will award 200 points per participating student towards their team total. |
Wednesday – Trivia
3:30 – 5PM
GSB 3.106 |
Show off your knowledge of useless facts with trivia! There will be several different categories: Accounting/UT Austin, Current Events, Pop Culture, History and Miscellaneous. Each round will be worth up to 500 points! Teams sizes have no limit, so the more people from your program that participate, the more likely you are to win points! There will also be free food at this event too. |
Thursday – Movie Night
Texas Union Theatre |
Accountants are never wrong! Come and see the 2017 Academy Award Winning ‘Best Picture’ La La Land with us. |
Friday – Field Day
11AM – 1PM
In front of UT Tower |
We will have a bunch of different activities ranging from an obstacle course to a three-legged race. Each game will be worth points for the winning program team, so start training now! There will also be free food at this event too. |