VIP Distinguished Speaker Series: Gary Knell, CEO of National Geographic
The VIP Distinguished Speakers Series involves inviting C-Level executives from companies all over the nation to come and speak to the students, faculty, and staff at UT Austin. These executives share their Views, Insights, and Perspectives with everyone in attendance. VIP Events are truly one-of-a-kind when compared to all other undergraduate programs in the nation!
The next event is Wednesday, March 11th at 5:30PM in the South SAC Ballroom with the CEO of National Geographic, Gary Knell.
Gary Knell is the President and Chief Executive Officer of National Geographic, a world leader in geography, cartography, and exploration. National Geographic is also considered one of the largest nonprofit organizations in the world as it reaches 600+ million people each month through its media, products, and events. Knell has been the company’s CEO since January 2014.
Make sure to arrive about 15 minutes early in order to secure a seat, as these events tend to fill up fast.
See you on March 11th!