The Investment Management Division of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS) is hiring an entry-level investment risk analyst to work for them full time next year. There are several Texas MPA graduates at TRS, including the Head of Trading and the Head of Special Opportunities.

TRS is located in Austin and manages over $120 billion of assets in trust for 1.3 million primary, secondary and higher education professionals. This is a phenomenal opportunity for anyone interested in an investment career and provides significant training across all asset classes and in quantitative analysis skills.

TRS is looking for Texas MPAs graduating this December or May for their Investment Analyst I position.  May graduates need to be willing to work part-time (10-15 hours) from January until graduation and then full-time thereafter. If you are interested in this position, please submit your application to Ashley Baum at by November 15. Ashley is a 2005 alumna. For more information, please contact Ashley Baum at the email address above.

A general job description can be found online.

Or click here for a PDF version: TRS Investment Analyst Job Description


Class Title: Investment Analyst I (Generic/Investment Analyst)

Bargaining Unit: Professional

Class Code: 1130-2340-B22

Salary: $4,166.83 – $6,666.91 Monthly