“As part of my doctoral dissertation research at Old Dominion University (ODU), I am offering a free 2-hour Microsoft Excel training course for accounting students. This course is designed to provide accounting students with the Excel skills they need to be successful in both school and in their future accounting work. It was developed based upon input from several subject matter experts in accounting. In exchange for making this free course available, I am asking students to complete three short follow-up surveys 4 weeks, 8 weeks, and 12 weeks after they complete the course. Students that complete these surveys are entered to win $5, $10, and $25 gift cards, respectively. My research focuses upon changes between these follow-up surveys.

Some of the skills trained include: basic functions (e.g., data entry, formatting, copying from other workbooks), simple and complex equations (e.g., sum, average, sumif, vlookup), application of filters, and viewing options (adjusting row/column size, freezing panes, splitting screens). The training program should require no more than 2 hours of a student’s time. Students interested in completing the course should email me (kbauer@odu.edu) for more information.

My research has been approved by the ODU human subjects research review board (IRB# 12-066). Concerns about the research protocol can be directed to Dr. Richard Landers (rnlanders@odu.edu).”

Kristina Bauer, M.S.
Old Dominion University
Department of Psychology

Posted by Alesi Gerthe