When: Wednesday, February 6, 2013
11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

AT&T Executive Education & Conference Center
Room 102
1900 University Ave.
Austin, TX 78705  
$20. Includes box lunch. Reservations are limited. Walk-ups are welcome on a space available basis. A limited number of lunches may be available for purchase.
Garage parking is available at the AT&T Conference Center.

To register and learn more about the event, please visit: http://www.texasenterprise.utexas.edu/article/data-knowledge-making-sense-and-meaning-information-world-0

Event Description
The explosion in new information tools and services can require us to engage in continual information navigation at the expense of comprehension. In his talk, Dr. Andrew Dillon will explain how the ability to exploit technology is as much a psychological as a technological problem. Dr. Dillon will review:

  • Human civilization has moved through several information ages to reach the current situation.
  • How our information processing capacity is limited by our underlying architecture and how to design for this, not against it.
  • How future tools can augment natural human psychology and how this might be exploited to our advantage and our disadvantage. 

You Will Learn

  • How your own information-processing tendencies are influenced by tools and by your own psychological makeup.
  • To manage your own and your organization’s information-seeking activities.
  • To recognize the sweep of information technologies and to distinguish the hype from the reality of any new information tool.

Submitted by Alesi Gerthe