What’s the Future of Energy?

Please join us for lunch at the next Texas Enterprise Speaker Series on Feb. 7, 2012 as Professor Scott Tinker explores the future of energy, showing segments from his not-yet-released documentary, “Switch.”  In his film, Tinker goes inside the world’s premiere energy sites for all resources, most of them highly restricted, and talks to leaders in government, industry and academia, exploring the world of energy with a balanced, non-political perspective. He also answers vital questions: If coal is dirty, why do we keep using it? Can we really clean it up? Will oil get too expensive? Will it run out? How quickly will we adopt alternatives? Which ones? How risky is hydraulic fracturing? How dangerous is nuclear energy? What are the biggest challenges, and best solutions, to our energy transition? What can each of us do?


Professor Tinker is the Director of the Bureau of Economic Geology (BEG) and the Director of the Advanced Energy Consortium. He is also the acting Associate Dean for Research and Professor, and he holds the Allday Endowed Chair in the Jackson School of Geosciences at The University of Texas at Austin.


Submitted by Nina Maldonado