Traditional Orientation Follow-up
Hi Everybody- it was nice to meet you last week at Orientation and we are so excited for you to begin the MPA Program!
There are a few things we wanted to follow up on:
- If you did not fill out an Orientation Survey, we have some blank ones in the MPA Program Office. Please stop by at your convenience to fill one out. They’re anonymous! They help us so much with planning the following year’s Orientation. Additionally, some students only filled out one side of the survey so if you didn’t turn it over and fill out the second side please stop by and complete it. Thank you!
- If you did not fill out the Talent Release Form and would like to, please stop by the MPA Program Office. We asked you to fill them out at the Career Fair because we had a photographer taking candid shots for our website and publications. It’s possible that you may be in the background of one of the pictures. It was just easier to get you to sign a blanket release than having to figure out who everybody is and then track down each student in the photo! It is not mandatory that you fill out the form but we would sure appreciate it!
- A pair of sunglasses were left at the first day of Orientation. Please stop by the MPA Program Office to claim them.
Submitted by Madeline Chauvin