MPA Commencement and the MPA reception is on Friday, May 20.  We have information regarding the ceremony online here and here.  This is where you will find information about regalia, parking, accommodating visitors with disabilities, etc.  On this page we also have information on the BBA Commencement ceremony, the UT-wide ceremony, and the Lavendar Graduation ceremony.

If you have any questions that are not addressed online, please contact

The list of names for the MPA Commencement program was e-mailed to all fall 2010 grads, traditional MPAs, and graduate integrated MPAs.  Please check out your name and make sure it is spelled correctly!  If you would like to make a change please respond to the e-mail by Thursday, April 14.  If you are not graduating you may want to look at the list to make sure that your name is not on it!

Reminder!  May 6 is the last day to purchase master’s regalia from the UT Co-op! You must wear it to the MPA Commencement ceremony!  You can also wear it to any of the other ceremonies.

Submitted by Madeline Chauvin