Tag: part-time mba (page 3 of 3)

First Look: Executive MBA
Class of 2021

The Round 1 application deadline is approaching for our Executive MBA, currently ranked #8 in the U.S. by Poets and Quants, and our admissions committee is preparing to put together another elite class of students to bring their skills and experience to the McCombs network.

This past August, our newest enrolled students started their MBA journey at Rowling Hall. Introducing the Executive MBA Class of 2021:

stats for the Executive MBA program class of 2021.


The Executive MBA welcomed 48 top-caliber business professionals to the Texas McCombs MBA network with women leaders making up 21% and international students making up 18%.  We also have a growing military population throughout all programs at McCombs with 10 veteran students included in our Executive class this year.

These executives represent a wide array of industries, including technology, energy, government, banking and finance, and consulting. Our students also have rich educational backgrounds, as 27% of the class already hold advanced degrees.

They also have an average of 14 years of experience, signaling their skills in managing teams, decision-making, and entrepreneurship. Their experiences will challenge and inspire one another in order to reach new heights in their careers over the next two years in Austin.

As Austin continues to grow, 28% of Executive students live outside the Austin metro area and commute to the city every other weekend for classes. Commuters are not uncommon for the program and all students benefit from the strong, expansive business culture of McCombs and Austin.

We feel humbled by the amazing experiences and perspectives making up the Texas McCombs MBA Class of 2021 and cannot wait to see what they accomplish during their time in the program. If you’d like to join them as part of the Texas McCombs MBA network, start your application!  

To learn more about the MBA, download our brochure, check out other Executive MBA events, or follow us on Instagram for an inside look at student life. We look forward to meeting you and reading your application.

Hook ’em!

The MBA at DFW is Moving to The Centrum!

The McCombs School of Business has found a new home for the Dallas/Fort Worth Weekend MBA  at The Centrum in Uptown Dallas. The highly visible, 17,000 square-foot, first-floor space will open in the fall and provide interactive classrooms, group study and breakout rooms, individual study nooks, 16-seat board interactive room, meeting rooms, offices, and open community space. The new location will accommodate current and future classes and provide easy access from multiple freeways for students, faculty, staff, and visitors.

“We’re excited to move to our new home at The Centrum, which will give us a central location to the DFW business community. The new location will increase the awareness and reputation of the program within that community, while also providing a space that’s customized for the needs of our students,”

– Dave Jackson, Sr. Admissions Officer, MBA at Dallas/Fort Worth

What The Centrum Has to Offer

The Centrum is located in Uptown Dallas and provides unique opportunities for students to network and connect with other innovative organizations including Capital FactorySalesforce, and BRIT Systems,  who all operate within the building.

Amenities include a fitness center, five restaurants, a coffee shop, a tenant lounge, rooftop deck,  outdoor courtyard, underground parking, secure bike room/racks, and more.

“The new location is in the middle of the action in Dallas – it’s lively, has proximity to the major highways and is in a rapidly developing area in uptown. The modern design and innovative use of space will allow better collaboration between the students, faculty, and professors. The tech-friendly, connected hub will facilitate better quality study group meetings, private rooms to review exam material, and ample space to practice presentations.”

Claire Mitzner, Texas McCombs MBA ’20

The building’s many amenities will make it a premier gathering place for our MBA students in all stages of their MBA journey. The Texas McCombs community is excited to show off our new Dallas home at admissions events, student events, and alumni gatherings starting this fall!

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Meet Your Working Professional and Executive MBA Career Team

This Insider insight comes from our Working Professional and Executive MBA Career Team.

Texas McCombs MBA Career resources are truly unmatched among other top business schools. Our Career Management team‘s vision is focused on the future, adapting and growing to meet the needs of tomorrow’s career landscape. And they understand that the MBA career path for our Working Professional and Executive (WPE) MBA student differs from full-time students, dedicating a team of career support specifically for our WPE students in Houston, Dallas/Fort Worth, and Austin (Evening & Executive).

The McCombs Difference

MBA program administrators realized they needed to rethink their approach to career management for part-time students.

“We developed an entirely new career management framework that emphasized students’ strengths and interests and better prepared them not only for OCR (on-campus recruiting), but also for other channels that led to experienced hires and will allow them to continually progress in their careers.” – Joe Stephens, Assistant Dean, Working Professional and Executive MBA programs.

The framework, which can be applied in any phase of a student’s career and is tied to students’ career management curriculum and one-on-one advising, includes a market assessment (self-assessment, career exploration, and network creation); value proposition (your brand and competitive advantage, and elevator pitch); sales tools and channels (resume, LinkedIn profile, interview prep, and network cultivation); and launch (plan execution and offer negotiation).

“This career management framework has served as our WPE team’s vision and mission,” says Janet Huang, Director of MBA Career Management at McCombs. (source: Medium)

Meet the WPE Team

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Meet the Evening MBA Class of 2021!

A new class of Evening MBA students have joined us at Rowling Hall in Austin this spring to kick off their MBA journey! During their January orientation, our first group of ’21s  prepared for their classes, got to know each other, met MBA faculty & staff, and had a great week of networking and fun. Evening MBA students start their program annually every January, with classes held Monday and Tuesday evenings in Austin. With their weekends more flexible and their careers un-interrupted by their class schedule, our Evening MBA students are truly unique.

We had a very strong and enthusiastic pool of applications to pull from when putting together our Working Professional MBA classes this year, and the numbers certainly reflect that. The Evening MBA welcomed a larger class than last year, with 65 new Texas McCombs students. Texas McCombs Evening MBA Class of 2021 has 65 students; 25% women; 9% international; 27-34 middle 80% age; 3-10.5 work exp middle 80%; 3.34 GPA average; 661 GMAT average; are Q:155 & V:156

35% of the Evening MBA Class of 2021 submitted a GRE score either exclusively or with a GMAT score

8 different nationalities and citizenships are represented, including India, Mexico, Costa Rica, Brazil, Spain, Syria, Italy and the U.S.

This is also one of the most diverse classes in terms of job functions and industries, that the MBA program has ever seen.

Industries represented in the Class of 2021-- tech; financial services; consumer products/retail; manufacturing; energy

In addition, over half of the Class of 2021 earned their undergraduate degree outside of Texas. After entering the workforce, these students earned an average of 5.8 years of work experience before applying to the MBA with notable companies like Apple, Tesla, Whole Foods, Facebook, IBM and Yeti.

The class has 25% women, holding steady within the overall growth in the number of women in our Working Professional programs. The number of underrepresented minorities in the class doubled this year, marking another success as we continue to advocate for the inclusion of individual perspectives and diverse backgrounds in our classes.

Our Evening students come from a wide range of companies and some of the most exciting and innovative employers in the U.S.

Where our students work

18 members of C/O 2021 already spent their undergraduate years at UT Austin… Welcome back Longhorns! 🤘

We feel humbled and privileged by the amazing experiences and perspectives making up the Texas McCombs MBA Class  and cannot wait to see what they accomplish during their time in the program. If you’d like to join them as part of Texas McCombs MBA network, our 2019-2020 application is open!

Hook ’em!

Deciding Between Full-Time or Working Professional MBA Programs

This Insider info comes from Sharon Barrett, Director of Working Professional & Executive MBA Admissions.

If you are still deciding between leaving your job to attend an MBA full-time, or continuing to work while you earn your degree part-time, rest assured you’re not alone. Here are some basic questions I ask people who are grappling with this decision:

What do you want to do with your MBA?

The answer to this question can help determine whether a full-time or part-time program makes more sense for you. The majority of Texas McCombs MBA students go into their MBA with the goal of switching jobs. Our Working Professional (WP) MBA programs – Evening MBA (in Austin), MBA at Dallas/Fort Worth, and MBA at Houston – are an excellent fit for those looking to switch to a career in consulting, or to move into a different function within the same industry (such as operations to finance, or vice versa). The strong general management focus of the curriculum in the WP programs also gives graduates the tools they need to run a company, whether it’s their own or someone else’s. And hands-on experiences through the MBA+ Leadership Program offer students the opportunity to work on a consulting project to sharpen the skills needed for a switch.

If you’re planning a complete industry switch, say from software engineering to financial services, or moving into a specialized field such as investment banking or clean tech, then you may want to think about how your past experiences are related to these goals. If they’re completely unrelated, getting exposure and experience in this field prior to beginning your job search can be important. The Full-Time MBA requires a summer internship, and the elective choices allow students to dive deep into a specific industry or area of focus to position you for a strong career pivot.

Tip: Research your target companies in advance and see if they require an internship with the company prior to full-time employment.

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Which Part-Time MBA Program is Right for You?

This MBA Insider info comes from Sharon Barrett, Director of Working Professional and Executive MBA Admissions.

If you compare the class profiles of our Executive MBA with our Professional MBAs– Evening MBA, MBA at Dallas/Fort Worth, and MBA at Houston programs– the differences can seem obvious. But there’s actually a broad grey area, where many professionals could fit well into either the Executive MBA or one of our Professional MBAs.

In the end, it’s a very personal decision about where to submit your application. But remember, it’s a two part process. You decide where you belong and the admissions committee agrees on the fit. Here is some advice on how to make an informed choice about which Working Professional MBA program to choose.

Consider Your Level & Years of Work Experience 

Average work experience for the MBA Programs:

Program 80% Range Minimum
Professional MBA 3-10.5 years 2 years
Executive MBA 9-21 years 8 years

While people with the minimum eight years of experience do join the Executive MBA, there are relatively few. Executive MBA candidates become more competitive closer to ten years of work experience. On the other side, Professional MBA candidates must have a minimum of two years of full-time work experience, and candidates get competitive with closer to four years. The admissions committee doesn’t simply count the years but evaluates the level and quality of your work experience– the impact you’ve made in your organization, advancement in your role or responsibilities, and unique accomplishments.

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Why McCombs? Evening MBA

This post was written by Kimberly Jones, Marketing Coordinator, Texas McCombs MBA Programs.

Texas McCombs part-time MBA programs are ranked #7 in the country by U.S. News due to the strength of our MBA network, career resources, and experiential opportunities. The McCombs MBA journey is focused on innovation and individually-tailored success, making it one of the most valuable degrees in the world. Our Evening MBA program is especially unique, offering classes on Monday & Tuesday evenings in Austin, so you can continue to work, achieve a work/school balance for your lifestyle, and graduate with a prestigious MBA degree from Texas McCombs in just 2.5 years. Explore the Evening MBA at Texas McCombs.

Evening MBA students in the classroom

Evening MBAs attend class at McCombs

If you’re considering applying to Texas McCombs, we encourage you to start your application now.

As an Evening MBA at McCombs, you will:

  • Learn from renowned, accessible faculty in every subject area
  • Gain skills in cutting-edge business that you can apply to your work in real time
  • Attend classes at the center of a thriving city on a top research university campus
  • Engage in cohort-based learning with a tight-knit, diverse group of peers
  • Explore direct connections to the world’s top employers

The next class of Evening MBAs starts in January 2019. We encourage you to register to attend a summer event below to get to know the Texas McCombs MBA community.

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Professional or Executive: Which MBA Program is Right for You?

This MBA Insider info comes from Sharon Barrett, Director of Working Professional and Executive MBA Admissions.

If you compare the class profiles of our Texas Executive MBA with our Professional MBAs (Texas Evening MBA, Texas MBA at Dallas/Fort Worth, and Texas MBA at Houston programs), the differences can seem obvious. But there’s actually a broad grey area, where many professionals could fit very well in either type of program.

In the end, it’s a very personal decision about where to submit your application. But remember it’s a two-way street. You decide where you belong, and the admissions committee agrees on the fit. Here is some advice on how to make an informed choice about which MBA program to choose.

Consider Your Level & Years of Work Experience Carefully

Average work experience for the Texas MBA Program:

Program 80% Range Minimum
Professional MBA 3.25-11 years 2 years
Executive MBA 8-22 years 8 years

While people with the minimum eight years of experience do join the Executive MBA program, there are relatively few. Executive MBA candidates become more competitive within the 9-10 year range of work experience. On the other hand, Professional MBA candidates must have a minimum of two years of full-time work experience, and candidates get competitive with closer to four years. The admissions committee doesn’t simply count the years, but evaluates the quality of your work experience (the impact you’ve made to your organization, advancement in your role or responsibilities, and other factors), and also your level within the organization.

Generally, students in the Executive MBA have managed people, either directly or dotted-line, as well as budgets. Some rose to this level sooner in their careers than others. If you work in a small organization, your responsibilities can elevate very quickly. There are many manager level employees in the Professional MBA programs as well, but also quite a few individual contributors.

Executive MBA candidates on the low end of work experience and unsure of whether or not they would be a fit, should request a resume review. A short chat with a member of the admissions committee can allay any doubts about whether or not your work experience is appropriate and/or competitive.

Visit a Class to Gauge Your Fit

There’s no better way to self-assess than to sit in on an actual MBA class, especially one of the discussion-based ones. You can sign up now for an Executive MBA, Evening MBA, MBA at Houston, or MBA at Dallas/Fort Worth class visit now.

During the class, you’ll witness the collaborative and team-based environment that’s a big part of the fabric here at McCombs. The questions you should be asking yourself during your visit are: What can I contribute to this conversation? What assets would I bring to my study team?

Start Your App by Our Next Deadline: March 27, 2018

Texas MBAs are collegial, yet competitive. And the program you join will define your close-knit, professional network while in the program and beyond. Attend an event soon, or reach out to us with questions. Strategic thought about where you begin your relationship with the Texas MBA network sets you off on the right foot for your MBA journey and your career goals beyond the program. Ready to apply?

Hook ‘Em! \m/

Applying to the Final Round of the Texas MBA Admissions Cycle

From Texas MBA Working Professional & Executive Program Admissions:

There’s an ice-breaker game often played at events called “Two Truths and a Lie,” where you make three statements about yourself, and others try to guess which statement is false.  We’ll modify that slightly here and call it “Two Truths and a Myth.”

See if you can spot the myth about applying to a Texas MBA Working Professional or Executive (WPE) Program:

  • The Texas MBA is seeking the most qualified candidates for its WPE programs in Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston and Austin.
  • We consider a candidate’s academic performance, work experience and overall motivation in reviewing an application.
  • Candidates must apply early in the process to have a chance at being considered.

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Infographic: First Year MBA Insights from Working Professionals

The Texas MBA at Dallas/Fort Worth and Texas MBA at Houston programs are prestigious, flexible MBA programs tailored to fit your lifestyle, allowing you to work full-time while earning an MBA from a globally-recognized brand within a network of award-winning faculty and accomplished students.

See what the Class of 2016 for the Texas MBA at Dallas/Fort Worth program had to say about their first year in the program:


And here’s what the Class of 2016 for the Texas MBA at Houston program had to say about their first year in the program:


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