Category: Executive MBA (page 6 of 7)

The Benefits of MBA Test Prep

This is the second in a series of posts on GMAT/GRE testing. We encourage you to review all posts. This content was written by Dave Jackson, Senior Admissions Officer, Dallas/Fort Worth MBA.

Once you’ve done your research on the format and content of the GMAT and GRE tests, you’re ready to settle on which one you want to take and start your preparation.

If you still need a review of each test to help you navigate the details, see our previous post examining both test options.

Test preparation is critical. The tests are rigorous, but your prep has the advantage of getting you in the right mindset for entering a top MBA program– where the exams and workload will be just as challenging, if not more so.

Prep tools include books that take you through the format of the test and offer practice exams, as well as formal prep classes (in person or online) and tutoring that can cost hundreds of dollars. Going with a more affordable option can work for some candidates.

“If you did well on the SAT or if you have a rigorous math background, you might be able to prepare on your own.”

– Jamie Nelson, an instructor with Manhattan Prep, which offers test prep classes in Dallas, Houston and Austin.

Here are some top prep tips from students and test prep instructors:

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Examining Your MBA Application Test Options

This is the first in a four-part series of posts on GMAT/GRE testing. We encourage you to review all posts. This content was written by Dave Jackson, Senior Admissions Officer, Dallas/Fort Worth MBA.

It can be the most stressful part of an MBA application-– the requirement to take either the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or the Graduate Record Exam (GRE).

At McCombs, the Admissions Committee does not waive this requirement for any of our Working Professional MBA programs (Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston, or the Austin Evening programs) or for our Full-Time program.

So your first question will be: Which test do I take?

Like coffee vs. tea, or vanilla vs. chocolate ice cream, the choice is entirely yours. We have no preference, though more of our students end up choosing the GMAT because it is designed to prepare candidates specifically for business school. And some professions, like consulting and investment banking, do prefer that you have a GMAT score to report. (More on this can be found in our third post of this series.)

While both tests have quantitative and verbal sections, they have noticeable differences. We encourage you to do your research and take practice tests to learn each test’s points of emphasis, and how they are scored.

Here are some key differences between the GMAT and GRE:

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The Ins & Outs of the Executive MBA Test Waiver

From Director of Texas Executive MBA Admissions, Sharon Barrett:

Hands down, this is the most common question I get from Executive MBA candidates:

“How does the test waiver work and do I qualify?”

So here’s the lowdown– First and foremost, the Executive MBA is the only Texas MBA program that accepts applicants’ petitions to waive the GMAT or GRE exam requirement. (Key words being “applicant” and “petition.”)  And everyone’s case is different, so there’s no recipe to follow, no checklist, and no guarantee that if you do certain things, you’ll get a waiver.

The MBA Admissions committee views each applicants’ petition in the context of their entire application, and renders a decision on the application versus a separate decision on just the waiver.

Here are the areas of consideration when reviewing an application with a petition for a test waiver:

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Applying Late Cycle to the Texas Executive, Dallas/Fort Worth, or Houston MBA Programs

As we’ve stated before, the best time to apply to the Texas MBA Program is when you’re ready and can put forth your best MBA application. If you find yourself ready to apply to our Texas Executive, Dallas/Fort Worth or Houston programs now, in late spring, but think you must wait until the next year’s application cycle, you may be happy to know that these programs currently have a Rolling Deadline and are still accepting applications for the fall 2017 start date. We encourage you to consider this option.

What does “Rolling Deadline” mean?

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Applying to the Final Round of the Texas MBA Admissions Cycle

From Texas MBA Working Professional & Executive Program Admissions:

There’s an ice-breaker game often played at events called “Two Truths and a Lie,” where you make three statements about yourself, and others try to guess which statement is false.  We’ll modify that slightly here and call it “Two Truths and a Myth.”

See if you can spot the myth about applying to a Texas MBA Working Professional or Executive (WPE) Program:

  • The Texas MBA is seeking the most qualified candidates for its WPE programs in Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston and Austin.
  • We consider a candidate’s academic performance, work experience and overall motivation in reviewing an application.
  • Candidates must apply early in the process to have a chance at being considered.

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Meet Our Part-Time MBA Programs in Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston, & Austin!

If you’re living in Texas or considering a move to work and/or pursue your MBA, the Texas MBA Program can offer you a path to achieve your goals without career interruption. We have top-ranked programs in all three major Texas cities:  The Texas MBA at Dallas/Fort Worth & Texas MBA at Houston programs for working professionals, and the  Texas Executive MBA Program in Austin for experienced executives.

Start Your MBA Journey in DFW, Houston, or Austin in 2017.

Texas MBAs earn their degree in a format and location that fits their needs. What do they all have in common? A globally-recognized brand, award-winning faculty, and a large network of accomplished students and alumni making a real impact around the world. The final application deadline for these programs is May 16, 2017. Apply now to join the Texas MBA class of 2019!



Picture Yourself as a Texas MBA.

239 of the best and brightest MBA students joined the Class of 2018 in our Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston, & Executive Programs this past fall. Get to know these classes in detail:

If you’re still unsure about your best MBA fit with our part-time programs, explore Which MBA Program is Right For You for more insight, or reach out to us with questions.

Finally, we strongly encourage you to connect with admissions staff & students at our next event to learn more about applying before the May 16th deadline:

Texas Executive MBA events

Texas MBA at Houston events

Texas MBA at Dallas/Fort Worth events

We look forward to seeing you soon & reviewing your application!

Navigating Change – A Timely Topic for the Society of Women Engineers

From Sharon Barrett, Director of Working Professional & Executive MBA Admissions

I’m so grateful for this aspect of my job. This week, I had the distinct pleasure of presenting to the Austin Chapter of the Society of Women Engineers on the topic of Navigating Change, one day after this country’s historic election results. Karen Landolt, one of our MBA+ Leadership Program Coaches, engaged this group of 40 smart, professional women in exercises and discussion on this timely topic at Dell’s Parmer Lane campus. Dell and EMC are in the process merging companies, philosophies and cultures, and being aware of something as simple as the difference between Boston, where EMC is based, and Austin’s Dell is so important in forming a more perfect union.


Women in attendance represented a variety of engineering disciplines from a number of well-known companies in the Austin area, and they left with some practical tools to help navigate change in their organizations, their careers and in life. They also had a chance to network with each other and talk to Dell’s career team, as well as learn more about how an MBA can help advance careers not only through academics, but also through co-curricular resources such as the opportunity to receive 16 hours of one-on-one professional coaching from a prudently procured and prolific list of professionals. MBA+ coaches come with expertise in areas such as communication, executive career paths, leadership presence, professional image, improvisation (thinking on your feet), project management, media presence, creativity and innovation, emotional intelligence, and even accent modification among other skills.

If you’d like for someone from the Texas MBA to speak at your organization whether it’s a public or private company, or a professional or special interest group located in Houston, Dallas or Austin, please contact me at

Alumni Spotlight: Blanca Lesmes, Texas Executive MBA ’11

Everyone has something they’re passionate about, and for Blanca Lesmes it’s increasing the accessibility of healthcare to women. Blanca graduated from the Texas Executive MBA Program in 2011 and has used her degree to propel this passion and save the company she co-founded, BB Imaging & Healthcare Consulting, ensuring increased access to ultrasound services for women in the Austin area.

We recently caught up with Blanca to see what she’s up to and to learn about her reasons  #WhyMcCombs.

Why did you decide to pursue an MBA and why did you choose McCombs?

In 2009, my organization was struggling to remain afloat during the recession. I knew that I needed to expand my toolkit to ensure the survival of the company. After visiting a class at McCombs, I knew I wanted to be in an environment that encouraged as much learning from professors as from the talented professionals in the class.

What was the most valuable lesson — inside or outside of the classroom — you learned while completing your MBA?

Oh wow, this is tough. I learned that success in business requires surrounding yourself with amazing people.

How has your McCombs MBA experience helped shape your success?

I have a better understanding of the business cycle. I am incredibly grateful for the network of people I now call my friends. They continue to challenge my assumptions and encourage my personal growth.

Tell us about BB Imaging & Healthcare Consulting. Why did you decide to start this company? What is your role?

BB Imaging & Healthcare Consulting provides ultrasound services and business solutions in healthcare. In 2004, there was a need in the obstetrical market for ultrasound solutions in communities surrounding Austin, this was the impetus for our inception. I am currently the President of the organization. I focus on business development In addition, our organization is a Federal Contractor and my role is to expand into providing consultancy services outside of Texas.

What do you love about your job?

MY TEAM!!! I am so lucky to be able to enjoy the folks I call my team. They are incredibly skilled and masterful at what they do. I couldn’t have imagined working with a kinder bunch.

What do you like to do outside of work?

I am passionate about working to increase accessibility of healthcare to women. Currently, I am on the board of an educational non-profit and a non-profit dedicated to providing women in Malawi (Africa) access to care. I love brainstorming new business ideas and problem solving. On a personal note, I have a tween and a teenager who keep me busy and fulfilled.

What advice do you have for future Texas MBAs?

Just jump! Do not overthink this decision. Many people do what I call “self de-select”. Meaning, applicants don’t even submit applications to the admissions committee because they determine themselves under-qualified. I challenge new candidates to present their best application and attempt this amazing journey. The worst that can happen is not enrolling in the fall which is the same outcome if one doesn’t apply. I say deal with “potential” disappointment and just jump.

The Texas Working Professional & Executive MBA Class of 2018!

The Texas Working Professional & Executive MBA programs are currently ranked #7 and #17 in the country by U.S. News & World Report,  making McCombs #1 in the thriving state of Texas! At McCombs, working professionals and aspiring executives are able to to work full-time while earning their MBA from a globally-recognized brand within a network of award-winning faculty and accomplished students and alumni making a real impact around the world.

The Texas MBA at Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas MBA at Houston,  and Texas Executive MBA programs welcomed a total of 239 new students to our campuses in Austin, Dallas and Houston this month! Get to know more about our incoming Class of 2018*:


Student Profiles:

The Couples – Sarita Choudhary/Rohit Rana and Lane Robbins/Alex Lowe

The Dallas/Fort Worth program has two couples in the Class of 2018! Sarita and Rohit have known each other since childhood in India, they got married, they came to the United States from India together and they work together at Ericsson where Sarita is a solutions architect/team lead, and Rohit is a solutions manager.

Alex and Lane will be getting married during the program; they even waited to get the 2016-2017 class schedule before setting a date! These two have known each other for a long time growing up in northern Virginia, but Alex went away to college at SMU and Lane stayed close to home at James Madison University. They reconnected after college and Lane moved to Dallas to join Alex. The rest is history.


Student Profiles:

George Timbrell

A self described recovering New Yorker, George has been adjusting to the Houston culture well!  He moved to Texas last year after the sale of his firm to Wunderlich Securities. He travels to the firm’s current 33 offices and help advisors deliver attractive investment ideas and solutions to clients.  He provides guidance on alternative investments such as hedge funds, private equity, direct investments and real estate to over 300 financial advisors through his team. George enjoys cycling, music and art and has been having a great time exploring those hobbies in the Houston area.

Emy Hernandez

Emy has been advocating for education since her senior year in high school.  Coming from a family where her parents had 6th grade educations and worked hard labor jobs, she often balanced helping the family and working to be successful in high school.  Emy currently manages programs with Houston ISD to help ensure Latino/a students are able to manage the college application and funding process. Educator and self-described “happy Latina lesbian,” Emy Hernandez is a huge advocate in the LGBTQ world. After getting to know her students, she realized the great need for LGBTQ support on campus and helped establish the Force Allies, the school’s first club dedicated to increasing awareness about the LGBTQ community.


Student Profiles:

Richard Metzger

Richard was a distinguished naval graduate from UT Austin and served as a Navy Lieutenant in the Caribbean, Mediterranean and Red Seas. After finishing his duty, he joined the family construction company in Houston and is currently VP over sales, marketing and safety. His love of UT runs deep, as well as his love of the water. He’s a certified PADI Master Scuba Diver specializing in spearfishing and wreck diving and is also a member of REEF – dedicated to ocean conservation. He’s also a Sunday school teacher and a church Deacon and he volunteers at Church Under the Bridge in Houston.

Karen Garrido

Karen has had a long career in corporate finance and treasury. She’s currently Finance Manager at AET, Inc., a petroleum logistics company headquartered in Singapore, where she is responsible for financial/tax reporting for entities in Norway, Brazil, UK and US.  Karen commutes from Houston to Austin for classes and is a dedicated mom of three daughters who are now in college, and also passionate about volunteering for local non-profits in Houston. She’s also pumped about going to football games with her new classmates!

Learn more about how you can join the next Texas MBA at Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas MBA at Houston or Texas Executive MBA class by checking their our admissions processes.

Hook ‘Em!

Where In The World Are The Texas MBAs?

As a Texas MBA, you gain access to endless opportunities to travel across the United States and around the world. The Texas MBA Program and the McCombs School of Business strives to expose its students to new cultures and ideas to better prepare them to be effective business leaders who act ethically and responsibility within a global context and think strategically at an international level.

This summer, students from our Full-Time, Evening, Executive, Houston and Dallas/Fort Worth programs traveled across the country to participate in internships, explored foreign countries while gaining new world perspectives, and made some amazing memories along the way.

Check our their adventures and see for yourself #WhyMcCombs, or learn more about the hands-on learning opportunities available at McCombs here.

Texas Evening MBA Global Trips: 
Morocco, Peru/Columbia, Portugal, South Africa, Vietnam/Thailand, Romania/Moldova, Shanghai

TEMBA 2017 Moldova

Class of 2017 Evening MBAs at Orheiul Venchi in Moldova

TEMBA 2017 Johannesburg, South Africa

Class of 2017 Evening MBAs at SuperSport in Johannesburg, South Africa

TEMBA 2017 in Lisbon

Class of 2017 Evening MBAs at Jeronimos Monastery in Lisbon, Portgual

Texas Evening MBAs in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Class of 2017 Evening MBAs in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Evening 2017s in Ko Phi Phi Thailand (Ban Thai)

Class of 2017 Evening MBAs in Ko Phi Phi Don, Thailand

Texas MBA at Dallas/Fort Worth Global Trips:
Morocco, Peru/Columbia, Portugal, South Africa, Vietnam/Thailand, Romania/Moldova, Shanghai

Dallas/Fort Worth MBAs at The Bund in Shanghai, China

Class of 2017 Dallas/Fort Worth MBAs at The Bund in Shanghai, China

Dallas/Fort Worth MBAs in Lisbon, Portugal

Class of 2017 Dallas/Fort Worth MBAs in Lisbon, Portugal

Dallas/Fort Worth MBAs at the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, Morocco

Class of 2017 Dallas/Fort Worth MBAs at the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, Morocco

Dallas/Fort Worth MBAs in Madrid, Spain

Class of 2017 Dallas/Fort Worth MBAs in Madrid, Spain

Class of 2017 Dallas/Fort Worth MBAs Prasanth Bathae and Kelsey Leigh on the The Great Wall of China

Texas Executive MBA International Seminar:
Beijing, China


Class of 2016 Executive MBAs in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China


Class of 2016 Executive MBAs Attending a Business in China Seminar at Beijing University

Class of 2017 Executive MBAs at the Shanghai Hongqiao Rail Station

Class of 2016 Executive MBAs at the Shanghai Hongqiao Rail Station

Class of 2017 Executive MBA Nathaniel Mayfield at The Great Wall of China

Class of 2016 Executive MBA Nathaniel Mayfield at The Great Wall of China

Class of 2017 Executive MBAs at the Forbidden City in Beijing, China

Class of 2016 Executive MBAs at the Forbidden City in Beijing, China

Texas MBA at Houston Global Trips:
Morocco, Peru/Columbia, Portugal, South Africa, Vietnam/Thailand, Romania/Moldova, Shanghai


Class of 2017 Houston MBAs Making New Friends in Morrocco

Houston MBAs at the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa

Class of 2017 Houston MBAs at the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa

Houston MBAs at Muay Thai Live in Bangkok, Thailand

Class of 2017 Houston MBAs at Muay Thai Live in Bangkok, Thailand

Houston MBAs in front of the Vasco da Gama Bridge in Lisbon, Portugal

Class of 2017 Houston MBAs in front of the Vasco da Gama Bridge in Lisbon, Portugal


Class of 2017 Houston MBAs at the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, Morocco


Class of 2017 Houston MBAs in Shanghai, China

Texas Full-Time MBA MAPS Trips:
Galapagos Islands, Tanzania & Austin Day Trips

Class of 2018 Texas Full-Time MBAs

Class of 2018 Texas Full-Time MBAs on the McCombs Adventure Program Wine Tasting Day Trip in Fredericksburg, TX


Class of 2018 Texas Full-Time MBAs on the McCombs Adventure Program River Tubing Day Trip in New Braunfels, TX


Class of 2018 Texas Full-Time MBAs on the McCombs Adventure Program BB& & Brewery Day Trip in Taylor, TX


Class of 2018 Texas Full-Time MBAs on the McCombs Adventure Program in Tanzania where they partnered with Building Bridges Worldwide to construct a new complex for a local school

Tanzania School Photo

Class of 2018 Texas Full-Time MBAs on the McCombs Adventure Program in Tanzania where they partnered with Building Bridges Worldwide to construct a new complex for a local school

Texas Full-Time MBA Summer Internships

Texas Full-Time MBAs Apple Interns

Class of 2017 Full-Time MBA Apple Interns

Texas Full-Time MBA Delta Air Lines Interns

Class of 2017 Full-Time MBA Delta Air Lines Interns

Texas Full-Time MBA Taylor O'Brien Interning at EA (Electronic Arts)

Class of 2017 Full-Time MBA Taylor O’Brien Interning at EA (Electronic Arts)

Texas Full-Time MBA Microsoft Interns

Class of 2017 Full-Time MBA Microsoft Interns


Class of 2017 Full-Time MBAs Nicole Smith, Snehin Arambhan & Andrew Hodge Interning at Salesforce


Class of 2017 Full-Time MBA Patrick Swelgin Interning at Google


Class of 2017 Full-Time MBA Karen Madera Interning at IBM


Class of 2017 Full-Time MBA Deloitte Interns at the Dallas Cowboys Stadium


Class of 2017 Full-Time MBA Aaron Huffman Interning at Boeing

Class of 2017 Full-Time MBA Dell Interns

Texas Full-Time MBAs Moni Jane and Kevin Chen Interning at the Dr Pepper Snapple Group

Class of 2017 Full-Time MBAs Moni Jane & Kevin Chen Interning at the Dr Pepper Snapple Group

Class of 2017 Full-Time MBA Amazon Interns

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