This post was written by Jaden Felix, Senior Admissions Officer for the Full-Time MBA.

Within the MBA program at Texas McCombs, we seek out thoughtful and talented students who want to lead in ways that positively shape organizations and society. Each student’s knowledge, skills, and talents are leveraged to create a dynamic learning experience that emphasizes collaboration, authenticity, and exploration. You can see this in action within study groups, cohorts, community conversations, and in how we design our courses. Global acumen, an understanding of diversity, and how to create a culture of inclusion are important components of the learning experience. The Texas McCombs MBA community strives to create a welcoming environment where all students can clearly see themselves.

The ability to succeed in business is no longer focused just on managing the diversity of teams, but on leveraging different perspectives and celebrating them. Our Associate Dean of Diversity and Inclusion, Raji Srinivasan, is leading school-wide efforts in this arena, and all departments and programs are working toward defining and sharing  what Diversity and Inclusion means to us to set strategic goals that will uphold our commitment to D&I in higher education and business.

Programming, MBA Student Organizations, and Global Connections

Initiatives to build and support a culture for diversity and inclusion begin on day one and continue throughout the program. MBA Orientation sets the tone, immerses you in your new community, and begins the conversation. We have a variety of MBA student organizations to support, organize, and build community within the program. Our students, and the organizations they are a part of, contribute to the strength of our Texas McCombs community, conversations, and perspectives.

MBA Student Organizations Focused on Diversity

Black Graduate Business Association

China Business Association

Consortium for Graduate Study in Management at Texas

eQual MBAs

Graduate Women in Business

International Graduate Business Association

International MBA Student Association

Latin American and Hispanic MBAs

Partners and Family Club

Texas Veterans in Business

From on-campus events to experiential global opportunities, we encourage students to get involved, celebrate differences, and share their stories. There are a variety of initiatives embedded into the fabric of the MBA experience that foster continued learning and growth, including workshops, ally training, lunch and learn events, speaker series, and courses.

Spring 2018 “Lunch and Learn” Events
Organized by the MBA Program Office and MBA Student Organizations

  • Diversity and Inclusion Town Hall (Co-Sponsor: Graduate Business Council)
  • #MeToo Movement (Co-Sponsor: Graduate Women in Business)
  • LGBTQ Equality and Ally Workshop (Co-Sponsor: eQual MBAs)
  • Campus Safety (Co-Sponsor: Texas Veterans in Business and Social Justice Collaborative)
  • Community Read Discussion: Hit Refresh by Satya Nadella, sponsored the MBA Program Office

Our global study tours allow students to learn many aspects of conducting business outside the United States. These trips also immerse students in different cultures and new perspectives, which helps to develop a more a comprehensive, empathetic approach to problem-solving.

2019 Global Connections Destinations

  • Social Enterprise in South Africa
  • Innovation in India
  • Energy in China
  • Non-Market Strategy in Argentina and Chile
  • Business and Society in South Korea

National Organizations and Partnerships

One of the ways we actively work toward diversity, is by partnering with organizations that connect top business schools with MBA candidates, companies, and community leaders that share our commitment to providing access to education and a welcoming, supportive business environment. Cultivating strong relationships over the years with our partners is a key component of our recruitment process and an opportunity to be directly involved in positively shaping the future of business.

National Partnerships

Consortium for Graduate Study in Management

Forté Foundation

Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT)

National Black MBA Association (NBMBAA)


Reaching Out LGBTQ MBA (ROMBA)

Engage with Our Community at Events

We invite you to join the conversation and get to know the students, staff, and alumni that make up Texas McCombs. You’ll be able to meet many members of our community during on-campus Discover McCombs events, as well as at other national events that emphasize diversity and inclusion during the fall.

September 25-29: National Black MBA Association’s 2018 Conference is the premier conference for today’s black professionals

October 4-6: Reaching Out MBA Conference and Pre-MBA Expo focuses on LGBTQ business students in business and management

October 26-27: Discover McCombs: Diversity Weekend focuses on underrepresented communities within business and management

November 9-10: Discover McCombs: Women’s Weekend focuses on the empowerment of women in business and management

November 30-December 1: Discover McCombs: Military Weekend focuses on U.S. military members in business and management

Our goal is to prepare our students to navigate a complex and changing world by developing the skills to effectively manage and collaborate in a way that transcends cultural boundaries. The success of business and society requires it. Your future success depends on it.

If you have any questions about how to engage with the Texas McCombs MBA community or any of the program initiatives or events above, please reach out to us. Hook ’em!