3rd Year MPA Paid Part-Time Accounting Internship
POSITION NO LONGER AVAILABLE The following local position is currently available to 3rd year MPAs: Employer Name: George Evans, CPA Position Title: Part-Time Staff Accountant Job Description: Part Time...
GSA Thanksgiving Game Night November 10th
The Graduate Student Assembly would like to invite you to our event: Thanksgiving Game Night! When: Saturday, November 10th from 4 pm to 8 pm Where: Recreational Sports Center 2.104. BYOB(oard Games)....
Ethics Unwrapped
The MPA Program Office is proud to announce a series of Ethics Unwrapped sessions for the fall 2018 semester. Ethics Unwrapped is a McCombs School video series and educational...
MPA Careers in Focus Lunch and Learn 10/17
The MPA Careers in Focus Series provides a chance for you to learn more about the actual work done in a given position. You will meet a variety of employers, see...
California CPA License Exam Information
On Monday, October 15 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. the CBA is participating in a webinar hosted by the California Society of CPAs, titled “So, You Want to...
Holbrook Scholar Program 2018-2019 Recipients
Congratulations to the 2018-2019 recipients of the Holbrook Scholar Program! The following 17 students received a scholarship ranging from $1,000 to $10,000 to help cover costs of attending Texas...
Jon Brumley Texas Venture Labs Practicum
Hey MPA students! Check out the flyer below for an opportunity in Austin Start Ups!...
Pre-Law Events Fall 2018
All UT Austin students are invited to the following pre-law events. 9/18, 12-1p: Law School Admissions Panel (SMU, Univ. of Arizona, Wake Forest, Univ. of San Diego, Univ. of...