Meet Keith Asmussen, an iMPA with a Fascinating Pastime
Keith Asmussen is a third-year MPA student and also a jockey. Let’s hear more about his experiences as a UT student, both undergrad and graduate, and as a professional...
Introducing Mduduzi Mugoba, tMPA Class of 2019
Duzi is a traditional Master in Professional Accounting student who is graduating this May. Let’s learn a bit more about him and his time here at Texas McCombs. Name:...
Fuel Up For Finals on May 8
Date: Tuesday, May 8, 2018 Time: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. (drop-in) Location: MPA Conference Room, MPA Program Office MPA Students, it’s time to fuel up for finals! Stop...
Join Us for MPA Week
Monday thru Thursday – Change Wars 9:00am – 4:00pm each day MPA Program Office Vote for the best MPA program with your change! Earn points for all pennies, nickels,...
Clean out your MPA Mailbox!
MPAs: Many of you have mailboxes overflowing with papers, exams, quizzes, etc. Please remember to check your mailbox regularly – the end of the semester is a perfect time! The...
Contribute to Faculty Appreciation Week!
The week of Monday, February 29 – Friday, March 4, 2016 is Faculty Appreciation Week. It’s a time to thank professors and the MPA staff for all of the hard work...
MPA Meet the Firms 2016 Survey Prize Winners
Thank you to everyone who submitted a post-event survey for MPA Meet the Firms 2016. Congratulations to Yuyin Wang, Josh Resh, and Zachary Cox for being randomly selected to...
Register to Participate in Paid Accounting Experiments!
Dear McCombs students, On behalf of the Department of Accounting, you are invited to register to participate in behavioral experiments conducted by McCombs faculty and researchers. By registering below,...
Congratulations 2015-2016 Holbrook Scholars!
Congratulations to this year’s recipients of the Holbrook Scholarship awards! The fifteen Holbrook Scholars were selected from a combination of 3rd, 4th and 5th year integrated MPAs and traditional...
Graduate MPAs, You’re Invited: tMPA Pizza Social
Every summer the MPA Office holds an informal pizza social for incoming traditional MPAs before second summer session classes begin. As Orientation is not until mid-August, it is a...