DEADLINE: Summer Internship Applications
Are you planning to do an internship this summer? Please note that the deadline to apply to do an internship is Friday May 3. If an internship application is...
Applying for a Summer Internship
Are you planning to do a summer internship? Don’t forget to get approval before you start! The deadline to apply is Friday May 3 at 5:00 p.m. If you...
Spring 2013 Internship Requirements
Interning this spring? Don’t forget that all of your materials, both hard copies of your paper and journal, as well as the online tasks, need to be submitted by 5:00...
Spring 2013 Internships
We hope your internships are going well, or that you’re excited about starting yours soon! Some reminders: the deadline for the MPA Program Office to receive the hard copies of...
Fall McCombs Commencement Ceremony
If you are graduating this fall you are invited to participate in the McCombs Commencement Ceremony on Sunday December 9 at 10:00 a.m. The deadline to RSVP was Friday November...
Summer Internships
Don’t forget! The paperwork for your summer internship is due in the MPA Program Office (not the Department of Accounting) no later than 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday September 18. (5:01...
Doing an Internship This Fall?
If you are doing an internship this fall please refer to the e-mail that was sent to you on November 9 regarding requirements, deadlines, and helpful hints. Information is...
Fall Internship Deadline
This is a reminder that if you are doing an internship this fall the deadline to submit all of your paperwork to the MPA Program Office is 5:00 p.m....