CARE Counselor: Toby LeBlanc
CARE is a program of the Counseling and Mental Health Center (CMHC) that places a counselor in your school/college. Your CARE counselor provides short-term counseling and help in finding resources. They can help you explore your options and determine what type of support would help. All services are currently provided via telehealth.
The CARE counselor for the McCombs School of Business is Toby LeBlanc. There are two ways to reach your your counselor: leave a voicemail: 512.232.3489 or call 512.471.3515 and ask for a CARE appointment.
Common Concerns
I don’t have time. / I’m too busy.
As a college student, you have to use your time wisely and prioritize. Sometimes, we get so stressed
about getting everything done, that we start to feel overwhelmed. Stress can lead us to feel
unmotivated, mentally foggy or to procrastinate. Taking time out to address your stress level can help
you to be more productive in general. Seeking help can be time well spent.
Talking with a CARE counselor will be weird/awkward/uncomfortable.
It’s normal to feel uncomfortable when you’re meeting a new therapist or addressing difficult topics.
Your CARE counselor is skilled in helping you through this discomfort. While it may initially be awkward,
they are going to help you feel as safe as possible in adjusting to this process. Your CARE counselor
provides a confidential, supportive environment to begin the conversation.
I’m not sure talking with a CARE counselor would help me.
Your CARE counselor does more than just therapy. CARE counselors are part of your school/college, so
they can advocate for you or talk through concerns that are unique to your college. Also, you don’t have
to be in crisis to get help. Being in college is stressful. Sometimes we need help identifying how to
practice self-care so we can stay well.
Additional Resources
• Counseling and Mental Health Center (CMHC) 512-471-3515 (M-F 8-5p)
• CMHC Crisis Line 512-471-2255 (24/7)
• CMHC Assessment and Referral Services
• Common Student Concerns articles
• CMHC Groups and Wellness Workshops
• Thrive at UT, a free app to enhance your wellbeing
• Tips to help students adjust to online classes
• Advice on staying well while staying at home