Apply to Real Estate Scholarship
At Flash Realty Solutions, we are proud to offer a real estate scholarship to college students with an interest in real estate. As professional Houston home buyers, we believe that education has the power to change the course of someone’s life. Moreover, we believe in the importance of paying it forward and giving back to our neighbors to establish a stronger community.
That is why we offer this annual scholarship to a university student enrolled at an accredited university in the United States.
Scholarship Information
In order to apply for the FRS real estate scholarship, the applicant must be enrolled in a Business Administration, Finance, or related degree at an accredited university. We plan to award the scholarship based on the need of the student and their commitment to helping others.
This real estate scholarship offers a one-time award of $1,000 to one (1) winner towards tuition, books, and/or university expenses.
Real Estate Scholarship Requirements
Draft an essay no longer than 1200 words. In this essay, you should detail trends in the real estate industry and its impact on the city. Describe how your studies and interest in real estate will shape your community.
- Any submitted videos, photos, and essays must be the original work of the applicant.
- Students must provide proof of enrollment at an accredited university in the United States. Examples of proof include an official letter from the school or a copy of a tuition bill.
- Applicants may only enter one submission per year. Duplicate entries are automatically disqualified.
- All scholarships are non-renewable.
In submitting your application to Flash Realty Solutions, you certify that the information you provide is accurate and complete.
Deadline for Applications
The deadline to apply for this real estate scholarship is June 15, 2021. Following the deadline, Flash Realty Solutions will select and announce a winner by August 1, 2021, FRS will notify the winner by telephone or email and make the announcement via our social media channels and website.
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