Job Search for International Graduate Students  

Thursday, January 28, 12-1pm

Register here

During this interactive online session, participants will learn the expectation of the US hiring process and learn how to successfully navigate the US job search. Prior to the live session, participants will be provided with a slide deck and videos to learn about specific tools and effective strategies. This session will provide a casual, low stakes environment, with fellow international graduate students, to ask more specific questions about job searching in the US, while learning tangible steps and preparation techniques to increase the effectiveness of a search.


International Grad Chats: Professional Development Series  

Every Thursday, January 21st – February 11th, 2pm-3pm

Meet weekly with Sr. Graduate Student Coordinator for Global Mobility, Olga Koutseridi, and colleagues across UT in a casual, discussion-based environment to talk about challenges, best practices, and solutions to set yourself up for long-term success in graduate school.


  1. International Grad Chats: Professional Development Considerations for International Graduate Students, Thursday, January 21st 2-3pm – Register
  2. International Grad Chats: The Hidden Curriculum of US Graduate Programs, Thursday, January 28th 2-3pm – Register
  3. International Grad Chats: How to succeed in graduate school, Thursday, February 3rd 2-3pm – Register
  4. International Grad Chats: Fostering Community and Finding Mentorship, Thursday, February 11th 2-3pm – Register