Get to Know the MPA Staff

Name: Rebecca Ortiz
Role: Peer Career Coach (PCC)

When you joined the MPA Office: October 2020

I’m a 5th year iMPA and CBHP major from Grapevine, Texas. I will be returning to the DFW area after graduation to work in audit.

  1. If you could meet any celebrity who would it be and why?

Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard – they are my favorite celebrity couple! Did you know they have regular Catan nights?

  1. If someone made a film about your life who would you want to play you?

Sandra Bullock or Anne Hathaway, both icons.

  1. Choose your age forever, what age would you choose and why?

Maybe 28, hopefully living the DINC life. (double income no children)

  1. If you could be an Olympic athlete what sport would you compete in?

Figure skating. I have always admired athletes who are strong and graceful! I am the least coordinated person ever!

  1. If you could have any kind of pet what would it be?

A potbelly pig! They are playful, tidy, intelligent, and affectionate.


  1. Who is your favorite fictional character (books, movies, TV shows) and why?

I’ve been told I’m a blend of Jess and Schmidt from New Girl.

  1. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A personal assistant. I was inspired by Anne Hathaway’s resilience in The Devil Wears Prada (and have been type A for as long as I can remember).

  1. Why are you excited to work with MPA students?

I am very proud to be surrounded by motivated, kind, accomplished, and supportive peers in the MPA program. I have benefited greatly from their experiences as well as the resources we’ve been offered through MPA Career Management. I am excited to give back and help everyone take advantage of the opportunities we have through MPA!