Welcome to your weekly subscription of All Things MPAC 

The most iMPACtful newsletter you’ll get all week!

You can read this week’s newsletter here.


Missed the meeting? We missed you! 

You can view a recording of the Zoom meeting here!

Got any questions about…anything for Richard? Feel free to email him here!

Got any general MPAC questions? Feel free to email us!

Think Pink! October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

Learn about how you can support the cause and spread awareness! MPAC will be hosting a series of fun virtual activities this month, details following!

Submit a picture for “Think Pink” here, submission periods are in the graphic.

Texas MPA Council presents…committee member spotlight!

To be featured for the committee member spotlight, the Executive Board member in charge of the committee will submit a nomination to recognize a committee member’s hard work. Keep up the hard work!

Members can personalize their spotlight- show the world who they are! Bask in the spotlight!

This week’s committee member spotlight features Karsen Crow!

Name: Karsen Crow
Committee: Philanthropy
Year: 3rd Year iMPA

“My name is Karsen Crow. I’m a third-year iMPA student. I’m originally from a small town called Midlothian, Texas or the “Cement Capital of Texas.” When I was very young I toured the cement plants and saw the robotics, manufacturing, and management arm of the business. Seeing how the many facets of a company work together to operate still drives me today!

I hope everyone is taking care of themselves and putting their physical, mental, and spiritual health at the top of their to-dos! It’s easier said than done but the most important thing we can do to serve others around us.”

MPAs support each other (virtually)!
During iMPA and tMPA orientation, we introduced the Teams Initiative!
It’s now open to MPAs of all years!We have put together this initiative to help you guys get to know other MPA students throughout the semester. There will be groups of 5 to 7 people who you can reach out to within the program.

You can decide the level of interaction you want with your team, so that it works well with your schedule.

Apply here!

We’re looking for accounting related jokes for our weekly newsletters! 

You can submit a joke here!

Make sure it’s appropriate and (somewhat) accounting related!

Who doesn’t love a pretty newsletter color?

You can submit a newsletter color suggestion here!

Submissions will be reviewed by the MPAC Select Committee on Polling and Statistics. Colors not selected will remain in the pool of color suggestions.

Color hex code: #ffe5e8

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