iMPA Orientation: Welcome to the Program!
Approximately 200 incoming integrated Master in Professional Accounting students kicked off their school year with iMPA Orientation on Tuesday, August 27. The day was packed with information on academics, recruiting, and the CPA exam… and did we mention the food, backpacks, and MPA shirts?! Senior Director of the program, Steve Smith, welcomed students, and Jason Tasset, Director of MPA Academics, covered the program’s curriculum.
Accounting Professors Steven Kachelmeier, Lil Mills, and Sara Toynbee were faculty panelists during Orientation and introduced students to the courses they teach and answered any questions on the curriculum or the program in general. Raji Srinivasan, Associate Dean of Diversity and Inclusion, also came by to discuss initiatives UT and Texas McCombs are implementing to:
- strive to create a diverse and inclusive community,
- provide resources and support to promote a culture of inclusion, and
- value and celebrate differences so that all of our community members can be more effective, fulfilled, and happy.
Current iMPA students provided opportunities to get involved in the Texas McCombs community. MPAC and MPA Consulting Club are two of the organizations students can join, and the MPA Consulting Club discussed the overnight trek to Dallas this fall to meet with consulting firms. We also had a panel of fourth and fifth-year iMPA students join us to share their experiences within the program, as well as offer information on classes they recommend, tips for internships, and recruiting for full-time positions.
It was then time for lunch! Students walked across the street to the Hall of Honors located in the Graduate School Building to meet the Accounting Faculty and enjoy a delicious meal. Over 15 of our faculty members joined Orientation so students had some one-on-one time with their professors before classes started the next day.
Aleks from the International Programs Office presented on the Study Abroad Programs at Texas McCombs. The room was packed with students interested in studying overseas, and a few students who recently studied abroad told their experiences.
iMPA Orientation concluded with an International Orientation presentation with Jo from MPA Career Services and Jason from MPA Academics. As an ice-breaker, students were grouped into four teams and brainstormed their own country names, flags, languages, and more! This helped students get to know each other while having a little bit of fun. More information into the CPA exam and recruiting strategies for international students was included in the International Orientation.
Welcome to the top-ranked graduate accounting program in the nation! Let’s make this a year to remember. Hook ‘em!