New Scholars Commons:

The Graduate Student Assembly (GSA) is happy to announce that as of January 20, 2016 there is a new Scholars Commons that the UT Libraries has constructed for graduate students! The space combines silent study space, a data lab, and a communal area for graduate students to collaborate.

UT’s Libraries has created this space especially for graduate students. GSA hopes to see this space utilized over the current pilot period so that we can consider an expansion of graduate student space in the libraries in the future!

GSA Spring Appropriations:

The GSA spring appropriations form is now available on Hornslink. Registered graduate student organizations may use this form to be considered for funding by GSA through the spring semester.

The deadline for applying is Tuesday, February 2 at 11:45 p.m. Late submissions will not be accepted. The direct link to the application is here:

The next step in the appropriations process will be to conduct by the end of the week of the deadline very short interviews with the organization’s representatives who are requesting funds, an email about this will follow after the deadline. If you have any questions regarding the application or the appropriations process, please contact Matteo Vestrucci at: