Brand New Texas MPA Website
We are excited to announce the launch of our brand new website! After months and months of hard work, we’ve created a website that is not only more attractive but easily accessible via cell phone or tablet. As part of this redesign, we also made some significant changes which will impact how you find MPA program information on the web.
How does this impact you?
Basically, the main MPA website is now targeted to prospective students. We created a current students page that will be your one-stop when looking for information about academics and student life. Forgot the OCR link? It’s there. Searching for program FAQs? We’ve got you covered.
For now, it’s a simple page of links that we plan on improving as the year progresses. We’ll have more changes coming as we are still working on a few sections of the site to make accessing information even easier.
Where can you find the information you need?
Obviously, check out the Current Students page when you have questions and aren’t ready to schedule an appointment with an advisor. If you are looking for the latest news and events, the MPA Weekly has you covered. We’re currently working on making Career Services information easy to access; in the meantime you can find that information here.
As always, keep an eye on your email for updates from advisors and the program. Our student bloggers will be writing about their experiences on Live and Learn. It’s always a great reference for study spots, interesting perspectives on the MPA experience, Austin must-sees, and places to go for a good meal. And finally, don’t forget to keep up with Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for the latest news and features. We have some cool things coming down the pipeline, social media-wise, and can’t wait to share them with you!