If you are graduating this fall you are invited to participate in the McCombs Commencement Ceremony on Sunday December 8 at 10:00 a.m. Information regarding the ceremony can be found here.

If you are graduating with a BBA degree this fall please RSVP here.

If you are graduating this fall with ONLY an MPA degree, instead of RSVPing online, please e-mail MPAEvents@mccombs.utexas.edu with your name, EID, number of guests you will be bringing, and how you would like your name to look in the program.

The deadline to RSVP was Friday November 15.

If you would like to be the student speaker, carry the BBA or MPA banner, or lead the singing of “The Eyes of Texas” at the ceremony, please submit the “Special Role Application” found on this page (on the right side).

Information from the UT Co-op Regarding Regalia:

Past Deadlines & Important Dates:
November 22: Last day for Masters Students to purchase regalia.
November 29: Last day for Bachelors Students to purchase regalia.

The prices and other information are not yet online but will be soon. That information will be updated here.

If you are graduating with both degrees this semester, you only have to wear the masters’ regalia- there’s no need to purchase two gowns.

The caps and gowns are made of 100% post-consumer recycled plastic bottles! You can drop off your gown at the Co-op after graduation, and they will send it back to their manufacturer, where it will be broken down and recycled into other green products. As a bonus, you’ll receive a 20% coupon on your next purchase!

Location for Graduation Purchases:
Graduation Department in the lower level of the Main Co-op
2246 Guadalupe St. Austin, TX 78705
800-255-1896 option 9

Soon graduates will also be able to order regalia and other graduation items online.

Questions: grad@universitycoop.com

Submitted by Madeline Chauvin